Angel Standing By

Chapter 22

The rest of the ride back to the hotel was quiet. Brian challenged Aaron to another game, leaving Nick and Claire to rest. When they finally arrived, AJ could feel his body tense up. What was he gonna do? How was he gonna act? He was so depressed. He managed to avoid contact with the happy couple and quietly made his was into his room. Howie was soon to follow.

"Hey man, I'm gonna go take a long relaxing bath. Will you be okay?" He could tell his best friend was in pain right now. He seemed to only have worsened during the trip for the arena to the hotel.

"Yea, I'll be fine." He looked down at his watch. "It's late enough, I think I'm gonna go out and get some food. I don't think I'll be gettin' mobbed this late."

"Okay man, take the key with you." Howie grabbed his pajamas and headed for the bathroom.

As soon as AJ saw him disappear, he reached for his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. "This should be enough," he whispered while thumbing through the cash. He stuffed the wallet back into his pants pocket, grabbed the room key and headed out the door.

~ In Nick and Claire's Room ~

"God, you are so beautiful," whispered Nick as he stared at Claire laying naked next to him in their bed. "It seems like I can never get enough of you."

Claire placed her hand around his neck and pulled him towards her, tasting his sweet lips. "I love you too," she said with a grin.

"You know what? I just realized that we've never really fought. In the whole year that we've been together, we've never had a serious fight."

"There's a problem with that?" Claire was a bit confused.

"No! I just thought I'd point out another reason of why we're so good for one another." He continued kissing her, slowly climbing on top of her. "Claire?" he breathed. "Can we.....?"

"Do you even have to ask?" she giggled.

"I just thought I'd be a gentleman," he gloated as his mouth lovingly attacked her neck.

~ In Howie and AJ's Room ~

AJ quietly crept back into the room. He glanced at his watch. "Good, I've only been gone for ten minutes. Howie'll be in there for at least an hour." AJ sat the three bags down on the table and went for the kitchen cabinet. "That's exactly where I thought they'd be." He pulled the glass out of the cabinet, grabbed one of the bags and plopped down on the couch. He carefully began to pour the bottle of Jack Daniels, drinking out of the glass at first, but soon chugging right from the bottle.

An hour later, Howie emerged from the bathroom thinking he'd be in for a relaxing evening. That's when he noticed AJ sprawled out on the couch with a bottle in this hand and one on the floor. "AJ! What are you doing?" He was appalled by the sight.

"Oh, hey there D! Wanna join me? I have 'nother bottle around here somewhere." He looked around himself in utter confusion.

"No, I don't wanna join you! What's wrong with you?"

AJ's mood changed from completely giddy to depressed. "D man, you just never know what kinda hand life is gonna deal ya." He looked as though he was about to cry.

"What are you talking about?" Howie was beginning to run out of patience with this boy. He was causing his own problems with Claire because he was acting like a prick.

"God can play some serious jokes on you dude. I mean, look at Claire and Nick! They're so young and now they're havin' to worry about a baby."

Howie couldn't believe how pathetic AJ was looking and acting. "Hey, why do we have to bring God into this?" Howie was a strict Catholic and didn't even like discussing religion with the free-spirited AJ.

Howie's comment didn't even seem to phase AJ "Then, he drops the bomb on me by possibly making me have feelings for my sister." The tears were on their way of streaming down his face.

Howie was beyond confused at this point. "AJ, you don't have a sister! What in the world? You're drunk. We should probably get you to bed."

AJ laid motionless on the couch. "For twenty years I didn't know I had a sister either. But all that changed tonight."

Howie could tell he was serious, but wasn't sure if it was the truth or if it was just the booze talking. "AJ, I'm really confused. What are you trying to tell me?"

AJ looked at him as if to say, 'don't you get it?' "D, Claire's my sister."

Howie about choked on his gasp. "Bone, you're just really tired and really drunk right now......"

"Damnit! Stop talking to me like I don't know what I'm saying! She's my fraternal twin! My mom told me tonight after I told her I may have feelings for Claire."

Howie couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had to sit on the bed just to keep from falling over in shock. "Your mom's been hiding this secret for all these years? How could she?"

"Dad left after we were born. There was no way she could've ever supported two of us. A close friend, Mrs. Beckenthaw, had always wanted a daughter. Since we lived close to each other, she figured we wouldn't really be missing out on growing up together. But, she didn't want Claire thinking she was loved any less by her, so she allowed Mrs. Beckenthaw to adopt her, never letting Claire know who her real mother was." He noticed the shocked look on Howie's face. "You're lookin' like how I felt once I found out."

"I'm! Does Claire know?" AJ hung his head and shook it back and forth. "Oh." said Howie quietly.

"Mom didn't want me tellin' her right now 'cause of her condition and all, but I wanna tell her." A gleaming smile came across his face and Howie gave him a worried look. "I think I'm gonna go tell her now. That way I can plead drunk tomorrow!"

Howie didn't know what he should do. Denise had specifically asked for Claire to remain oblivious to all this, but AJ was drunk and Howie wasn't sure just what he'd be capable of if he tried to stop him. "Maybe you should just go to........"

"NO! I'm goin' to talk to Claire!" and with that, AJ stormed out of the room with Howie hot on his heels.

~ In Nick and Claire's Room ~

"Oh god, that was absolutely amazing!" said a glowing Nick. "We seem to only get better and better." HE inched himself forward, so he was face to face with her, and gave her a passionate kiss. "I love you. I'm always gonna love you."

"Nicky, what's wrong? You look like you're gonna cry." She was concerned. He seemed so happy yet his eyes were filling with tears.

"I can't explain it, hon. All these strong emotions that I have for you, they make me feel so wonderful. You make me feel wonderful. All these feelings are so real. I just never thought I'd be able to harbor this much love for one single person."

Now Claire was going to cry. How did she ever get so lucky to get someone as fantastic as Nick? "Sweetie, all I can tell you is that I feel the exact same way."

He laid on top of her and rested his head against her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair. "I love when you do that," he smiled sweetly.

"Do what? Run my fingers through your hair?"

"Mmmm hmmm," he breathed. "I love being with you. I love the fact that I'm gonna grow old with you. I love the fact that you're gonna have my baby. I love making love to you." He looked up at her, making sure to make eye contact. "You were my first and you've been my only. I wanna keep it that way!"

This is why she loved this boy. He was honest and he loved her. Nick completed her like no one else could. Their meeting was fate and their situation was destined. Just as Nick moved closer to her for another kiss, their door was being pounded on.

"Open up sis!" called the raspy voice outside the door.

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