Angel Standing By

Chapter 5

~Outside of Kevin and Howie's room~

"Brian, you have to knock louder," persisted AJ.

"AJ, Nick's room is right there across the hall. I know that it's a longshot since we don't have anything planned for the band today, but if Nick's awake, do you want him to hear noise outside of his door? He'll come out and see what's goin' on." Brian looked over AJ's shoulder. He saw Claire looking at an antique vase in the hallway. She hadn't heard a thing he said.......he hoped.

Kevin slowly opened the door. Brian mouthed to him not to say a thing. Kev gave him a confused look, then peeked his head out the door. He noticed a girl standing in the hallway. She looked somewhat familiar.

Brian finally spoke. "We gotta get in here. Claire, come on."

Claire looked up and noticed Kevin. She got a big grin on her face. 'The rest of the guys,' she thought. 'Nick.........oh man, I hope I look okay.

' When Brian said her name, it hit Kevin like a lightening bolt. "Well my goodness....."

Brian put his hand up. Kev gave him a questioning look. He kept his hand up until Claire was in the room and the door was shut. "Okay Kev, go ahead."

Kev put aside his confusion and continued with what he was going to say. "How's the little pep squad gal?" he asked, smiling big. He then outstretched his arms.

Without thinking, Claire automatically hugged him. She could tell that Kevin was the authority figure of the bunch. "Boy, you guys sure are touchy feely considering you barely know me and you're treating me like a long lost friend."

Howie, sitting on his bed and feeling a bit left out, decided to respond to her comment. "With as much as AJ talks about you, you're already one of the family!"

"Howie," Claire said with a sweet grin. Howie seemed to be so mellow. Why was she reading into these guys? She walked over and gave him a hug. After they parted, she realized that there was still one hug to be received..........but the blonde haired, blue eyed Nick didn't seem to be in the room anywhere. She tried not to look disappointed, but it unfortunately showed.

"Is anything wrong?" Brian saw the slight concern on her face.

"Oh, nothing really. It's just, when you all left Orlando that day, there were five of you, but I've only hugged four of you. Where's the other guy.....uh.....I believe Nick was his name." She tried not to sound too corny, but knew she had failed when Brian's face lit up like a light bulb.

"He's still sleeping. Actually, he should be having to get up soon. Are you into evil tricks?" Brian wasn't sure exactly what he was going to plan, but he couldn't keep this secret anymore. He had to let Nick know that Claire was here. AJ stood there looking at Brian as if to say, 'What are you doing?!?!' Brian just held out his hand.

"How evil are we talking?" Claire couldn't help but sound overly excited.

When Brian heard the tone of her voice, he knew he was doing the right thing. "Oh, nothing too bad. Come on!"

~In Nick and Aaron's room~

As Aaron showered, Nick laid in his bed and slowly began singing to was a familiar tune, one he and the guys had decided to put on their second album to be released overseas.......

"Oh baby I'm missing you We use to love so strong, tell me where did we go wrong Oh baby I'm missing you They say I'll learn to forget, but it sure ain't happened yet......"

Nick heard a knock at his door. His mind was telling him to answer it, but his body was telling him to stay in bed. Discouraged about the whole situation he felt he was in, he got up to answer the door......................

*Missing You-sang by The Backstreet Boys, written by Tetsuya Komuro and Jolyon Skinner

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