Chapter Six

Close your eyes, Chloe. Baby, can you see me?

Chloe breathed deeply, taking in the crisp Californian air. The smell of the Pacific Ocean filled her nose, and she smiled faintly, closing her eyes. She was sitting on the balcony of her hotel room early Sunday morning, watching the sunrise. Her baby was talking to her in the wind.

I’m right here, baby. Can you feel me?

Chloe felt her heart soar, hearing her baby’s voice enter her mind. He was somewhere close, somewhere just around the corner of her soul. As the early morning rays made their way into a brilliant morning, their heat rested on Chloe’s chest, warming her heart. It felt as though her baby were right there, holding her close. Nick would be coming to pick her up in a few minutes, but Chloe had been up since much earlier that morning. Regaining consciousness after fainting at her audition the day before, Nick had forced Chloe to go to the doctor, issuing her the ultimatum that if she didn’t go, there would be no day spent with him on Sunday. Chloe had hastily agreed, and after giving her hotel address to Nick, a visit to an LA medicare center confirmed that she was fine, simply a little star struck. The doctor had found her situation somewhat humorous, calling her condition ‘Backstreet-Trauma.’

Now, however, as she sat facing the rising sun of a California morning, Chloe wasn’t thinking of the doctor. She was thinking of how Nick Carter had smiled bashfully at her, and had brushed the hair out of her eyes when she first woken up. She was remembering how warm his hand had felt on her skin, the way he’d lowered his eyes in awe when she’d agreed to spend this day with him. It was ironic how she’d been the collected one, while Nick was burning red with embarrassment. Chloe smiled, wider this time, and opened her eyes slowly. Her wristwatch read 6:30am.

The sun was all the way up by now. It was brighter than Chloe had ever known it to be, the sky bluer than she’d ever seen it. A warm breeze ruffled the oversized palm tree leaves, and carried the voice of an angel over to Chloe’s ears.

"I’m here."

Chloe turned abruptly in her chair, swearing she’d heard her baby’s voice talking aloud to her. Nick Carter stood there behind her, smiling wickedly and holding up a gleaming hotel room key. She broke out in a surprised smile, unable to register that this was actually the love of her life standing in front of her. She laughed nervously.

"Good morning!" she quipped, cursing herself afterward for projecting such a perky voice. "How’d you get out here?"

The smile grew on Nick’s face, and a sparkle danced in his eyes. "The hotel manager gave me a key, I told her I was the new janitor."

Chloe burst out laughing. "She actually believed you?"

Nick nodded, and bent down so he was at Chloe’s eye level. "You ready to go?" he asked. He was so close to her face. Chloe drew in her breath and stared into his eyes for just one second. They were bluer than the ocean in the distance, and gleaming with a brightness Chloe had never seen in pictures. Stuttering, she glanced down at her pajama-clad body. "Do I look ready?" she teased.

"Ummm…" Nick grinned again, and looked down at her clothes. "I think you look fine, and no one’s gonna see you but me." She was so close. She could feel his breath on her neck, and she wanted to kiss him. Almost on cue, a lock of his hair dropped across his right eye, and Chloe ached to brush it away, but she held back. She nearly forgot to breathe. "Uhh…uhh…I think I’ll change into something, give me one second." She tried to stand up, but her head felt heavy. Wearily, she slumped back down on the lawn chair she’d been sitting on.

Nick bent forward. "You OK, babe?" he asked, concert in his voice. Chloe nodded, confused herself. She hadn’t felt dizzy all morning, why now? "Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry." Nick’s presence was doing something to her, but she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Determined, she pushed herself off the lawn chair once again and stood up straight. She smiled down at Nick, who was still on one knee. "See, I’m fine!" She grinned, remembering that Nick Carter had just called her ‘babe.’ She bit her lip, nervous and excited.

Nick stood up and took a step forward. "OK, change quick," he said. "We gotta go!"

Chloe stared into his eyes, which were smiling again. "Go where?" she prompted.

Nick shook his head vigorously. "Can’t tell you yet!" he replied, raising his voice playfully. "It’ll ruin the surprise!"

"Do I wear something special?"

Nick shrugged and moved his mouth back and forth. "A bathing suit if you want," he suggested.

"Swimming, we’re going swimming?!" Chloe demanded incredulously. Swimming with Nick Carter…Nick took another step toward her, and Chloe noticed for the first time how much taller he was than her. He was just like her baby…at least 5 inches over her head. He held out his index finger just in front of her lips, just like her Nick used to do. "Shhh," he whispered. "You’ll see."


Chloe scribbled a note to Shanna, and left it on top of the TV. Shanna was still sleeping, and she’d be worried if she woke up to an empty hotel room. With a glance over her shoulder, she confirmed that Nick was indeed standing there, waiting to take her out. He was smiling shyly, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Chloe smiled back at him and took a step towards him. "Where to?" she asked.

Nick bit his lip and glanced sidelong at the hotel door. On an impulse, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards it. "Surprise," he repeated simply. He cocked his head sideways and his eyes sparkled once again.

Softly, he opened the door and pulled her out into the hallway.Chloe had but a minute to watch the back of Nick’s head as he guided her towards the elevator. His hair seemed to be freshly bleached, and yet it still looked so natural. Tiny wisps stood out of place on his head, apparently frizzed by the blow dryer. He was wearing his signature white tee shirt and a pair of khakis, with black Nike runners. And he was holding onto her wrist. Chloe felt her heart soar. His hand was so warm, so gentle on her skin. She grinned at his bitten fingernails, thinking how adorable he must look biting them. She glanced down at her own outfit. She’d thrown on a cool pair of khaki shorts and a black tank top, and open toed leather sandals. She’d had no time to fix her hair, so it was tossed up in a ponytail.

"You gotta close your eyes now."

Chloe looked up at Nick, who’d stopped in front of the elevator. "Close my eyes?" she repeated, confused.

Nick laughed and nodded. "How many times do I have to tell you that it’s a surprise?" He let go of her wrist and reached into his pocket, pulling out a green handkerchief. "Turn around and let me put this over your eyes," he commanded.

Chloe giggled, shaking her head. "No way!"

Nick’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he pouted playfully. "You HAVE to!" he whined.

"OK, OK," Chloe agreed. She’d only been teasing him. Obediently, she turned around and closed her eyes. She could smell Nick’s cologne around her as he lifted his arms over her head and drew her into darkness.

"You’re gonna love this, Chloe. I promise."

Chloe, her vision blinded, could almost swear that her baby was behind her, saying those exact words.


"Nick, where are we?"

"I can’t tell you yet, Chloe."

"When will you tell me?"

"When you can’t stand it anymore."

"I can’t stand it anymore NOW!"

"You’re ruining the suspense."

"Sorry." Chloe bit her lip nervously. She hadn’t been able to see for the past half hour, and in her darkness, she’d managed to convince herself that it wasn’t Nick Carter that was leading her to this secret destination. She knew that if she let herself sink into awe again, she very well might faint right there. She could almost see Nick smiling as he led her forward. The ground seemed somehow soft under her sandals, she was sinking into it. It wasn’t until she felt granules of sand in between her bare toes that she realized that Nick had brought her to the beach. She gasped within herself, as memories came flooding back to her. Her baby had brought her to the beach so many times before. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and shut them tight inside the blindfold. She couldn’t cry now. She was with Nick.

"Sit down."

Chloe turned her head. Nick’s voice had come from behind her. "What are you doing?" she asked, a smile in her own voice now. "Where are we?"

Nick laughed. "I’ll kiss you if you sit down," he replied playfully. Chloe’s face must have showed her surprise, because Nick burst out laughing. "I’m just playin’," he teased, taking her shoulders. He eased her down into a sitting position.

Chloe crossed her legs, still blind, and placed her hands on the warm sand beneath her. "The beach," she mused, playing with the sand in between her fingers. "We’re on the beach."

Nick was behind her again, his hands resting on her shoulders. He was leaning forward, beside her right cheek. "I love the beach," he whispered in her ear, reaching to untie the blindfold.Chloe drew in her breath in suspense. She knew Nick loved the beach…she loved it just as much as he did. She kept her eyes shut tight as Nick removed the blindfold. She wanted to hold on to her serenity for just one more second. Wanted to pretend for just a bit longer that her baby was still there. As long as she didn’t open her eyes, she could mislead her pleading heart. Just as she was about to open her eyes, she heard the music of an old familiar song. ‘Ever night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you. That is how I know you go on…’Chloe’s heart jumped into her throat. This was not happening, it was impossible. Her eyes flew open, and she turned to face Nick. He was smiling at her with that same bashful approach, his finger resting on the PLAY button of a portable CD player. She stared at him open mouthed. He was playing the song. The song that HER Nick had played for her when he’d brought her to see the sunrise in their own private world. He was smiling at her with a degree of knowing. "Nick…" she whispered, her voice soft.

Nick leaned forward, closer. The smile evaporated from his face, replaced with his teeth biting his lip. His face was starting to turn red again. "Uh huh?" he asked. "You like this song?" He laid down on the sand, resting his arms underneath his head, and looking up at her through gorgeous long lashes.

Chloe just stared at him, open mouthed. Finally, she nodded. "This is my favorite song," she said softly, turning her head down. Pressure of tears appeared behind her eyelids.

Nick sat up immediately. "What’s wrong?" he asked, concern in his voice. Chloe looked up at him. One glance into his eyes told her she could trust him, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. Telling Nick that she was falling in love with him because he was coincidentally playing her favorite song would sound too obscure. Could she tell him about her Internet fiasco? She felt her own brow furrow in confusion, as she tried desperately to come to a conclusion. Nick noticed it too. "Chloe, are you OK?" he asked, leaning closer. He bent down to meet her guarded eyes. A wisp of his hair tickled her forehead, sending chills through Chloe’s body.

"Not really," Chloe whispered, not believing herself that she was actually going to tell him.

Nick bit his lip again. "I’m sorry," he said, reaching behind him to turn off the music. "I did something wrong. I just…I wanted to make this day cool for you. Memorable, you know?"

Chloe buried her head in her hands, pain coursing through her heart. She knew what was happening. She didn’t know when it had happened the first time, but she knew now. She was falling in love with the real Nick Carter. She took a deep breath and met his eyes again. "Nick, can I tell you something?"

She didn’t have to hear his response to know that he would understand.



"Come in, it’s so warm in here!"

Chloe burst out laughing, and stood motionless on the beach, watching Nick playing around in the Pacific Ocean. "I’m coming!" she called back to him.It was nearly four hours later, and the comfortably warm morning sun had become almost unbearably hot. It had been Nick’s idea to take a dip in the water, and he’d wasted no time stripping down to his boxers and running head first into the ocean. Now he stood waist deep, dripping with water and waving his arms frantically at the pretty girl on the beach. Chloe bit her lip and watched him for a few seconds. He looked so perfect standing there waiting for her. Droplets of water clung to his shirtless chest, glimmering with the light of the sun. His wet hair stuck to his forehead in a sexy way that only Nick himself could pull off, and his eyes shone with mischief. When Chloe couldn’t stand it anymore, she stripped off her tank top and shorts, in her bathing suit now, and ran into the water. The warmth of it caught her off guard and she stopped when the water reached her ankles. Nick was wading towards her, throwing himself off balance in the waves of the ocean.

"Don’t move, I’ll save you!" Nick joked, as he started to run. He was teasing her tentativeness in the water.Chloe giggled and waded forward, deciding to meet Nick halfway.

"Are there sharks in here?" she asked suddenly.

Nick reached her side, and started to shake playfully, sending a spray of water over Chloe’s entire body. She screamed, surprised, and pushed him backwards. "Sharks?" he laughed. "Maybe if we were scuba diving, baby. And even if there were, I could save you. I saved you yesterday, remember?"

Chloe blushed and nodded. "Thanks for reminding me," she replied wryly, her cheeks burning. "Wow, it is warm in here!" She was up to her thighs now in the water.

Nick grinned. "You want warm?" he shouted, leaning forward. His smile turned wicked and he pushed her over in the water. Chloe screamed again, finding herself seated on the sandy bottom of the ocean. Only her head was above the water. "Nick!" she shouted, playfully offended. "Oh, you are so gonna get it!" She moved onto her knees and grasped his ankles under the water. Pulling him down, she burst out laughing as his head went under. He came up gasping for air, a shocked look on his gorgeous face.Nick shook his head roughly, spraying Chloe once again with water. "No fair!" he whined. Spitting a mouthful of water back into the ocean, he too sat up on his knees, now at eye level with Chloe. "You need punishment." His arms came out of the water and rested on her shoulders.

Chloe grinned, her body tingling at his touch. "I was just getting you back!" she retorted. "You pushed me in first!"

"Still not fair!" Nick countered, making Chloe laugh again. "I want to punish you."

Chloe bit her lip and glanced down. "So what are you going to do. Dunk me under too?"

Nick bent his head to meet her eyes again. "Nope," he said softly. He glanced around the deserted beach and then at the sun. "Look up," he instructed.

Chloe, confused, glanced up at the sky. It was a brilliant blue, not a cloud in sight. The sun was off in the distance, warm and inviting. "What’s up here?" she asked. She could see only the top of Nick’s head through the corner of her eye. "What am I looking at?"

Nick’s hands moved from her shoulders down to her waist. Chloe tensed with excitement, wondering just what was happening. Whatever it was, she didn’t want him to stop. "Nick?" she asked, when he didn’t respond.

Nick inched closer on his knees, the ocean water swirling around both of their rib cages. "Yeah?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

"What am I looking at?"

Nick chuckled softly. "Nothin’," he replied. "I just wanted to…" He paused.

Chloe, her neck arched giggled nervously. She could feel his heart beating faster. "You wanted to what?"

Nick waded even closer, until his stomach was touching her own. Slowly, gently, his lips touched her neck, then moved up to meet Chloe’s own lips. "Kiss you," he whispered.


"Why do you keep doing this to me?"

"Cause you look cute when you can’t see."

Chloe giggled and reached out for Nick’s hand. He’d blindfolded her again, his excuse being that he had one more special place to take her before the day was done. It was nearly 6pm, and the sun was starting to go down. As they walked now towards Nick’s car, Chloe stumbled on the pavement and struggled to hold onto Nick’s arm.

"You OK, baby?" Nick asked, wrapping his arms around her waist to support her. He slowed down, and began to walk behind her, still holding her waist.

"I would be if I could see!" Chloe retorted playfully, slowly stepping forward. "Is your car anywhere close?"

"Just a few more steps." Nick kissed the back of her neck gently. "You’re doing fine."

Chloe broke out smiling, amazed that she wasn’t screaming with excitement. Nick Carter had just kissed her, and here she was, unable to even see him.


Chloe’s ears perked, swearing it was her baby calling her name. "Yeah?"Nick took a deep breath and stopped the two of them in front of his car. "You know what you told me earlier today? About being lied to?"

Chloe felt her heart sink. "Yeah, I remember." She couldn’t believe even now that she’d told him. He’d sat there listening to her story for two hours, not speaking, not interrupting. When she’d finished, he’d leaned forward and brushed the tears out of her eyes, his touch warm and supportive. Chloe had been embarrassed by her tears, but Nick had been caring and understanding, assuring her that it was alright to cry. He’d taken her in his arms, like a friend, and held her for a half hour, not speaking. Then, with the sun beating down on them, Nick had suggested going swimming.

"Can I say one thing about that? Something that I forgot to say before?"

Chloe nodded, even though she couldn’t see him.

Nick sighed nervously. "I wanted to tell you that…that if you ever need me here to talk...if you ever want me, I’ll be here for you."

Chloe felt her eyes well up with tears underneath the blindfold. Why did he have to be so perfect? "I know," she whispered, unsure of what else to say.

"So, will you stay in touch after this video shoot tomorrow?" Nick pressed.

Chloe nodded. "Promise," she replied.

Nick laughed to ease the tension and helped Chloe into his car. "OK, let’s go!"

"Will you please tell me where we’re going?" Chloe asked, as the crisp nighttime air ruffled her hair.

"You’ll find out soon enough."


Disneyland was closed for the night. It was 8pm, and the employees of the theme park had been sent home early, so that the janitors could do an extra clean up for the Fall Parade the next day. The park was ominously quiet, with the occasional brush of a broom on the virtually spotless pavement. All of the attractions had been shut down, though their colorful lights continued to light the dark sky, and only the Disneyland Monorail circulated the resort.

"Where are we?" Chloe asked.

Nick took a step forward, so the two of them stood outside of the front gates of Disneyland. "In a dream," he whispered in her ear. Silently, he motioned for the front guard to slide open the gates and let them into the happiest place on Earth. "Just follow me."

Chloe felt her heart melting, as clueless as she was. He was right, after all; this was a dream. A dream come true. "I’m right beside you," she told him.

Nick chuckled and led her forward. He knew his way around this place. He’d phoned the day before, and pleaded with the operating officer of the monorail to keep this one attraction open just a few hours later than the rest of the park for him and Chloe. A single mention that he was a Backstreet Boy required no further pleading. "Almost there," he murmured. Tomorrowland was only a few minutes from the front gate, if they took the right path.

"Almost where?" Chloe pleaded.

Nick laughed right out loud. "Just trust me."

"I do trust you," Chloe started, knowing the truth of her words. "I told you my darkest secret two days after I met you, that’s not trust?" She was surprised at her own ability to make this joke.

"Take a step up," Nick directed.

Chloe lifted her foot and stepped up onto what seemed to be a platform. She giggled at her own hesitancy. "How much longer?"

Nick silently approached the monorail, holding onto Chloe’s hand. The monorail sat magnificently waiting for them on its tracks. Without words, he managed to get the operating officer to hold open a door for the two of them. "Sit down, baby," he said. "I’ll take your blindfold off as soon as we get going."

Chloe laughed her agreement and settled back against a very comfortable seat. "Are we in a car?" she asked.

"Something like that," was Nick’s simple response. "Just sit back, it’ll start soon." He smiled at how beautiful she looked. So cute and confused as they sat in the darkness of their private monorail. A few seconds later, he felt a small jolt as the monorail started forward, beginning a journey high above the theme park. "Ready to see?"

Chloe sat up straight in anticipation. "Very ready!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together. She felt Nick’s hands come around her head and untie the blindfold. The first thing she saw was darkness, and then Nick’s beautiful face smiling at her. She grinned; she hadn’t seen him this close for a few hours. She leaned closer to his smile and kissed him on the cheek. "Now, where are we?"

Nick grinned wider. "I like to call this little place the monorail, in Tomorrowland. We’re in Disneyland, Chloe." Chloe gasped, feeling her whole face light up."Disneyland!" she repeated. "Nick!"

Nick’s eyes gleamed. "I wanted to make it a cool day for you," he murmured bashfully. "Did it work?"

"Nick…" Chloe repeated, sinking into awe. "This is so beautiful." She leaned forward past Nick to look out the window. The monorail was making its way around the entire theme park in all its glory. Lights from the attractions colored the sky various crayon colors, making it seem almost as though it were daytime still. In the distance, Chloe could see Cinderella’s Castle. The light from the moon shone down into their monorail, sending a romantic wave around the two of them. Eagerly, she jumped out of her seat and leaned up against the window, on her knees.

"I’ve never been to Disneyland!" she exclaimed, her face close to the glass. Nick joined her down on the floor. Behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and rested his chin in the crook of her neck. "You look so pretty when you’re happy," he told her shyly, tickling her neck with his nose. Gently, he kissed the top of her head. Chloe closed her eyes and bit her lip, holding back emerging tears. This night was so beautiful, and so perfect. Slowly she turned to face Nick. He was so close yet again. Chloe smiled, and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you so much, Nick, for a perfect day."

Nick leaned forward. Slowly, he allowed his lips to meet Chloe’s in a sweet kiss. Gently at first, then more urgent, the surroundings of Disneyland seemed to disappear as strong attraction to each other drew Nick and Chloe into their own separate world. As the light of the moon grew in intensity, so did the passion of the kiss, and even with her eyes closed, Chloe could have sworn that it was her baby there with her, holding her close and promising that he’d never let her go.

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