
In the warmth of an August morning, Chloe awoke to the sound of the shower running in her apartment’s bathroom. Smiling lazily, she rolled onto her stomach in the king sized bed and closed her eyes once again. The shower stream ceased shortly after, and a loud singing voice filled the air. Chloe bit her lip, recognizing the familiar song, her song. Her boyfriend sang it for her all the time, told her that it applied to her like leaves to a tree. He’d spent the night with her, coming home to their apartment after nearly a month overseas.

He must be so tired, Chloe thought, remembering the seven hour time difference between LA and Germany. And yet his voice showed nothing of it. Beautiful, heartfelt notes floated from the bathroom, and soon Chloe heard the door open. She closed her eyes quickly and pretended to be asleep, a slight smile on her face.

"Hey baby," came her boyfriend’s voice in the silent morning air. Chloe didn’t move, tried hard not to giggle. It was a game they played, trying to find out if the other one was awake or just playing. Chloe held her breath. She could hear footsteps walking around the side of the bed, and felt a breath on her cheek as her boyfriend knelt down beside her head. There was silence for a moment.

Then he began to sing. His voice was too much for Chloe to take, and she opened her eyes.

Her boyfriend stopped singing. "Good morning, baby," he whispered, leaning over to kiss her forehead. "I knew you were awake."

Chloe smiled. "It’s the song," she teased. "No fair."

Chloe’s boyfriend grinned sheepishly. "I couldn’t have you in the shower, I had to see you as soon as I got out. I’m sorry, forgive me?"

Chloe laughed. "Of course I do," she whispered, leaning over to kiss him. His hair fell forward, tickling Chloe’s cheek. "How long do you get to stay in LA with me?"

Her boyfriend pulled away slightly, stroking her jaw. "I have to go again today," he said slowly.

Chloe stared at him, hurt forming in her heart. "But you just got home!" she protested.

"I’m sorry, baby," he said, reaching to hold her. "But you know I’m always with you, right? I love you, and I live in your heart."

He was right, after all.

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