Angel Standing By

Chapter 9

A week had come and gone. When Nick wasn't rehearsing with the guys, he was with Claire. Even when he was in rehearsals, she'd quietly sit and watch. Over this extremely short period of time, she had grown remarkably close to each of them.......all of them except AJ. She felt as though their friendship was falling apart. She feared that it began falling apart four years ago when he came to say good-bye. She was thinking all of this as she sat and watched the guys go through their last rehearsal before their big show. They looked better than ever.......especially her Nick. She had no clue why she was feeling this closeness to him, but it was a feeling that she wasn't about to fight against!

"How did we look, Claire Bear?" AJ's voice had startled her out of the deep thought she was in.

"Claire Bear? You never told me about that nickname!" Nick had that cute smile on his face.

"That's because no one has called me that since I was about ten!" She shot AJ a deadly look. He knew she disliked that name! Why did he have to say it in front of the others?

"Oh." Nick looked almost disappointed. "Guess I'll have to think of another pet name then.....I kinda thought it was cute."

Hmmmm.......she saw this as an opportunity to get AJ back for what he had done a week ago. "Oh no! I don't mind if you call me that. I like it when you say it!" AJ got a hurt look on his face. The rest of the guys were a bit taken back by this new attitude. Claire had never seemed to be the catty type. They could each feel the tension building. "I thought all of you were great though! You're more than ready for tomorrow's concert."

Brian noticed AJ was still bothered by what had happened. He needed to say something......and quick. "Hey, Nick's been hoggin' you all week, Claire! Care to join a pal for a drink? Coca Cola of course!"

"Go on with Bri. I have to work on this damn drum solo so I don't make an ass out of myself!"

And with that, Brian took her back to the hotel and into the privacy of Nick's room. Howie, Kev, and AJ had agreed to shut Aaron up and take him to McDonald's again! Brian knew that this would probably be the only time that there would be no interruptions.

"So, what's up, Bri?" He was trying to figure out how to word this........but he decided that being straight to the point was better than beating around the bush. "Claire, what's going on between you and AJ?"

She had known this question was coming, and she was relieved that it was Brian was the one to ask it. "You know, I don't have a clue. To be honest, I don't know what's been going on the past couple of years. It's like, you have this rebel friend that few people approve of you having because all the rest of your friends think he's weird. But, you keep this friend because you see what he is and what he could see he's a great person, or at least you think he is. Then, he finally becomes the person you knew was there the whole time, and after you've supported him emotionally and taken a lot of crap for him, it seems like you're not're the old security blanky that he's grown too old for. But then, a major occurrence in his life happens, and out of nowhere he flies you to Germany........and you have no idea why, but you go. He's not even thinking that you have a life of your own........which you don't, but he doesn't know that for sure because he hasn't even bothered calling in the last four years!" Claire found herself shouting a bit more rather than speaking towards the end. "I'm's just, ya know, I had a dream too.......I had some goals that I wanted to achieve.......who was there to help me through like I was with him? I just don't understand him. It's like he's going through his mid-life crisis twenty years too early!"

Brian couldn't help but giggle a bit about the last comment. He knew that Claire wasn't mean or was anger and pain that had spoken back at rehearsal. This girl felt deserted by a guy who was suppose to be her closest friend. She was hurt.......and she had a right to be. He felt as though Claire and him were better friends than her and AJ! He wanted to figure out what was going on with AJ. They were like brothers, but there were certain actions that weren't acceptable, and treating Claire like crap after she had been there for him was one action that Brian wasn't about to stand for. He decided to switch the subject to a lighter topic. "So, you and Nick seem to be hittin' it off great!"

"I couldn't have imagined being with someone better! It's like I've known him forever. His family sounds like they're great, his uncle seems like the kewlest guy (that was Nick's guardian on this tour) and Aaron is a complete cutie! I can only hope that things work out for us! He's just so cute!"

"You think he's cute even when he whines?"

"Yea, even when he whines!"

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