Ellie felt her heart stop, "Michael? Nick, there's nothing going on between us...we're just old friends." She saw Nick's eyes widen, "Old friends?" " we used to date but now he's just mymanager...that's all...I mean that nothing, just we...uh, we're just friends," she stammered, feeling her face grow hot. "Oh...I see..." Nick responded, "I was just wondering why Michael never gave you any of my messages." Ellie shook her head, "Nick, I'm sure Michael was just doing what he thought was best for me...he tends to be a little overprotective sometimes. He knew I was very angry with you when I came home...he was probably trying to spare my feelings." "And to get you to focus on the tour..." Nick added. Ellie looked at him in surprise, "Are you suggesting that Michael was worried about the tour and not about me?" "No...yes, I don't know," he sighed, "It's just that nothing surprises me about the music business anymore...remember Adam?"

"Michael is NOTHING like Adam!!" Ellie exclaimed, jumping to her feet. Nick stood up and took her hands, "I'm not saying he is...I just think you shouldn't assume that the people around you always have your best interests at heart." "And you do? Dammit Nick...then why have you always cared moreabout cherishing Laura's memory than about me and our relationship???!!!" Nick stared at her, "Where the fuck did that come from? Christ Ellie...are you gonna throw her in my face every time we fight??" He ran an angry hand through his hair, "What do you want from me Ellie? I can't change the past...I loved her and I made love to her and I married her. I can't fucking change that, no matter how much you want me too. I love you...but yes, I will always cherish Laura's memory. What I don't understand is what that has to do with this," he threw his arms open, "With us...with how I feel about you and me? I admit it, I'm scared...there's a BIG part of me that would rather shut myself off from the world than feel the way that you make me feel. But I can't--YOU make me feel things that I can't ignore, no matter how hard I try. I love you and I want you...why isn't that enough? Ellie...I belong to you..."

Ellie drew in a deep, shaky breath, trying hard to hold back the tears, "I know that you love me Nicky...I do believe that. I...I'm just not sure that you'll ever put me first like..." she stopped but it was too late. "Like Michael would? Nick responded angrily, "What are you saying Ellie? What happened while we were apart?" Ellie shook her head, "No...nothing..." "Don't do that!" Nick yelled, "You have something to say so say it! If we can't be honest with each other we should end this right here!!" "Fine Nick...being around Michael these last two months reminded me of what it's like to have someone put you and your needs first, holding you above all others. It made me realize how much I want that and need that..." "And you don't think that I can give that to you do you Ellie??" Nick asked softly. "I don't know Nicky...I really don' you?"

Nick leaned back against the tree, "In the way that you truly want and need, I don't know..." Ellie turned away and looked out over the river, "So now what Nick? Do we say goodbye for good this time?" There was silence between them for a moment and then Nick was behind her, turning her to face him, "Let me prove my love is real...make you feel the way I feel...I promise I would give the world if only you would tell me girl...the words to say, the road to take, to find a way back to your heart..." he sang so softly that Ellie almost had to strain to hear him, "Will you give me that chance?" Ellie couldn't speak, not trusting herself to say the words, instead she melted into Nick's arms, burying her face in his neck as his arms tightened around her. They stood there for a long time, their bodies pressed together as if to draw sustenance from each other. Finally Nick pulled away from her, "Let's get you back to the must be exhausted..." Ellie nodded, still afraid to say anything, and they walked back to the car in silence.


*The next morning*

Nick walked into Kevin's suite to join the others who were gathered for a breakfast meeting. The guys looked up at him in surprise, all of them noting how tired he looked. "Hey Frack...where's Ellie?" Brian asked, ignoring the pain from Kevin's shoe connecting with his shin. "She's still asleep..." Nick responded, sitting down with a heavy sigh. Suddenly he looked up, " did you know Ellie was with me?" Kevin looked at him sheepishly, "I kinda peeked in on you guys and saw you asleep on the couch yesterday..." Nick smiled at the memory, "Yeah...we got tired from all the talking..." "So...???" Howie finally asked, as Kevin glared at him. Nick's eyes widened, "Nothing to tell you yet D...we have a lot of things left to talk about still." Kevin and Brian exchanged worried glances as Nick, Howie and AJ settled down to eat, both of them wondering why Nick didn't seem happier.

Ellie woke up feeling disoriented, missing the feeling of Nick's arms around her. She looked around the room and realized that he'd already left. Sitting up, she threw the covers off and smiled, realizing that Nick must have carried her in from the car and undressed her without waking her up. Wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the early morning chill, she walked over to the window and looked outside at the gray London sky, wondering what the day would bring. She thought back to her conversation with Nick the previous evening, remembering the look in his eyes when he had sung to her. She was still thinking about him when the door opened and he walked into the room.

"Hey...I wasn't expecting you to be up already..." Nick walked over and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Ellie smiled up at him, "The bed was cold without you..." Nick grinned, "Sorry...duty, aka Kevin, called." "So did they give you the third degree about us?" Nick laughed, "No...they were pretty restrained actually...although Howie did ask..." Ellie pulled away and looked at him, "And what did you tell him?" "That I didn't really know what to say yet...coz I don' you??" Nick responded, looking intently into her eyes. Ellie looked down at the floor, "Part of me would like to forget that we ever had that conversation..." Nick tilted her chin up so that their eyes met, "Why??" Ellie sighed, "I've missed you so much Nicky...yet somehow I feel like we keep pulling further and further apart." Nick sighed and leaned his forehead against her's, "You never answered my question last night...are you gonna give me the chance I asked for?" he whispered, holding his breath as he waited for her answer. Ellie closed her eyes, "Show me me how much you love me..." she breathed. She heard Nick relax just enough to take in some air and then his mouth came down on hers as his hands moved to slide her shirt from her shoulders.

Nick moved his lips along her collarbone as Ellie threw her head back, consumed with the pleasure Nick was giving her. Neither of them heard the phone ringing at first but then Ellie pulled away, "Nicky wait...I hear my cell phone..." "Leave it..." Nick mumbled against her skin. "I can't...only two people have that could be an emergency..." Before Nick could say anything else she had scrambled away and found her phone among her clothes, leaving Nick standing alone in the middle of the room. Ellie grabbed her phone, "Hello? Oh...Michael...what? You're in London?" She was turning to look at Nick when she heard the door slam shut and she realized that Nick had left. "Oh god..." she mumbled into the phone, "Michael...your timing couldn't be worse..."

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