Duet, Pt. 17

Ellie stood in the middle of the room, her heart beating wildly, unable to move, unable to breathe. Her heart was beating so fast she thought her chest was going to explode. She heard a sound and looked over, startled to see Nick coming back into the room, a strange but determined expression on his face. Nick took one look at her and in a few long strides he was in front of her, "I got as far as the elevator...and then I remembered the promise I made you..." Ellie stared up at him, not sure what to do, and Nick pulled her into his arms, "Is this what you want?? Is it??" and he took her lips with his in a kiss that was far from gentle, his tongue ravishing the inside of her mouth. Ellie responded to his kiss, her need for him burning within her, and Nick began raining kisses on her face, kissing her nose and her eyelids, and then moving his lips to her ear. Her skin burned wherever he touched her and she moaned against him, not wanting him to stop. She could feel how turned on he was as he pressed himself against her body and she tilted her head back, giving him full access to her neck. Nick sucked on her tender flesh before moving his lips to her collarbone and sucking on the end of it as she felt the heat pool in her center.

Nick moved his lips back up to hers, which were now bruised and swollen from the force of his kiss, "Is this what you want Ellie?" he murmured against her mouth. Unable to speak she tightened her arms around his neck and kissed him, her tongue entering his mouth. Nick growled against her and then pulled away, causing her to whimper. He stared deeply into her eyes and pulled his shirt over his head before pulling her close to him again, "Do what you did before..." he whispered against her ear. Ellie smiled and began to kiss her way down his chest again as Nick threw back his head and growled. She was feathering tiny kisses around his nipple when Nick pulled away again, "I want to look at you...take your clothes off...I want to feel your skin against mine..." His words sent little tremors up and down her spine and her hands started shaking as she tried to unbutton her shirt. Nick watched her for a moment and then, cursing under his breath, he grabbed her shirt and ripped it open for her, sliding it off her shoulders. He gazed adoringly at her, his fingers running over her breasts as she closed her eyes, her nipples already rock hard and eager for his touch.

Nick reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra, pulling it off her and tossing it to the floor. "My god, you're so beautiful," Nick moaned against her hair, pulling her against him so that their skins touched. Ellie gasped at the heat of his body against hers and then closed her eyes as she felt Nick's long fingers stroke her bare back before moving to the waistband of her jeans. She pulled away from Nick and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them off with her panties until she stood before him naked and vulnerable. Nick stared at her and she felt herself get warmer and wetter under his heated gaze. He began running his fingers up and down her body, exploring every inch of her as if a blind man trying to see. His lips took hers again, in a kiss more passionate than the last and then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down and then stepping away to remove the rest of his clothes before he lay on top of her as her fingers wound into his hair. "I want you..." he murmured against her lips, his voice roughened with emotion, "Tell me you want me..." She smiled, "I want you Nicky...please make love to me...please baby..." Nick sighed and drew in a shaky breath, "Ellie..." "Shhhhh...." she whispered, placing a finger to his lips, "Please baby...I need you so much...I want to feel you inside me...I need to feel you inside me...make me yours and only yours...I love you so much..." Nick stared into her eyes and then he took her lips with his once again, and they kissed as if their souls were trying to touch before Nick began to move his mouth down her body.

Ellie awoke early the next morning in Nick's arms and she smiled slowly as she remembered the events of the previous night. She gazed at Nick, her eyes wandering over his body as she thought about what they had done to each other and a blush rose in her cheeks. Reluctantly she moved from his arms and got up to take shower, wanting to let Nick sleep as long as possible. She bent down to kiss his cheek, "I love you Nicky..." she whispered right before she headed into the bathroom. Nick stirred as she disappeared into the other room, "Love you El..." he mumbled in his sleep.

Duet, Pt. 18

Ellie walked out of the shower in a bathrobe to find Nick still asleep. He was lying on his stomach, one arm carelessly tossed over her pillow, the sheets barely covering his butt. She grinned wickedly, wanting very much to climb back into bed and kiss Nick awake but she knew they had to get to the airport in a few hours and she and Nick had not gotten any packing done the previous night. She dialed room service and ordered some coffee while she started packing, smiling as she picked up the clothes she and Nick had discarded the night before. The coffee was there in 15 minutes and she poured a mug, walking over to the bed and waving the mug under Nick's nose. He stirred and rolled over, smiling up at her, "Mmmmmm...good morning..." She smiled as Nick sat up and she handed him the coffee mug, "Morning Nicky..." She poured herself a cup and they sat in a comfortable silence, neither of them wanting to break the mood.

Finally, when Nick had finished his second mug of coffee he looked over at her, "I wish we didn't have to worry about getting packed and getting to the airport...I can think of something else I'd rather be doing...." Nick pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her, his fingers curling into her damp hair, "You took a shower without me," he pouted. Ellie laughed in pure delight, relishing the magic of this perfect moment with the man she loved, "I wanted you to get your rest, because I have no intention of letting you get much sleep anymore..." Nick grinned from ear to ear, "Oh yeah??? I guess that means you enjoyed last night???" Ellie raked her nails down his chest and heard his breath catch in his throat, "What do you think Nicky?" Nick closed his eyes and growled, making her tingle all over, then he grabbed her hands and turned them so he could kiss her palms, "You better stop that or we're NEVER going to make that plane." Nick pulled Ellie into his arms and kissed her deep and hard, "I better go take a shower, sure you don't want to join me??" Ellie laughed, "I already took one silly...but make me that offer tomorrow morning and I may take you up on it..." Nick let her go and stood up, letting the sheet drop to the floor as he walked stark naked into the bathroom, leaving Ellie staring after him, watching his ass move as he walked, "Oh man...that was so not fair," she moaned, collapsing back onto the bed as she heard the shower come on.

*The hotel restaurant--breakfast*

Nick and Ellie were the last to arrive, walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand, a fact which did not escape Rae as she watched them approach the table. She looked from Nick to Ellie and back, taking in the happy smiles on their faces and she flashed Ellie a two-thumbs up sign, causing Ellie to blush a deep crimson as she sat down. Nick looked at her, "What's the matter?" he whispered against her hair. Ellie blushed again and motioned towards Rae, who was grinning wickedly at the two of them. Nick's eyes widened and he looked down at Ellie and then back at Rae, his ears turning red as he realized that she knew what had happened between him and Ellie. Kevin, Howie, Brian, and AJ returned from the buffet, their plates laden with food and the four of them stopped and looked at Rae, Nick and Ellie, wondering why Nick's ears and the back of his neck were bright red and Ellie had her face buried in his shoulder. "What's going on you guys?" Kevin asked as they approached the table. Nick's eyes got even wider as he silently pleaded with Rachel not to say anything to his brothers, knowing that he would never hear the end of it, and not wanting to explain to any of them why it had taken him and Ellie so long to take this important step. Rae smiled and looked at Nick, mouthing "You owe me one.." as she responded to Kevin, "Nothing baby, Nicky here just stuck his foot in his mouth again!" The four men bought her explanation and settled down to eat, giving Nick and Ellie the opportunity to get up and get their own food and to recover from their embarrassment.

Nick pulled Ellie outside onto the terrace, "What did you tell Rae??" he asked as Ellie looked down at the ground. "I...I...told her we hadn't...hadn't made love yet..." Nick groaned, "Oh I so hope she doesn't say anything to Kev...I'll never be able to live this down if she does!!" Ellie looked downcast, "I didn't mean to embarrass you Nicky, I..I just needed someone to talk to and Rae...she knows you so well, she seemed like the right person." Nick smiled and pulled her close, inhaling the soft scent of her hair, "It's okay baby...I'm glad you and Rae are getting to be good friends...Let's get something to eat, I am starving!" Nick and Ellie walked back into the dining room and got some food, sitting down at the table with their friends.

Howie looked over at Ellie and Nick, "So Ell, what's up with your new management??" Ellie looked down at the table, "Actually, I hadn't had a chance to tell you Nick, or anybody..." she looked over at Nick, her eyes pleading for understanding, "I have to be back in Toronto at the end of the week to discuss going on tour." Nick's expression turned bleak but he stayed where he was, fighting the urge to get up and leave, "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly while the rest of the group went unnaturally quiet and Howie looked at Kevin and Rae and mouthed, "I didn't know..." Ellie fought back the tears that threatened to spill over, "I didn't know how...and I don't want to leave you, but you know, probably better than most, that you don't have full control over your life when you're in the business. I'm sorry Nick...I was going to tell you when we got to Ghent..." Nick said nothing for a few moments, and Ellie felt like she was on the edge of her seat, waiting for him to respond. Finally he looked up from the table and into her eyes, "We need to talk..."

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