Angel Standing By

Chapter 23

"What the?" Nick and Claire questioned at the same time.

"That son of a........I'll get it!" Nick went from being in complete bliss to being completely pissed in 2.5 seconds flat. He quickly slipped on his boxers and headed for the door.

"C'mon, open up!"

Nick flung open the door and saw AJ and Howie standing in front of him. AJ looked blitzed out of his mind while Howie looked apologetic.

"Nick, I'm really sorry. I didn't wanna piss him off by stopping him."

"Howie, what the hell is going on? AJ's totally trashed!"

"I'm not fuckin' trashed! Is that any way for you to talk about your future brother-in-law?"

"What the fu........what are you talking about?!?!?!"

"Where's my sis at?"

Howie lightly tugged on AJ's arm. "C'mon buddy, let's get you back to the room and sober you up so you can know what you're actually saying."

"I just wanted to talk to my SISTER!" yelled AJ.

Claire slipped on Nick's oversized shirt and went to the door. "What in God's name is going on here?"

"Sissy!" exclaimed AJ, who was totally wasted by now. He stumbled forward to give her a hug, but was a bit forceful, knocking her to the ground and landing on top of her. "Get off of her!" shouted Nick. He and Howie pulled a dazed AJ off of Claire. "Don't make me kick your damn ass again!" exclaimed Nick as he bent down next to Claire. She could feel herself wanting to cry, but had to be strong. "AJ, I don't know what's going on with you lately, but you're not the same guy I was friends with. I don't even think I want to be friends with someone like you."

He could feel his heart sink. What had he done? "I'm so sorry Claire, I didn't.....I mean, I just...."

"You just what?" yelled Nick. "AJ, she's pregnant! You just pushed her down! What kind of psycho are you?" Nick was right in his face as he was backing him out into the hallway. The usually hot tempered AJ made no attempt to fight back. All he wanted to do was cry his eyes out.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Kevin leaned his head out the door to check out the mini riot.

Nick looked at Kevin, then back at AJ. "You know, I was asking the exact same question. "He quickly went back into his room and slammed the door.

Kevin stared in amazement. "What's wrong with him?" he asked Howie.

"He just needs to sober up a bit."

"Well, would you mind helpin' him do it in a quieter way? Some of us need to sleep." He closed the door, not really wanting to deal with any of it that night.

AJ looked at Howie and could feel the tears form. "What have I done? I've totally ruined any chance of getting closer to her."

"Let's just get you back so you can get some rest."

He put up no fight. He simply let Howie guide him back to the room.

When Nick stepped back into the room, Claire was still on the floor, dazed by what had just happened. "Honey, are you okay?" He sat in front of her and grabbed hold of her hands. "Baby, talk to me."

"I just don't understand him. I want so badly to have our friendship back, but not if he's acting this way." She was holding back the tears, not wanting to cry over him anymore.

"Sweetie, let it out. You don't have to put up a front for me, you know that." He pulled her closer to him, guiding her to sit on his lap. She began to sob quietly on his shoulder as her arms clung around his neck. "Just one question darlin'. What was with all that 'sis' stuff?"

She sat there, not sure what to make of it all. "I have no clue. I mean, we always thought of each other like brother and sister when we were kids. Maybe it was his way of reliving history. I don't wanna talk about him anymore," she said sadly.

"Okay then, let's see," Nick began thinking and got a grin on his face. "How about we talk about our wedding! We've gotta get out butts into gear and get that show on the road. I'm anxious to make you Mrs. Claire Carter!" His smile took her to a completely different world. "What kind of wedding are you wanting exactly? You can have anything your heart desires." Nick leaned against the foot of the bed while Claire remained on his lap.

She got a thoughtful look on her face. "I'm not sure what kind of wedding to have. I mean, most people get a year or at least six months to plan one. We have roughly a month."

"He? You've got your mind set on having a boy! You could be in for a disappointment come Wednesday when we go to the doctor Mr. Carter!" she was finally giggling again.

"Yea, whatever! Just call it a 'fatherly instinct'. That kid is gonna be a boy, I can just feel it."

"Hope you're not too disappointed if it's not! I have a feeling it's gonna be a girl."

"Ha! We'll see come Wednesday. Now, tell me, what kind of wedding are you wanting?"

She was happy to see he was enthusiastic about it as she was. Most guys just brushed off their weddings and let the woman decide everything. Nick wanted to be a part of things and she was grateful. It showed her that he wanted to be involved in every aspect of their life together. Any man that had the guts to want to help out with his wedding deserved all the love his woman could give! "Well, it'll probably end up being huge thanks to you knowing half the earth!"

"Hey now, they're all your friends too, don't forget that. Claire Bear, everyone loves you and every man wishes he could have you.......but you're mine, all mine!" He began attacking her with kisses.

"Nicky, you're getting goofy!" Claire was about doubled over in laughter.

"Only with you, sweetie!" he said, finally giving her a normal kiss.

"Hey hon, were you plannin' on havin' all of the guys in the wedding? I mean, I know Brian is gonna be your best man."

"Well, it's gonna be kinda awkward if I include Kevin and Howie and not AJ, since there's no way in hell he's gonna be in our wedding. I think just having Brian as the best man and you having a maid of honor would be best."

"Yea, that would be best,, there's a problem."

"What's that?"

"Well, I don't have that many girl friends. Actually, now that I think about it, I have none....except your sisters. Do you think BJ would wanna be my maid of honor?" BJ and Claire had only spent a couple of weeks together in the year that Nick and Claire were dating, but they got along famously when they had been together.

"Are you kidding? BJ loves you! Plus, she loves all that frilly stuff like weddings and showers. She'd be ecstatic if you asked her to be a part of it."

"Good, then that takes care of our small yet quant wedding party. Now all that's left is BJ and I getting gowns, you and Brian getting tuxes, reserving a church and reception hall, ordering the flowers, cake, food, and getting the rings!"

Nick looked at her, exhausted from just listening. "You forgot one thing. Well, actually two things."

"I did? What could I have possibly left out of that long list?"

"Brian and BJ have to arrange bachelor and bachelorette parties!"

"Oh, I see, little Nicky wants to have some fun before he ties the knot!"

"Hey now! Not that kinda fun. You know Brian and I, we'll probably spend the entire night kickin' each other's butts at Mario Cart!" Claire laughed, then realized he was probably right. "Knowing BJ, she'll probably get you a bunch of weird sex stuff for us to use on our wedding night, so you guys will be laughing your asses off all night!"

"You know, I could see her doing that!"

Nick began giving her his intense stare again. "I believe we were in the middle of starting something earlier before.......well, before we were interrupted."

"Starting something? I thought we were ending," she said in a seductive voice.

"No, when it comes to us, it never ends." His gaze became so serious, but in famous Nick Carter tradition, he had to make a funny. "We just take breaks!"

She laughed softly. "Well then, I guess we should continue where we left off." She stood up and kept hold of his hand, leading him back to the bed.

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