Angel Standing By

Chapter 21

AJ sat on the bunk, unable to move due to what he had just heard.

"I didn't want you to find out like this. I didn't want you to have to find out at all."

He could feel a huge lump in his throat. "Wha? You're not serious!"

"Alex, just let me explain. When I had you and Claire, as you already know, your father left. There was no possible way that I was going to be able to afford the two of you. Mrs. Beckenthaw and I had always been very close. She was a woman that had always been well off, but once her husband died she was left alone.....and childless. I didn't want to have to chose which one of you I was going to have to give up. Mrs. Beckenthaw said she had always wanted a daughter. Knowing that we lived practically next door to one another, I knew that giving Claire up wouldn't really be like losing her. You would be able to grow up together and still be friends, but I didn't want Claire thinking that she was loved any less since I kept you. So, I permitted Mrs. Beckenthaw to adopt her, making Claire her own. Things would be a lot easier for all of us, or so I thought at the time. That's why you and Claire always had a bond. You're fraternal twins. I was surprised that you two didn't discover it sooner, considering you look somewhat alike."

AJ's head was pounding. He was trying to digest all the information he had just heard. Is this what he was feeling the entire time? A brotherly instinct to protect Claire? This was all so much to handle at one time. "Why didn't you say anything?" He could feel the tears building up once more.

"I never wanted to keep this from you. I guess you could say I was protecting myself. I've always tried to be the best mother possible, but I guess I've failed you tonight. I never wanted to hurt either one of you. I just wanted to give both of you the best life that could be offered. I think, thanks to the decision that was made, that's been accomplished. But I never planned on having one of you feel something for the other. I guess I should have thought about that possibility sooner. So, you see, that's why I felt something for Claire as we all stood in that hotel room. Not only because she's my daughter, but because at one point in time I was young, pregnant and scared just like she is."

AJ had learned to keep his temper down when dealing with his mother. He was angrier than ever that a part of his life had been like a lie, but as he thought about it more, he realized his mom only did what she knew was best. It wasn't her fault that their asshole father deserted them and left them pennyless. "I need to talk to Claire." "Alex, don't mention any of this to her."

"Why the hell not?" This was something that upset AJ. Why shouldn't he let Claire know?

"She's got enough on her mind right now. This is a huge secret to learn. I told you because I know you can handle this, but a girl in her condition can't handle finding this out. Maybe, after everything is over with, we can all sit down and talk. Right now though, she needs to stay healthy and worry free."

AJ could see her reasoning, but still felt like he needed to say something. "Guess I should stop being such a prick to Claire......and to Nick. Mom, how am I gonna be able to keep this?"

She knew what she was doing to her son was unfair. Here she's just told him that he has a sister, a fraternal twin, but he's not able to "reunite" with her. Denise was feeling terrible. "You just need to treat her like you always have. Be a good friend to her. She's needing all the close friends sha can get."

"You know Mrs. Beckenthaw hung up on Claire when she told her, don't you?" "Yes, she told me. Something about her modeling career being destroyed for life." Denise looked thoughtfully at her son. "Guess things don't always turn out for the best, huh?"

"Mom, you did what you had to do. I actually admire you for being so strong. This secret you kept had to have killed you. I couldn't even imagine what you went through emotionally."

They soon heard the others coming.

"I have no clue how to act around her," AJ confided.

"Just be you. It's worked your entire life. If she doesn't forgive you right away, she eventually will." Denise left her son to lay in his bunk and think.

"Hey Denise!" called Claire as she was carried onto the bus by Nick.

"Hey you two! You never quit, do you?"

"Nope!" they said in unison.

Denise looked at them for a moment while they sat at one of the small tables near the front of the bus. She only wanted her daughter to find happiness with this man. She wished better for her than what she had in her short marriage. They seemed to be so in love, and she had a feeling Nick would never leave Claire's side. She had a flashback to the incident in the hotel room, how Nick comforted Claire as she sat crying on the floor. He was a wonderful guy. She felt comfortable knowing that Claire would be in Nick's care. She just hoped the two of them were ready for tha major life change they were about to experience. She stepped off the bus and onto the the other one so they could all head back to the hotel for some rest.

AJ laid in his bunk, trying to think about everything his mother had just told him, when he heard the faint sound of Nick and Claire laughing. How was he supposed to act around her? It was easy for his mom to say, "Act like you always have," but so much had changed over the past couple of years. He sat up in his bunk and saw the two love birds having a tickling match. Brian and Aaron were involved in a game of mario Cart, Kevin was relaxing in the passenger's seat with his headphones on and Howie was in the way back trying to write a song while lightly strumming his guitar. That's when AJ witnessed something, something that the rest of the guys didn't notice because they were too into their own things. Nick and Claire slowly stopped their tickling, looked longingly at one another and shared what AJ thought had to be the most passionate kiss he had ever seen. Then he saw Nick lightly rubbing her tummy. It still killed a part of him to see them this happy. He wasn't quite sure why, but he knew that it was something he would have to deal with on his own. Nick was treating her better than any other guy could ever treat her.....includinr himself. Even he had to admit that he was a bit of a player. He liked women, but he respected Claire. This whole thing was way too confusing for him. He thought it better if he just laid down and got some rest. If he tried to talk to her tonight, he'd end up telling her this huge secret.

"Everything is going to be absolutely wonderful," Nick quietly beamed. "I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!"

"Which would you secretly love for it to be?"

"Well, I'd really like for it to be a boy, but you know I'm gonna love this kid no matter what sex it is." Nick couldn't control his happiness. He felt so peaceful having Claire in his arms. Once again, he was blown away by the strong emotions he was feeling. "I kinda have a suggestion....about the names. I was thinking, if it's a boy we should name him Nickolas Jr. and if it's a girl I thought we could name her Nickole."

"I think that would be more than okay!" He leaned forward for another kiss. When they broke apart, he began to softly rub her tummy again and stared at it.

"What, am I getting fat already?"

He gave her a disapproving look. "Don't even start with that 'I don't wanna gain too much weight' stuff. In my honest opinion, pregnant women can be some of the most beautiful women around. I remember my mom being so pretty when she was pregnant, especially when she was gonna have Aaron and Angel. She just had this glow about her. So don't even go there in sayin' that you'll be too fat. I'm gonna love you no matter what!" She grabbed his face and planted a huge kiss on his lips. He began to giggle. "Now, I was about to have a little pep talk with my kid before the whole weight issue came up, so just pipe down!" He was grinning big.

She gave him a tiny peck on the nose. "Continue please," she said, as if to give him permission.

"Thank you! Hey there Nickolas Jr. or Nickole. If you come out lookin' as good as your mommy, we'll bless you with one of those awsome names!"

"Lookin' as good as me? No, no, no! You've gotta have the Carter smile that your daddy is wearin' right this very second!" she exclaimed, staring down at her stomach. "Then you've gotts have your daddy's nose, his eyes, his cute little ears and that shiney blonde hair....."

"No! Don't curse the poor child! Have mercy on this young life! Don't wish it to look like me!" he cried jokingly.

"What's goin' on over there?" Brian looked up from the game to check out what his pals were debating about.

"She's cursing this poor child, Frick! She's wantin' it to come out lookin' like me!"

"Claire, how could you be so cruel?!?!?!" Brian was trying to sound serious, but his goofy face made both of them crack up. He and Aaron got up from their game, which Aaron lost, and went to join Nick and Claire at the table.

"Actually, I hope it comes out lookin' like this cutie!" Claire said as she reached over the table and ruffled Aaron's hair.

"Hey now, that would be worse than lookin' like me!" screeched Nick.

"HEY!" shouted Aaron.

"I hope it looks like you," Brian said, looking at Claire.

"Look, no one is gonna win. How about it looks like both of us?"

The three boys looked at one another and then turned to Claire. "Nope, just you!" they laughed in unison.

She rolled her eyes and rested her head on Nick's chest while she stayed in his embrace.

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