I hope yall are paying attention the names of the chapters, and the various SYMBOLS I've been using in thestory...it'll help you understand the meaning!

Chapter Six


"Chloe, it’s not true. Why don’t you believe me?"

Chloe wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, brushing at the dampness that Nick had failed to kiss away. "I saw it," she typed, repeating herself for the hundredth time that night. "Why are you lying to me?"

The computer screen shone bright in front of her, illuminating the darkness of the night. It was almost midnight, and yet despite her tiredness, Chloe couldn’t tear herself away from this obvious impostor’s apology. And besides, this was the only time she could sneak onto the computer to talk to him, after her father had banned her from the Internet.

"Baby, please close your eyes…let me take you in my arms and make you believe me. Please?" Nick’s plea was a rapid continuation of desperation.

Chloe breathed in deeply, and her tears began to flow again. The memories of seeing Nick kissing another girl on national TV came flooding back to her right then, and the words on the screen grew blurry. "I can’t," she typed slowly, wanting more than anything to do just what he said.

"Please…" Nick typed again. "I don’t know what else to do. I love you."Chloe was gasping for breath now, fighting against the pain in her heart. She loved him so much…how could he possibly have lied to her?

"How can you say that?" she demanded, intent on shadowing her pain. "How can you say you love me when you’ve been lying to me this whole time? That’s not love, Nick…or whoever you are."

"Nick?" she asked finally, waiting for a response. She was hurting…but she couldn’t let go. Not just yet.

"I don’t know what to say, Chloe. I am sitting here, and I know you can see me, with tears running down my face, and eyes all red. My heart is shattering to hear you say that you don’t believe me, after being told that you love me for this long. Baby, I promise you upon promise you, that I am not lying. I am Nick Carter, and I am your boyfriend. I love you so much, please don’t let go of me. I need you. Please, Chloe…please come to me right now, let me prove it to you."

A tidal wave of emotion swept over Chloe’s heart, and pain surrendered to her love for this perfect person. Her tears continued to fall from her eyelids, but she ignored them, and even showed the hint of a smile. Almost as though he could see her already, Nick typed "~kissing that beautiful smile~."

"How did you know I was smiling?" Chloe asked, grinning a bit wider. She was willing to let Nick explain now, and she was even hoping that maybe the videotape was wrong, and Nick Carter really was her boyfriend. Maybe it was her own yearning heart that was opening up to his love again, but Chloe didn’t care. All she wanted to know was that she loved him, and he was real.

"Because I ‘resign’ in your heart, baby," Nick reminded her, teasing a bit.

Chloe blushed. "I’m closing my eyes now," she told him. "See you there?"

"I’m here waiting for you already."

Chloe sat back in her chair, and closed her eyes, blocking out any further tears. Please let this work out, she prayed. If I can’t have anything I want ever again, just give me my baby.

Nick was there, as he’d promised, waiting for her. This time, however, for the first time, he had his back turned to her, and his head bowed down low. Chloe’s heart went out to this perfect person, for she could feel his pain once again. "Oh Nick," she breathed, reaching out her hand to him. I am not letting go, she thought desperately. I won’t let go.

Her eyes left Nick’s back for one second, and she glanced at the scene around them. They were in Nick’s bedroom. His bed lay unmade in the corner, his Nintendo 64 system in disarray in the center. Awards and certificates glorified the walls, and a scatter of pictures of the other Backstreet Boys were tacked to a bulletin board. Clothes littered the wooden floors. "Nick…" Chloe repeated, uncertain of what else to say.

Nick seemed to be in a dream state. He turned to face her, ever so slowly, and caught her eye. The common smile on his face was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his lips were a saddened rainbow, a crescent moon halfway descended into the horizon of night. His eyes, that so often had held a sparkle, were glistening with the sadness of tears this time, and his cheeks were still stained with wetness. Even his hair, that always seemed to turn him into a little boy as it fell into his eyes, was brushed hastily back from his face. A single blonde wisp stood by itself on his head, like he’d disregarded his appearance in the mirror. Or even worse, he’d seen it and hadn’t cared. He wore a green turtleneck and light brown khakis, his gentle hands thrust deep into his pockets. When he saw Chloe standing there, the crystal clear teardrops resting on his eyelids spilled over, and he simply let them fall.

Chloe’s heart broke all over again. Only now, it was for the one she loved standing in front of her, not for herself. Emotion overtaking her, she whispered his name a second time, and stepped forward. "I love you," she mouthed, reaching up to trace his lips with her index finger. Right then, she didn’t care whether or not this person standing in front of her was Nick Carter or not. She loved him, and that was all that mattered. "I’m so sorry."

"Baby…" Nick whispered, his voice choked with tears and the emotion of the moment. "It was an old videotape, an old girlfriend – I promise, I am not lying. I’m sorry, I…"

As Nick had always done before, Chloe reached up and placed her index finger over his lips. "Shh," she whispered. "I don’t care. I love you. I love you for being you. It’s OK. No more sorries." She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him gently on the mouth. She wanted nothing more than to be with him, right then, right there.

"Oh, Chloe," he murmured, running his fingers through her hair. "I was so scared I was going to lose you. I was so scared…"

Chloe kept her eyes shut tight, but the tears refused to stay back. As they spilled over, Nick kissed them away, one by one. "Oh, baby, please don’t cry," he begged, as his lips danced on her cheek. "I want to kiss a smile, not a tear." He stroked her face with his palm, and lifted her chin towards his face.

As Chloe opened her eyes, she found herself only to be lost again in his gaze. The sparkle had returned, the complete unconditional love had once again taken over his beautiful stare. She felt her lips turn up in a smile, and Nick grinned back at her. The same shy grin, the one that belonged to Chloe. "Kiss me," she whispered softly.

Nick drew her in close, wrapping his arms around her waist, and touching her nose with his own. With a low chuckle, he closed his eyes, and met her lips. With newfound necessity, the two kissed, and held each other closer than they ever had before this night. Love surrounded them, and Chloe didn’t pull away as Nick’s arms directed her towards his bed in the corner of the room, and laid her down underneath him. Neither of the two spoke; words were no longer necessary.

************************************************************************** Chloe had thought her father had gone to bed. But, in reality, Robert Woodward was sitting awake in his room, fuming. He knew that Chloe was on the computer, he had heard her typing only a few moments ago. She’s probably talking to that blasted Backstreet Boys impostor, he thought bitterly, anguished over the fact that his banning her from the Internet had done no good. I should go down there right now and pull the plug on that damned computer. Instead, he sat motionless in the bed. He knew that he could physically pull the plug to his daughter’s relationship, but the emotional bond would be unbreakable anyhow. With a depressed sigh, his thoughts shifted to his wife, who’d been killed in a car accident when Chloe was only a baby. No! shouted Robert’s conscience. Don’t think about that, it will only make things worse. He shook his head, as if to physically erase the memories of his wife swimming around in his head. I might as well try and sleep, he concluded finally, laying back on the bed. He wanted so badly to go downstairs and save Chloe from what was sure to be a heartbreak, but he knew he had to let her make her own mistakes, for once. She’d yelled at him before for being over-protective, so this time, he wouldn’t butt in. He would step aside, and let her experience her first heartbreak by herself. With this stubborn thought making it’s way through his mind, Robert removed his glasses and laid down in the bed. Turning onto his side, he flicked off his bedside lamp, and closed his eyes. I love you, Chloe, he thought. Even though you don’t think so, I would do anything to protect you. Even if it means stepping aside.

********************************************************************** A full moon shone brightly outside Nick’s bedroom window, beaming with absolute pride. It seemed to sing, and even dance a little, as its beams of light flooded through the curtains.

Nick pulled away from Chloe’s embrace for one second. Her long blonde hair had disentangled itself from her ponytail holder, and was cascading in brilliant waves around her slim shoulders. She was watching him with blue eyes from beneath long, dark eyelashes, and her smile paled the moon. "Do you know how beautiful you look right now?" he asked her, leaning down on her again. "So perfect…"

Chloe smiled shyly. "Almost as perfect as you," she teased, quoting him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

"Shh…no words."

Nick wiggled on top of her, and rolled over so he was underneath Chloe. She laughed right out loud at his spontaneity. He turned serious right then though, and kissed her neck, her jaw line, her earlobes. "I love you," he murmured, his words tickling her skin.

"I love you more," she whispered. She kissed his neck in return.

Nick’s arms moved from underneath her, and he wrapped his arms around her neck, his fingers fidgeting with the buttons on the back of her shirt. His lips never left hers.

Chloe moved to sit up then, drawing Nick with her. Ever so gently, she removed his green turtleneck, leaving his lips only to pull the obstruction over his head. His hair was all about his head when he re-emerged out the other side of the shirt, and Chloe giggled despite herself. Brushing the golden blonde wisps out of his face, she kissed him again and again. She placed her hands on his now bare chest, and felt his heart beating against her palms. His body was so warm.

"Baby, your shirt…" Nick mumbled, struggling with the clasps. "I can’t…"

Chloe, her eyes still closed, pulled her own shirt over her head, left in only her bra. She smiled shyly at Nick, nervous, yet eager. He drew her in close again, smiling with a love she wanted so badly, and his hands stroked her bare skin. Had it been anyone else, she would have flinched, but the gentleness of Nick’s touch felt completely natural.

She dropped her eyes, and her eyelashes brushed against Nick’s shoulder. Nick’s hands moved back up Chloe’s body, and rested on the catch that fastened her bra in place. With swift movements, he undid it, and slipped the satin straps off her smooth shoulders. The both of them were topless now, and a bit timid. But love for each other propelled them further.

Chloe knew the next step, but she was hesitant. She opened her eyes as Nick’s lips traveled over her shoulders, and down her arm, noticing the belt on his pants. Her hands, resting on his chest, moved slowly downwards, and stayed for a moment on his waist. She wanted him; she wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything else in her life. She breathed in slowly, and let it out again. The smell of Nick’s Gravity cologne filled her nose.

Nick, his head buried in the crook of her neck, inched forward, getting as close to Chloe’s body as he could. She was wearing only a pair of gray elastic lounge pants, easy enough. Grinning, love surging through him, his palms tickled her body down the length of her arms, down to her hips. He slipped his finger in between her skin and the elastic of the pants, and glanced sidelong into Chloe’s eyes, a question in his stare.

Chloe nodded and smiled reassuringly. Her hair had tumbled into her eyes, and she brushed it out slowly. Nick cocked his head sideways, and bit his lip, hiding a devilish grin.

"Can I be your bad boy?" he teased.

Chloe giggled, and began to undo the buckle on his belt. "Well, show me how bad you can be," she challenged in a whisper.

Nick raised his eyebrows, and traced his finger across Chloe’s waist. Laying her on her back, he leaned down and began to kiss her stomach.Chloe, extremely ticklish, laughed right out loud. "Be gentle!" she warned. "I am not responsible for what happens if you tickle me too hard!"

Nick glanced up at her, and pulled himself up to her face. "But can I still have fun?" he asked, faking an innocent puppy dog face.

In response, Chloe kissed him deeply, and shimmied her hips underneath him. "I wanna get bad," she whispered in his ear. Nick’s excited laugh made Chloe blush. He had his hands on her waist, but now he moved them down, pulling off her pants. They slid easily off her hips, and fell to the floor beneath the bed. "I like bad," he agreed.

Chloe’s body tingled with anticipation, and she managed to maneuver Nick’s belt buckle off his pants. All that was left was a button and a zipper. Smiling straight into his eyes, she undid the both of them and wiggled them off his legs. She cocked her head, and kissed Nick sideways.

"It’s getting cold," Nick said suddenly, devilishly suggestive.

Chloe bit her lip and raised her eyebrows. "I think we can do something about that," she replied softly, grinning.

Nick sat up and pulled the covers to his bed over the both of them. Underneath this sheltered area of privacy, Nick laid down on top of Chloe, and removed the only article of clothing she was left wearing. As she did the same, the two paused for a moment, seeing only each other’s eyes in the darkness.

"I love you, Chloe," Nick whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Nick," Chloe whispered back.

"Can I make you mine?"

Chloe smiled gently. He knew the answer already. Instead of words, Chloe kissed him intensely, her body warm against his. His skin was so soft, so perfectly hers. Late into the night, Chloe and Nick made love, under the light of the moon, in the privacy of their own fantasy. And as the horizon of the moon disappeared, Nick held Chloe close in his arms, promising her he would never let go.

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