Nick hated what she could do to him, feeling disgusted with his body for betraying him. He felt her hands on him and closed his eyes. "Open your eyes," he heard her say. "Open your eyes Nickolas!" He snapped his eyes open at her command, and, licking his suddenly dry lips, he looked at her, "Who are you?" "My name is Lisa," she responded, continuing to stroke him, "And you, my darling Nickolas, belong to me now..." Nick swallowed,

"Please let me go..." he begged. She laughed and shook her leaned his head back, despair threatening to head, "Oh no, I am no where near being done with you yet..." Nick closed his eyes and overcome him. "I told you before Nickolas, open your eyes...I want you to watch what I can do to you!" she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

Reluctantly he opened his eyes again, finding himself staring into her eyes as she hovered above his face, "That's much as I say and I'll make things much better for you, you'll see."

Nick groaned in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment as she returned to stroking him. Oh my god, he thought, this is not what I imagined losing my virginity to be like. He felt his face grow warm with shame as he thought about the fact that he was spreadeagled naked on a bed with a strange woman stroking him. Lis smiled and looked at him, "You were a virgin weren't you Nickolas?" she purred delightedly. Nick's face grew even redder and he nodded, embarrassed beyond belief, trying hard to ignore what she was doing to him. She began to stroke him harder and faster, occasionally scraping her nails along his length and causing him to thrust his hips to force himself into her hand. "Oh god..." he moaned, "Please stop..." She delighted in the sweat that beaded his upper lip, leaning forward she licked it from him, and then licked his lips before forcing her way through his lips with her tongue. Nick didn't respond to her, shocked as he was by what was happening to him, but she explored the inside of his mouth withher tongue, one hand continuing to play with him.

Pulling away from him, she scraped her fingernails along the length of him again and then, with a smile on her face, she bent her head and licked the precum from the tip of it as he writhed against the ties that held him to the bed. He bit his lip in concentration, willing himself not to respond, even as he knew he was fighting a losing battle. Raising her head to look at him she smiled, enjoying the battle his mind waged with the sexual side of his nature, "Fight me all you want Nickolas...I guarantee that in a matter of days, perhaps even hours, your desire to resist me will be gone."

Nick moaned again and tossed his head from side to side as she scraped her nails along him one last time, and with a groan, he came, his semen splattering over her hands and arms as she continued to stroke him till he was spent.

Lisa smiled evilly, "Much better Nickolas. I shall let you get some rest now...but do not worry, I will not be going far." Exhausted and in pain from his bindings Nick swallowed, "Please...please untie me...I promise not to leave..." Lis laughed, "Oh darling Nickolas, in a few days you will not ever want to leave, but until then, I must do this for your own good. Rest, and later we shall see about giving you some more freedom." Wiping her hands and arms off with a towel, she slid back into her robe and left the room, locking it behind her as Nick closed his eyes, hot tears of shame and frustration burning behind his eyes.


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