Chapter 2

That night Nick went out with his girlfriend Jessica. In a way, the only way I knew, I envied there happiness. Nick was smiling as they walked out of the movie theater hand in hand. But a lingering doubt about his feelings for her remained in his mind. Jessica felt differently about him then he did for her. I could read these thoughts as she spoke to him.

Jessica- "I love you, Nick." There was a slight smile on his face, but no worded response.

Jessica- "Why don't you ever say it back to me? What's wrong with you?"

Nick- "Do you want me to lie to you, Jess? I care about you a lot, but I don't love you."

I knew Nick had never been in love before and I respected him a lot for his honesty to Jessica. Just then I spotted a group of girls watching them. I assumed that they were just Backstreet fans, and thought nothing of it.

Girl #1- "That bitch is dead." I heard her say as she pulled out a gun.

Girl #1- "If I can't have him, no one will." Just as I was about to send a wind shot to knock the gun out of her hands, she fired it. It hit Jessica straight through the heart and because of her small form, the bullet passed through her and hit Nick in the shoulder. I went over to them as Nick lowered her to the ground, crying out her name and pleading for help. With magic, I sent two bright signal sparks into the air as an S.O.S. I then started to panic when I saw the heavy amount of blood Nick was loosing. But he was too concerned about Jessica to even notice.

Me- "God, someone get here fast!" I yelled, even though I knew they couldn't hear me. Five minutes later a police car arrived and radioed an ambulance, that arrived almost immediately. They called Jessica's time of death right then and there, knowing that there was nothing that could be done for her. I started to loose my hope when Nick fell unconscious on our way to the hospital. I began to blame myself for this.

Me- "God, please don't let him die."

After all his friends and family arrived, the doctor announced that Nick was temporarily unconscious from the sudden loss of blood. But they were able to remove the bullet and dress the wound in time. His family, Brian, A.J., Howie and Kevin stayed with him for 5 hours, then visiting time was over and the doctor asked everyone to leave. One by one they placed there hands on his or kissed his forehead. Once they were gone, I sat in a chair next to his bed. Now I understood about the pain the Elder Women had told me about. It wasn't physical, it was emotional. I knew he would be like this for a while, because of Jessica's death.

I watched him all night, patiently waiting for him to wake up. As I sat there I started to have the strangest thought, and I didn't know why. My mind started flashing back to times when his hands used to hold Jessica when she was upset, and run his fingers through her hair. How his lips used to lightly brush her's at the end of their evenings together and how I felt his heart fill with warmth when she was around. I knew that he never loved her, but her had cared for her more then any other girl he had ever been with. I couldn't figure out why I was thinking of such things now, but my heart longed to experience them for myself. Even though I knew that was impossible.

As the hours ticked by, I started to get a little more worried that he was never going to wake up. I got up out of my chair and sat down on the edge of his bed next to him. An overwhelming urge to touch him, even though I knew I couldn't, came over me, along with a song that I had heard him sing many times before. Some how I started singing it to him.

"You know I'd go, out of my mind, if you ever left, my heart behind. So I'm beggin' you please, bring your sweet love back to me (please come back to me)If I don't have you, to hold on to. I can't go on, in this world alone, baby it's true(Baby, it's true, If I Don't Have You)If you said goodbye. Girl I would die.I'm a star with no light, a day with no night,If I Don't Have You."

As I sang, I had my eyes closed and I didn't see his baby blues open slowly. When I finshed I opened my eyes and saw him awake and staring at me.

Nick- "Who are you?" I quickly jumped up. He had seen me. I quickly ran out of the room as Brian and AJ were coming in the door.

Nick- "Wait!" I heard him yell. I stood outside his door.

Brian- "Nick, your awake."

Nick- "Bri, go catch that girl."

Brian- "What girl man?"

Nick- "The one who just ran out the door." Brian looked at him confused.

Brian- "Frack, I think that pain killer has gone to your brain. There was no girl in your room."

Nick- "Brian, I'm telling you there was. She had long brown curly hair, kinda faded green eyes, and a very fair complexion. And she was singing "If I Don't Have You," in the most angel like voice I have ever heard." I smiled to myself at the compliment and the pun. Then AJ walked in after flirting with one of the nurses.

A.J.- "Hey Nick, how ya feelin'? How's he doing B?"

Brian- "He's seeing women in the room with him."

A.J.- "Then he's defiantly feeling better."

Nick- "I'm telling you guys, she was in here...She was one of the most beautiful-, Oh My God, Jessica." I walked back in, since he wasn't concentrating on me any more he couldn't see me.

Brian- "I'm sorry man, I guess you know."

Nick- "Know what? What, they couldn't revive her?"

A.J.- "No, that bullet hit her in the heart, she died immediately." Nick broke down in tears. Brian tried to comfort him but Nick just pushed him away. They decided best to just leave him alone.

The next two concerts were canceled, along with the last six rehearsal's. After Jessia Nick refused to leave his house. Partly because of the loss he was suffering and partly because he was afraid. Next time, it could be him taking that bullet. I had kept an eye on him from a distance for the last two weeks, afraid that he might see me again. Of course that really didn't matter any more, he'd already seen me once and my 2 months time had started. But I wanted him to have time to himself for now.

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