Nick moaned as he felt her hands on his body, "Please don't..." he begged.

"Shhhh...don't struggle, you'll just hurt yourself..." her voice responded.Nick blinked his eyes against the blindfold, wishing he could see,wishing he was anywhere but wherever the hell he was. Lis stood up andadmired Nick's naked body as he lay helpless on the bed, his hands and feel bound to the four posts of the bed and a blindfold(unfortunately) coveringhis beautiful blue eyes. Lisa dropped her silk robe and crawled onto thebed, coming to a stop between Nick's thighs.

She bent her head and blew gently on his cock, which despite Nick's obvious discomfort at his situation, was rapidly growing erect in response. Nick tossed his head from side to side, feeling aroused even as he hated himself for not being able to control his own body. "Please..." he moaned as she continued to blow on him, her tongue occasionally flicking across the very tip of him. "I like hearing you beg Nickolas..." she responded, "You'll be begging much, much more before tonight is over..." and she flicked her tongue at the base of his cock, watching him arch his back as he tried to bring himself closer to her mouth.

Nick squeezed his eyes shut, hoping against hope that it was all a dream..but the feel of her mouth on him told him it wasn't. "Please...let me go.." he begged again. Lis lifted her head and smiled evilly, "Not yet Nickolas, I didn't spend all that money having you kidnapped and brought to me just to let you go...I want to touch and kiss every inch of you...and I have a feeling you're going to be worth every penny I spent..."

Bending her head again she licked along his length, her tongue snaking around him while her hands played with his balls. Nick shuddered at her touch as she took the tip of his manhood into her mouth and sucked on it. Against his will he bucked his hips up towards her, trying to get her to take all of him into her eager mouth. Nick growled as she deep-throated him, her hands sliding under him to grip his ass. "Oh god..." she heard him moan as she pulled away, keeping just the tip of him in her mouth, before taking him in again. Lis smiled and scraped her teeth lightly along the length of him, tugging gently at the head of his cock until Nick groaned and she knew it was time. Lifting herself off the bed she positioned herself over him and lowered herself onto him as he moaned in pleasure, feeling her velvet walls tighten around him.

Slowly Lis began to thrust her body, grinding herself against Nick. An overwhelming urge came over her to gaze into his beautiful blue eyes and she leaned down to remove the blindfold. Nick blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light, and then his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the lovely 19 year old woman who possessed him. They stared into each other's eyes as she continued her slow, measured thrusts. Nick growled again, the sound sending tingles up and down Lis' spine, "Please..faster...please..." he begged. Lisa smiled and shook her head, "All in good time my darling..." as she continued to move her body against his. Finally, just when Nick thought he could stand it no longer, Lis increased her pace as her climax began to build. She cried out his name as the waves of pleasure overtook her and collapsed onto his chest just as he came, his warm fluid filling her to her core. She lay with her head against his chest, loving the feel of his heart beating rapidly beneath her. The fact that she could do this to him, reduce him to a purely sexual creature, made her want him all over again and she moved her hand to his cock.

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