Chapter 6

The next two weeks were great. If Nick wasn't at rehearsal or a concert, we were together. He introduced me to television and movie's and we'd spend countless hours cuddled up on the couch watching. Later, he got me into something called Nintendo. I became quite good at a game called ‘Mortal Kombat' and laughed every time I beat him and he'd sulk.

I know my time was coming to an end, but I still refused to tell him. I didn't want to pressure him, or force him to say he loved me. I knew those words had to come from his heart in order for me to live.

Nick- "You know, these last 4 weeks have been the best of my life." He said to me late one night as we were again sitting on our pier.

Me- "Mine too."

Nick- "I'm so glad you were picked to be my guardian angel."

Me- "And why is that?"

Nick- "Since angel's live forever, you'll be with me forever." My smile faded at these words and I looked away.

Nick- "Was it something I said?" I new I couldn't lie to him about being with him forever any longer.

Me- "Nick, there's something else I never told you about me."

Nick- "Oh no. I don't think I'm gonna like this....What is it?" I looked back at him.

Me- "I'm leaving, in 2 weeks."

Nick- "Where are you going?"

Me- "I can't say."

Nick- "What are you telling me? Your not gonna be my angel anymore." I felt tears coming.

Me- "I'll always be your angel. No matter what happens."

Nick- "So how long is this going to be for? When will I see you again," Tears spilled over my cheeks.

Me- "Never, I can't ever come back."

Nick- "What? I'll never see you again?"

Me- "No, I'm sorry." He stood up and started to pace as I got up too.

Nick- "Why are you doing this?"

Me- "I don't have a choice. It comes along with the rules of being an angel-." I was about to say ‘angel in love,' but I stopped myself.

Nick- "Rules are meant to be broken! Don't they say anything about compassion!"

Me- "Not this one, there's no way around it."

Nick- "So, that's it then, your just gonna leave me?"

Me- "I'm so sorry. I don't know what else I can do?" I started to cry lightly. He walked up to me and put his hands on my upper arms.

Nick- "Don't go....Kimberly, please don't go." I looked at the ground, wanting so badly to tell him, but my love for him was too strong and it held me back.

Me- "I have to." After a second he let go and walked away.

Me- "Nick wait!...Please wait!" But he ran down the pier, across the beach and into his house. As he closed the door, pain, for the first time, shot through my entire body. I collapsed on the pier, clutching at my stomach and trying to breathe.

Me- "David!" He was there in seconds.

David- "I'm here, come on." He picked me up.

Me- "David, move slow, it hurts." In seconds we were back in heaven. He laid me down as my head throbbed in pain.

Me- "David...When...Will this pass?"

David- "Soon, breathe into the pain." I did as I was told and in a few moments it was gone. But it left my body very weak.

David- "Are you ok?" I laughed

Me- "Depends on how you look at it."

David- "I know, I saw."

Me- "Yeah." I sat up. "I've lost him."

The next day Nick never left his house other then to go to rehearsal. I noticed the weather change also. Dark clouds were in the sky, the air was cold and thunder roared across the land..... I was surprised when Nick came out of his house just as it started raining. He sat right in the surf, letting the harsh rain drops and waves strike his body.

I put up with this for about an hour and a half and then realized he was going to get sick being out in this weather. And the storm was getting worse. I made my way down the beach and came up next to him. He knew I was there, but he didn't look up. I was freezing cold and dripping wet, but I knew I couldn't leave him. I knelt down.

Me- "Nick, please go inside. Your gonna get sick if you stay out here." He finally faced me.

Nick- "What do you care? In a couple of weeks you won't be here. I'm not your problem anymore." His words cut straight threw my heart.

Me- "Please, come indoors with me...Please." After a minute he finally stood up. I took him by the arm, led him inside, and up to his room. He grabbed a pile of clothes and went into the bathroom. I remembered all the nights I had sat in this room, watching him sleep or playing Nintendo. Those were such great memories.

He came out dressed in baggy blue jeans, an off white long sleeve shirt and his hair was blown dry. He walked over to me and handed me an oversized Nike t-shirt and a white terrycloth robe.

Nick- "Hang your dress in the shower and put these on. Your drenched." Knowing he wasn't big on talk right now I went passed him and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I took my dress off and hung it up, and put on the shirt and robe he had given me. I picked up a brush and a blow dryer and dried my hair. When I came out I found him sitting on his bed, staring out into space.

Me- "Thanks for the dry clothes, and I'll leave as soon as this stops." I went and opened the door, ready to go downstairs.

Me- "By the way, Nick.. You were never my problem.....You were my privilege." I opened the door.

Nick- "Kimberly." I turned around and looked at him.

Nick- "Please, close that door." I did as he said, as he got up off the bed and came over to me. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, the only noise in the room was the beat of the rain drops against the window.

Me- "Listen Nick I-." He quickly put his index finger to my lips, silencing me.

Nick- "No more words. If you really have to leave, then there's one more thing I need to teach you before you go."

Me- "And what would that be?" Without a word, he undid the knot on my robe belt and slipped his arms around my waist underneath it.

Nick- "It's called making love." With that being said, his lips found mine in a slow passionate kiss. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

His mind was guiding me through this new event, and I listened carefully. Mt hands found the hem on the bottom of his shirt, grabbed it and pulled it up over his head. He watched as my hands explored and grazed over is body as he took the robe off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I started lying feather like kisses on his bare chest and neck for several minutes. Finally, he picked me up, carried me over to his bed and laid me down on my back. But to my surprise he sat down in front of me Indian style and looked at me. I knew what he was doing. He was waiting for my permission to go any further. I decided to give him my answer through actions instead of words. I came up close to him and straddled his lap. On my knee's in this position, I was taller then him for the first time. His touch was so gentle as he took my shirt off. It was almost as if he was unwrapping a present marked ‘fragile' on Christmas morning. Since that was the only article of clothing I was wearing, my entire body was exposed to him. I flinched a little when his hands gripped either side of my rib cage.

Nick- "You ok?"

Me- "Yeah, just a new feeling, that's all." He smiled as he ran his finger's through my hair.

Nick- "You can trust me. I swear, I won't do anything to hurt you."

Me- "I know that. I've always known that."

He put his arms around me tightly, holding me against him as he kissed my neck and shoulder's with his soft lips. My finger nails ran lightly over his back as he laid me back down. His body weight on top of me felt wonderful as he continued to kiss my neck. I found the buckle on his belt and undid it along with the zipper. After some compromise, I managed to get his jeans and his boxer's off. He came face to face with me and pulled the puffy comforter over us. I let my finger's slip through his hair as he spoke.

Nick- "You are by far the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid eyes on." He took my hands in his and pinned them on the bed. When he entered me I started to cry out, but his lips silenced me. He kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear.

Nick- "Just relax, it will only hurt for a minute."

He released my hands and put both of his arms around me, holding me as I got used to this new feeling. The pain lessened as he looked into my eyes and kissed me. He pinned my hands again and started a slow rhythm in and out of my body. When he increased his speed, I almost cried out again, but he locked his lips to mine, kissing me with an urgent passion. My whole body wanted to scream out in pleasure at this moment. My head snapped back when his thrusting finally pushed us both over the edge. He gently laid down on top of me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. Then for the first time, after he drifted off to sleep, so did I.

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