Duet, Pt. 13

*A few weeks later--A BBQ at Kevin's house*

AJ looked over at Howie, "So has Nicky said anything to you about what happened with Ellie?" Howie shook his head, "Nope...from what I understand he hasn't said much of anything to anyone, including Kev and Rae." AJ chewed on his lower lip, "Well, is he coming tonight?" Howie shook his head again, "I don't think so...he's pretty much been keeping to himself since Ellie left town. You know how MTV started playing the video for their duet? Bri said Nick won't even watch it...but I wonder if that's because of Laura or because of Ellie. He won't listen to it if it comes on the radio either...I don't think Nicky was expecting it to become a hit...it must be bringing up some awful memories for him." AJ sighed, "We all told him it was an incredible song...how come he never listens to us?" Howie laughed, "He's just being a kid brother...it's his job not to listen to us!" Just then Kevin came out of the kitchen with a couple of beers, "What's so funny?" AJ laughed, "I was complaining that Nicky never listens to us...and D was reminding me he's just being a kid brother!" Kevin's expression changed at the mention of Nick, "I wish he'd talk to one of us about what happened. He won't even talk to Rae about it...and he usually can't say no to her." Howie looked over at him, "What about getting in touch with Ellie and asking her? She did give me her number before she left..."

*At Nick's house*

Nick turned on the TV and then groaned in frustration as he heard his own disembodied voice from the speakers, "Great, just fucking great..." He ran his hands through his hair and for what seemed like the thousandth time his thoughts returned to his last conversation with Ellie. "I miss you..." he whispered, the longing washing over him like a wave. He was only half listening to the TV when he heard the words ...along with Carter, is scheduled to perform the song live at the Carousel Ball to benefit the American Cancer Society. The duet, written by Carter for his late wife Laura, was released to benefit the cancer center where both Carter and his wife were treated, but thanks to some great songwriting and singing it's turning out to be a huge hit..." Nick paled, the blood rushing in his ears blocking out the rest of the announcer's words as he realized that he was going to be coming face to face with Ellie in the not too distant future. He picked up the phone to contact his manager, hoping that he had misheard the announcer, even as a part of him took flight at the thought of seeing her again.

*The night of the Carousel Ball--weeks later*

Ellie paced around nervously, wondering when Nick was going to show up. She couldn't remember ever having been so nervous before--she felt like her entire life depended on what happened when they saw each other again. "Ellie?" she spun around as soon as she heard her name, her heart beating double time. Her eyes widened at the sight of him, dressed in a tuxedo, looking even more handsome than she remembered, "Hi..hi...Nick..." she stammered. Nick gazed at her, thinking about how she took his breath away. He was the first to speak again, "Why don't we rehearse this a little...??" Ellie nodded and they settled down to rehearse, their awkwardness forgotten as they became wrapped up in the music.

*Later that night*

Their performance had been a huge success, earning them a long standing ovation. Ellie smiled at Nick, watching him turn shy because of all the attention being directed to them. She looked at her watch and realized that it was after 2 a.m. and that she needed to get home so she could get some sleep before her flight home the next morning. She looked around so she could say goodbye to Nick and realized that he had disappeared without saying anything to her and she felt the tears of frustration and regret start to burn again at the back of her eyes. She got her coat and headed out to the waiting limo, the tears already cascading down her cheeks. She was just about to climb into the car when someone grabbed her arm, "Ellie...were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" Nick asked. Ellie didn't respond, not wanting Nick to see her crying, but he turned her around to face him and his eyes widened as he saw her tear-stained face. "Oh god...Ellie...please baby...don't cry..." he whispered, pulling her into his arms.

Duet, Pt. 14

"We need to talk," he whispered against her hair as he held her trembling body in his arms. Ellie nodded and she and Nick climbed into the limo to head back to her hotel, Nick's arms still wrapped around her. The ride to the hotel was silent, neither of them wanting to start what they both knew would be a serious and vitally important conversation.

*At the hotel*

Ellie removed Nick's arms from around her waist, stepping out of the limo and walking on into the hotel without looking back. Nick sighed and followed her, trying to take her hand, but she pushed him away. By the time they got to her hotel room Nick was extremely nervous, wondering what the next few minutes was going to bring. They walked into the room and Nick sat down on the couch, waiting for Ellie to say something. Finally he could stand it no longer, "El...about the fight we had...I'm sorry...I..." Ellie interrupted him, "What about the next time Nick...are you going to walk away from me again? I understand, rationally, that you aren't ready to make any kind of commitment to me--but it's my heart that needs to be sure. I'm asking you to understand that I've been in love with you a long time now and I know what I want from this relationship. That means sometimes I'm gonna screw up, like I did the last time. How do I know that you're willing to stay and fight for what we have instead of just getting furious and walking away?"

Nick stood up and started pacing around the room, not saying anything as he thought about what she had said, and about what he was going to say back to her. He finally turned to her, "Dammit Ellie, you chose to say those things to me on the anniversary of my wife's death. I wasn't ready to have that conversation with you. I know that you needed to say what you said...it...it just blind-sided me. I opened my heart to you El, that's something I swore I'd never do again after I lost Laur...and you came back at me with all this...this stuff...shit, Ellie, I know you're scared. I'm scared too...in fact, I'm fucking terrified." He walked over to her and took her hands in his, "I don't want to walk away from you again...the last few weeks hurt like hell. I'd rather have you in my life, no matter how scary that is, than try to move on without you. Is that enough of a commitment?" He looked down at her, his blue eyes pleading, and she knew she couldn't lose bear to lose him again. Ellie took a deep, shaky breath and nodded, too afraid to speak. Nick cupped her face in his hands and bent his head to kiss her as she melted against him, her heart beating faster than she could ever remember.

*The next morning*

Ellie awoke first, a little disoriented at realizing that she was in bed with someone. She looked over at Nick, who still slept, his blond hair in his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. She smiled back at him, thinkingback to falling asleep in his arms after they had talked for hours. Nick has been too tired to undress and still wore his dress shirt and tuxedo pants, the jacket and bow tie tossed carelessly on the floor. She lay as still as she could, not wanting to wake him, even as her arms ached to wrap themselves around him and her lips longed for his kiss. She almost couldn't believe that he was with her in her bed, his body pressed up against her. She cuddled closer to him and fell asleep again, lulled by the heat radiating from his body.

When Ellie woke up again a little later she was alone and the shock of Nick's absence sent her flying from the bed room into the main room of the suite. Her eyes detected a note on the desk and she picked it up, her hands shaking a little. She was just about to read it when the door to the suite opened and Nick walked in carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. He grinned at her, "Damn...I was hoping you'd still be sleeping..." Ellie laughed, "I was about to have a heart attack when I realized that you were gone..." Nick's eyes widened, "I left a note..." Ellie waved it in front of his face, "Yes you did, but I hadn't had a chance to read it yet!" He smiled and handed her the flowers, "For you..." She took them, laughing at the wrinkled state of his clothing, "You must have gotten some strange looks while you were out getting these!" Nick laughed, "Well, one nice elderly couple gave me two thumbs up when they saw me with the flowers!!" Suddenly the expression on his face changed, "Ellie...I just remembered that they were heading out to the airport...I have to be back in Orlando today. We have some interviews tonight."

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