Duet, Pt. 1

Brian and the others watched Nick shoot hoops from the window of Brian's house. Howie looked over at Brian, "I'm not sure he can handle this Bri, have you talked to him?" Brian sighed, "He says he wants to do it...I don't know what to do." AJ interrupted, "Yeah, but look at him, he's working himself to death...he has been for the last couple of months." The three of them looked at Kevin, who had remained quiet the whole time and was still watching Nick out the window, "What do you expect? It's almost the anniversary of Laura's death...you didn't really expect that he wouldn't react to that did you??" Kevin finally responded.

Brian sighed, "Guess not, I just wish he wasn't doing this duet...I wish they'd find someone else to do it." Kevin put an arm around Brian's shoulders, "It's Nick's song, he wrote it for Laura, he would never want someone else to sing it instead of him. Besides, it's a perfect way to raise money for the Cancer Center." Brian nodded, "Yeah, I know, but still...I have a bad feeling about this..." Kevin sighed, "I know you do Bri but Nick has to get through this in his own way. If he says this is something he wants to do all we can do is make sure we're there for him if he needs us."

Brian nodded again, "So who's this Elise person he's dueting with?" AJ tore his eyes away from Nick, who was still outside, she's some up and coming singer from Canada, she's had a couple of hits there, nothing here yet. Her manager is an old friend of a friend of my mom's so she got the idea to see if Ellie would be interested in singing with Nick. From what I hear their voices will be perfect together..." AJ trailed off as Nick came through the front door, "Guess I should go, any of you guys coming with?" he asked expectantly. "Hell yeah!!" Howie responded, trying to keep the mood light, "You think any of us would miss an opportunity to give you a hard time?" Nick smiled and shook his head, "Guess not, well come on then..."

*Later that afternoon--the studio*

Elise looked at her manager, "So, who is this guy I'm going to be singing with? Why won't you tell me?" Adam sighed, "He should be here soon, why can't you just be patient Ellie?" Ellie laughed, "When have you EVER known me to be patient??" Adam laughed, "You've got a point there Ellie! Alright, I might as well spill the beans now, "He's the song writer...Nick Carter, from the Backstreet Boys." Ellie's eyes widened at his words, "Nick Carter? Oh god...I can't believe this! I've had a crush on him for years Adam!!" she cried out, her eyes sparkling, "I"m actually going to meet him?" Adam laughed again, "Not only that, you're going to sing with him, or had you forgotten?" Elise stuck her tongue out at him and brushed her long chestnut hair out of her face while Adam shook his head in exasperation. At 19 she was just beginning to make her name in Canada and the UK and no one in the US had even heard of her yet, but he was confident that the exposure the duet with Nick would give her would change all that. Plus, the song was incredible, he wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being a hit rather than just a small moneymaker for the Cancer Center. "Ell," he began, "There's something I want to tell you about Nick..he lost...Ell..you're not listening to me!" Ellie turned to look at him and was about to respond when the door opened and Nick walked in.

Duet, Pt. 2

Ellie had always thought of love at first sight as a cliche, but when Nick walked into the room she fell in love, and she fell hard. Her heart felt like it was beating double-time and her mouth went dry. Adam got up and walked over to greet Nick, bringing him over to Ellie, who felt her face grow warm as she blushed in embarrassment. Adam smiled, "Ellie Sandler meet Nick Carter, Nick, this is Elise, known to her friends as Ellie." Nick smiled and Ellie felt like the whole world suddenly disappeared, leaving just the two of them. Ellie watched as Nick and Adam started working out some details, her eyes drinking in every detail of Nick as if she was committing him to memory.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly in a whirlwind of activity. And suddenly it was time for Nick to hear Ellie sing his words and music for the first time. Ellie couldn't remember the last time she had felt so nervous, it had probably been years ago, when she was still getting used to singing in front of crowds. Her throat went dry and she swallowed a few gulps of water before she began to sing, her nervousness soon forgotten as she filled Nick's words with passion and meaning. Brian watched Nick closely and saw a familiar look come over Nick's face just before he jumped up from his seat and ran from the room. Kevin had been watching too and he put a comforting hand on Brian's shoulder before he went after Nick. Ellie was oblivious to the unfolding drama, too caught up in the words and music to realize that Nick was gone.

*Outside the studio*

Kevin found Nick sitting against a wall in the parking lot, his arms around his knees as if he sought comfort. Kevin crouched down next to him, "Nicky?" Nick looked over at him, "Sometimes I can't believe that I will never see her again Kev...it's like she's still here with me....I keep turning around expecting her to be there. And then, there are days, much like today, when I feel her loss as if I'm missing a limb." Kevin sighed, "Nicky, you don't have to do this...they can find someone else to sing this with Ellie." Nick shook his head, "No, I have to do this. I'll be all right..." he said, standing up, "I better get back in there before they wonder what happened to me."

As the final notes died away Ellie was greeted with a stunned silence. She looked around, not sure what was going on, then suddenly the room erupted in applause and the various listeners went up to congratulate her. Ellie looked around for Nick and, not seeing him, turned to Brian with a questioning look. Brian was about to answer when Adam cut in, "Ellie, I think it was a bit much for Nick...he was sick himself a couple of years ago..." Ellie's eyes widened and she looked at Brian, "But he's ok now right?" she asked almost fearfully. "I'm absolutely fine," Nick responded, overhearing the conversation as he came back in the room, "I'm sorry I left...it's the first time I've heard anyone else sing this and...well, it hit me kinda hard..." Adam interrupted again, "You were incredible Ellie, I for one can't wait to hear the two of you together!" Nick smiled, "Same here...why don't we start practising?"

Brian walked over to Kevin, "Well?" "He's okay Bri...try not to worry so much," Kevin responded. Brian looked at him, "Maybe you aren't worrying about him enough. What makes you so sure he can handle this?" Howie joined them, "What's up? What's going on? Is Nick ok?" Brian shrugged, "Kev here seems to think so, I'm not so sure. You saw him Howie, what do you think?" Howie looked from Kevin to Brian and back again, "I don't know...sometimes Nick can be so hard to read. But I'll tell you something, Ellie has a HUGE crush on him already, you can tell from how she looks at him..." Brian groaned, "Oh great..." Kevin interrupted, "Don't worry so much Brian, I asked Adam to fill Ellie in on Nick's situation, she's smart enough not to know he's not available." Brian looked at him, "I hope for her sake that you're right. As strong as you seem to think Nick is there's no way he could handle that right now, no way."

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