Angel Standing By

Chapter 8

Nick could feel his pulse racing. Her lips were warm and soft as they gently caressed his neck. A part of him told him that this should be stopped, but a more powerful side wouldn't let him say no. Just as he began to unbutton her shirt............

"Oh man, I'm sorry!" Howie was stunned at the sight he saw, but he was more embarrassed than anything else.

Nick and Claire quickly stopped what they were doing and looked up. Standing in the door were all of the guys......including Aaron who seemed more traumatized than anything else. "Eww!!!! Brian, what are they doing?"

"Ummm, Aaron, I think maybe we should go play or something."

"But I wanna know what's going on!!!"

Brian ignored the little voice and gestured for the rest of the guys to leave, but AJ seemed to be locked into place. "Well, Claire, I guess you liked what you saw when Nicky opened the door!!!" AJ said slyly.

Nick was enraged. Not only had they walked into his room without even knocking, but now AJ was bringing up an embarrassing situation that Nick just wanted to forget. Just as Nick was about to speak, Claire did it for him.

"Why do you have to be such an asshole?!?! How could you just come barging in here without having the decencey of knocking?" She was really mad, and AJ knew it. He knew that this was his cue to exit, and he did.

Brian just looked sadly at Nick and Claire. "I'm really sorry you guys. They all headed in here before I could stop them."

"Just go, Brian." Nick couldn't even look at his best friend when he said this. Brian quietly left .

"I am so embarrassed." Claire was practically shaking.

"No, don't be!" Nick knew he had to talk fast. This was a girl he wanted to get to know better.........a lot better. "Claire, we were just acting out on feelings. This is something I've felt for a long time........."

"What?" Claire interrupted.

"I said, this is something I've been feeling for a long time and I don't want it messed up because of some little embarrassing situation." He was hoping that he sounded convincing, because he was outraged by the 'little embarrassing situation'. "This is nothing. I've caught some of the guys in plenty on compromising posistions!" He was trying humor to lighten up the moment, and it seemed to be working as he saw a slight smile appear on Claire face.

"I guess, in a way, it was good that they walked in. I mean, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have stopped."

"And neither would have I. I want to know you, Claire. No other girl has left this big of an impression on me. The first day I met you has been stuck in this mind of mine since.......well, since it happened!" Nick couldn't believe what he was saying. He was pouring his heart out and he couldn't seem to stop. "So what do you say? Care to give this a chance?"

Claire couldn't believe her ears. Opportunites like this just didn't happen to girls like her. "Nick, you could have ANY girl in the world, why me?"

"I told you already! You haven't left my mind since the day we met."

"Well, it's not like I'm gonna say no! I'd be crazy to say no!"

Neither of them could believe this was happening........but it was!

~In Brian and AJ's room~

"You shouldn't have said that! I told you at McDonald's not to say anything!" Brian was madder than ever at AJ. Not only was he upset about the comment he had made earlier, but now AJ seemed to have stuck his foot in his mouth once again. Luckily, Brian had his Nintendo with him and was able to keep Aaron occupied while the guys talked.

"Look dude, Nick's turning into a man......Claire's turning into a woman, and if they can't handle getting caught then maybe they shouldn't be doing anything."

AJ's comment made all of them stare in disbelief. Howie, the usual peacemaker, spoke up. "Oh, okay AJ, maybe we should keep that in mind the next time we catch you in the middle of something." Howie's tone was sarcastic, and the thick-skinned AJ was actually hurt by this. "What? You don't have a smart-ass comment for that? Well, that's a first!" and with that, Howie left the room.

"What's up his butt?" AJ knew that he had to put up a protective shield. He didn't understand what he was feeling right now. When he saw Nick and Claire just moments ago, he got a feeling of excitement for his friend, but he also felt this void in himself....... like Claire was no longer 'his'. He wasn't sure how to deal with to deal with what he was feeling.

Brian could barely look at AJ. Nick was Brian's best friend, and he was hurting right now. Why was AJ being such a jerk? This was what he wanted in the first place! This was one of the big reasons he had invited Claire here! He was plain out and out confused.

"Nick's going through a lot right now." Both Brian and AJ were shocked when Kevin finally spoke. He had barely said a word all morning. "We have our differences, but the guy has had it rough the past couple of years. He's young, he's famous, he's the baby of the group, and he has the least experience with girls. I know it's fun to pick on him, but we also have to support him and be there for him. Being his age and having what we have can't be easy. He seems serious about this girl......although he barely knows her, he seems serious. As big brothers, we should help him.......picking on him along the way!"

"Cousin, I couldn't have said it better!" Brian was happy that Kev had summed up everything he was feeling.

AJ seemed to agree, but was still having an internal conflict. How could he be there for Nick when he wasn't 100% sure of his feelings for Claire that seemed to have come out of nowhere? She was always his 'little sis' and nothing more.........right?

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