Chapter 4

I continued to watch Nick until the next afternoon. Around 2 o'clock, I saw him spread a blanket out on the beach and sit there for several hours just staring at the ocean. His thought's were empty, so I assumed he was just relaxing. I crept up behind him him quietly.

Me- "Hey." He jumped and turned around.

Nick- "Whoa, you scared me."

Me- "Sorry, I noticed you sitting here and thought you might want some company."

Nick- "I was hoping you'd come. Come here." He held up his hand.

Nick- "Sit with me." I took his hand and sat down next to him. Nothing was said for a long time, the two of us just watched the sun set and listened to the crashing waves beat up against the shore line.

Me- "I never quite realized how beautiful your world was. Until tonight that is."

Nick- "Heaven isn't beautiful?"

Me- "It is, but it's more of a place for peace and rest. We don't have sunsets and oceans. Just silvery clouds as far as you can see."

Nick- "That sounds nice."

Me- "It's the only life I've ever known." Just then I felt him push a stray lock of hair on my face behind my ear.

Nick- "Let me hold you."

Me- "Is that like hugging?" He laughed slightly.

Nick- "Except you don't hug me back totally."

Me- "I don't understand?" He chuckled again.

Nick- "Just lean towards me." I did as he said. He wrapped my entire upper body in his arms and held me against his chest. My head rested in the crook of his elbow as I let my muscles relax. One of his hands smoothed away the hair that was in my face. I had never known such contentment before nor felt safer in my immortal life.

Nick- "How do you feel?"

Me- "Very content...How about you?"

Nick- "There's no one word I can use."

Me- "Try one." There was a silence for a minute.

Nick- "Blessed." He said almost in a whisper. I smiled and shut my eyes. We stayed like this for almost an hour until it started to get dark and cold.

Nick- "I guess it's about time to go in." He released me, stood up and helped me up.

Me- "Come on, I'll walk you home." Hand in hand, we walked back to his house.

Nick- "Whatever your heart desire's."

Me- "Go ahead with the concert tomorrow night." He looked very hesitant.

Nick- "I don't think I'm ready yet."

Me- "Well, I think you are. What you endured 2 weeks ago was rough. But it had made you stronger. Believe me, I know."

Nick- "How do you know?"

Me- "Cause I know you." He still looked un-reassured.

Me- "At least sleep on it."

Nick- "Well, that I can do. Will I see you tomorrow?"

Me- "Go to the pier, when you need me." He smiled, hugged me and left. Later that night I felt his thoughts raging within him. Sleep was not easy.

Me- "Your up bright and early." He gave me a half smile.

Nick- "I made a decision."

Me- "And that is?"

Nick- "I agreed to go ahead with the concert tonight. I have rehearsal in an hour." I smiled at the good news, but he looked only down at his feet. This time, his thoughts came clearly and easily to me.

Me- "Your still afraid, aren't you?" He looked up.

Nick- "You knew?"

Me- "It's my job." He looked back at the ground. I put my hand underneath his chin and tilted his face upwards.

Me- "Nick, look at me." His eyes met mine.

Me- "You are a string wonderful guy, and there's nothing you can't do. You have the strength inside you. You have but to call on it, and it will come to you." After a second he put his hand on my cheek.

Nick- "You are amazing. In more ways then one." I smiled as he took me in his arms.

Nick- "I need you with me tonight, at the show."

Me- "I'll be watching you of course."

Nick- "No." He pulled away.

Nick- "I need to see you."

Me- "And let your friends see you talking to thin air? Don't forget, you're the only one who can see me."

Nick- "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that part." I looked at him thoughtfully.

Me- "Meet me here after the show, I'll be waiting."

Nick- "I will, But I have to go, I'm gonna be late."

Me- "By all means." He hugged me again.

Nick- "Tonight." He smiled, ran to his car and left.

"You don't have that much more time." I Turned around and saw David.

Me- "I have 4 and a half weeks."

David- "There's one more thing that you don't know."

Me- "And you wait till now to tell me?!!" I yelled.

David- "You power's will diminish slowly. The closer you get him the more human you become. Because your power's are the source of your high energy rate, you will start to get weak, you will sleep and there might be some pain every now and then. Remember, there is no life without love, and if you don't have it, that phrases will be proven true."

Me- "I can't force him to love me."

David- "Tell him the truth about this."

Me- "That's an extra pressure that he doesn't need right now. He's been through enough already."

David- "You choose him over your own life. Why?" Silence.

Me- "Because....I love him."

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