Chapter 7

When I woke up, I wasn't in Nick's bed and Nick was gone. I was lying on the floor of his living room, wrapped in several blankets, with my head resting on a couple dozen pillows. All the lights were out, but there were a few candles lit and a fire in the fire place. And to boot, I was still undressed. I kept the blanket wrapped securely around me as I sat up.

"Well, look whose awake." Nick said as he came walking into the room wearing only a robe.

Me- "How did I get down here?"

Nick- "I carried you down after the power went out. With the heat down, I put you in front of the fire so you wouldn't get cold." I still heard the storm going outside.

Me- "Where were you just now?"

Nick- "I called the power company, they're gonna send a truck out here as soon as the weather calms down." I leaned back against the pillows as the events of a few hours ago flooded back into my mind. I looked back up at Nick who was now sitting on the arm of the couch.

Me- "You know the fire's nice, but could I get you to keep me warm instead?" He smiled, got under the covers, threw his robe off, and took me in his arms. He held me tightly against him and kept the blanket over me. His fingers threaded through me hair as his lips kissed my forehead.

Nick- "I wish I could hold you like this for the rest of my life. Just being near you makes me happy."

Me- "I feel the same way about you. I don't want to ever leave your embrace." I said as I looked up at him. A sad look came across his face.

Nick- "But you still-." I put my finger to his lips.

Me- "Shhh, don't." I kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. I let my love for him flow freely through my lips and into his. He sat up, taking me with him and not breaking away. When we finally pulled apart his breathing was heavy and urgent.

Nick- "Kimberly, you can't leave. I can't be without you.........I love you too much to just let you go." His words sunk into my heart and mind as I sat up.

Me- "Did you say you love me?"

Nick- "With all my heart and soul. I must of loved you for a long time but it never really hit me hard until you told me that you were leaving. Then, I couldn't picture the rest of my life without you in it. And I still can't." I dropped my head as I felt tears run down my face.

Nick- "Kimberly." He tilted my face upwards to his.

Nick- "If you said goodbye, girl I would die. I'm a star with no light, a day with no night. If I Don't have you." He sang.

Me- "I remember that song."

Nick- "You sang it to me the first time I ever saw you."

Me- "Nick.....I love you too."

The rain finally stopped in the early evening. I changed into my dress which was now dry as Nick got a shower and got cleaned up. I was filled with happiness I had not even dared dream possible. And I knew what had to be done now.

Nick- "God, that feels better." He said as he came out of the bathroom dressed and ready for action. He came right up and put his arms around my waist.

Nick- "I want you too stay here at my house. If you have to leave, then I want to spend every waking moment with you until then." I smiled at him and looked at the floor.

Nick- "What?" What's so funny?" I looked back up at him.

Me- "Nick, there's something that I have to do, and I want you to be there with me." He looked at me questioningly.

Nick- "Is this a trick?" I laughed at his comment mixed with his worried look.

Me- "No, it isn't. Come on." I took his hand, led him out of the house and walked down to our pier.

Nick- "What are we doing back here?"

Me- "You'll see." I looked around for a minute.

Me- "David!" I yelled

Me- "David, I need you."

Nick- "Whose David?"

"That would be me." Nick and I both turned around and saw him standing there.

David- "And Kimberly, you didn't have to yell." I smiled at him.

Nick- "Who is that?"

Me- "Oh, I'm sorry. Nick this is my friend, teacher and fellow angel, David. David I think you know who this is." The two of them shook hands.

David- "Kimberly, I think you have your facts mixed up a little."

Me- "What do you mean?"

David- "Well, you got the friend and the teacher part right. But the fellow angel part, that eases to exist any more." I smiled and stepped up to him.

Me- "So, then I'm-."

David- "Yes, you are." I threw my arms around him as I saw the Elder Women appear.

Elder Women- "We are going to miss you child." I smiled and hugged her too.

Elder Women- "Now one more thing. You won't be needing that dress anymore." She waved her hand and in seconds my white dress, that I had been wearing for over 200 years,dissolved and in it's place a white satin spaghetti strap dress with pink roses on it appeared.

David- "No matter what, you always seem to look beautiful."

Me- "Thank you. Thank you both."

Elder Women- "We'll always be near. Take care of yourself, my daughter." I nodded my head.

David- "And you." He said pointing at Nick.

David- "Watch over her." Nick put his arm around my shoulder's.

Nick- "I will." The two of them vanished and Nick turned me toward him.

Nick- "Does this mean what I think it means?" I smiled at him.

Me- "Yes. I'm human and I don't have to leave anymore."

Nick- "YES!!" He yelled as he picked me up and turned me around in circles. I laughed at his spontaneous action. He finally put me down and hugged he so tight that I thought my blood circulation was going to shut down. He let go just enough so that he could look at my face.

Nick- "How did this happen?"

Me- "Do you remember when you asked me where I was going away to?"

Nick- "Yeah."

Me- "Well, I was going to die."

Nick- "What?" He asked a little panicked..

Me- "You see," We sat down on the edge of the pier with our feet hanging over the water.

Me- "The reason you were able to see me was because my feelings for you had grown stronger over the years. I was in love with you. That enabled you to see me physically. But our rules clearly stated that no human is allowed to see an angel, it could never be proven that there is life after death. So, they gave me two months to get you to fall in love with me or I would die, and you would retain no memory of me after I was dead."

Nick- "Why didn't you tell me?"

Me- "Because I didn't want you to feel like you had to say it, just so I could live. And you had been through so much, I didn't want to add the list of problems. I loved you too much."

Nick- "You were actually gonna give your life, just for me and my piece of mind."

Me- "I would of done anything to you keep you happy and safe. Even give my life." He gave me a long look before speaking.

Nick- "You know, I ve been looking for the love of my life for a while now. But when I find her, not only has she been protecting me for the whole of my life, but she's my heart, life, soul and angel all in one.......Kim, do you know how long forever is?"

Me- "No, tell me."

Nick- "Forever is how long I'm gonna love you. And only you." With that being said he leaned over and kissed me as a tear rolled down my cheek.

The sun set below the horizon, and at the same time id rose up on the dawning of a new life for Nick and I. Never again will there be darkness in our hearts.

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