Angel Standing By

Chapter 7

Nick was once more completely blown away by Claire. Her hair had gotten so long and wavy. She had grown so much taller........but nowhere close to Nick's 6'1 status, which was fine by him because he preferred it if the girl was shorter than him. And need he even start to think about her body? In his eyes, she was complete perfection............

"Are you gonna say anything?" Claire's question had snapped Nick right back into reality.

"I'm sorry, Claire. I just can't believe how different and yet, how similar you look since the first time we met."

"Whoa! That's a bit too deep for this early in the morning. A nice, 'I'm glad to see you' will suffice!"

The girl had a sense of humor.......something Nick liked! Hell, to date any of these guys you'd need a sense of humor!! "I'm sorry, come on in." He actually had a girl in his room. It was something that was not allowed at home, but he was sure that his parents would've understood......maybe. He watched as she took a seat on his bed. 'Okay, just calm down Nick. You can handle this. A girl you've been fantasizing about for the past couple of years is right your room......sitting on your bed........OH GOD! Just don't make a fool out of yourself or she'll.........'

"So, whatcha been up to, besides the band?"

This girl must have been able to tell when he was in the middle of a thought, because she was constantly interrupting them! "Besides the band? That's all there is! We're always doin' somethin' that has to do with the band. I don't mind it though. I mean, I love music. So, let me ask you something. What on earth brings you to Germany? I know it couldn't be just us!" Nick was hoping she would disprove his last statement.

"Actually, yea, you are the reason."

Nick could feel his heart beat harder and faster. When she said 'you', did she mean 'you' as in the whole band, or 'you' as in singular sensation?

Claire knew that she was going to have to find that strong inner voice, the one that she had back on the pep squad, the one that let her have the ability to lead people in their millions of chants. She needed that voice right now to tell Nick a little of what she was feeling.......but he'd think she was crazy if she said anything of that nature. They'd only been talking for a few moments. She couldn't do anything of the sorts. But she could probe a bit deeper into the private life of Nick Carter! "What exactly do you guys do for fun? According to AJ, you're one of the most popular things to hit Germany!" She saw a modest smile spread across Nick's face. She decided to continue on the route she was on. "You must have fans beating down the doors like crazy. You all must go out on dates an awful lot."

"Actually, I've only been out on a couple while we've been here. It's never been anything serious. AJ's the one who's the dating maniac!"

"Why does that not surprise me?!?! But no one has caught the eye of Nick?"

He loved the way she had phrased her last question. Most people would have usually said, 'But no one has caught your eye?' The way she asked it was almost poetic to him. Poetry had always been one of his passions. He soon noticed Claire giving him an 'I'm waiting' look. "Nah! No one here." Was that too obvious of a statement? Had he just messed up?

"Ahhh, no one opposed to somewhere else?" Claire noticed Nick's nervous habit........he was tapping his foot against the floor like crazy. She thought it was cute. She was never the master at reading guys, but Nick seemed a bit too edgy for this to be just 'friendly' terms. She was never one to be shy, so she decided to continue. "Is there someone somewhere else?" When she asked the last time, her eyes seemed to burn into Nick's. Was she trying to hit on him? Would it be okay if he admitted to liking her? Would she think he was crazy? Nick said the first thing that came to him. "Would you like to go out with me?" What had he just done? He was never able to talk to girls he liked! This girl though, she brought out something in him. He wasn't sure what, but he liked whatever it was!

"What?" Claire was shocked. "Me?"

"Yea you! I'm not talkin' to this TV set over here!"

Claire liked his wit. He was so cute. "Yea, I'd like to go out."

"Really?" The shock was almost too much for him. Then he thought about what he had just asked. 'Would you like to go out?' What was he thinking? There was no way that they would have a quiet evening here if they went out. He would surely get spotted by fans, and then the date would be ruined. Not that he didn't like the fans, he adored them, but he also wanted a private life sometimes. "You know, things would probably be a lot easier if we stayed here and ordered room service. That way, we're sure to not get distracted!"

The thought about the fans occurred to Claire. "Yea, that would be fine!"

~At McDonald's~

"Aaron, quit thievin' my fries!" cried AJ

Aaron just giggled, shoving three more of AJ's fries in his mouth. They had gotten there a bit too late for breakfast, but that didn't stop them from eating there! "Did you want me to get you another order of fries, Aaron?"

"No, Brian. That's okay. It's much more fun stealing AJ's!!"

Brian just grinned and sighed, "I'll be back with another small fry."

"You guys wanna know somethin'?" Aaron asked with a mischievous smile.

They all looked at each other, knowing that he was about to tell one more secret thing about Nick. "Sure!" AJ answered.

"Well, you know that girl that came to see Nick?"

They all nodded.

"I'm not quite sure of this because I was in the bathroom getting ready before I was so rudely interrupted, but when she knocked on our door this morning, I'm pretty sure Nick answered the door in just his boxers!"

The other guys, including the usually mature Kevin, couldn't help but begin to crack up. Brian approached them just in time to hear Aaron tell the last part. "Aaron, what did you say?"

"I told them about Nick answering the door in his boxers!"

Brian covered his face in shame. This was all his 'little Frack' needed. Not only had he embarrassed himself in front of Claire, but now the guys were gonna ride him about it.

"Guys, just don't say anything to him or Claire about it, okay?"

They all saw the seriousness in Brian's face. "Sure," they all said in unison.

Not a thing about them was said throughout the rest of lunch, and Bri was hoping that it would stay that way when they got back to the hotel.............then he wondered exactly what Nick and Claire were up to.

~Back in Nick's room~

"This is better than anything we could've gone out to get!" Nick was happy that Claire was enjoying herself. Nick was having a wonderful time. In the past three hours, they had shared things about their families and childhood. Some things he had never told anyone else.

I'm glad you like it," Nick said. He was proud of himself. The best date he had so far was when he took a gal to Burger King! Needless to say, this surpassed that date! Nick soon found himself staring at Claire. He hadn't meant to, but he had this powerful urge to just kiss her.

"What?" Claire became self conscience when she saw Nick looking at her. "Do I have food somewhere on my face or on my teeth? I hate when that happens!"

"No, you're perfect," Nick said while looking deep into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?"

Claire didn't answer, she just went for it. She moved closer to Nick, until her lips were touching his. It was the most passionate kiss either of them had shared. Claire slowly began to get up from them bed, being sure not to break the kiss. Nick soon found himself laying next to her in the next bed, but made no attempt to move from the position he was in, and continued to kiss her............................

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