Nick had finally fallen into a dreamless sleep when he was awakened by a old man, who released him from the ties that held him to the bed. Nick groaned in pain as he curled up in the fetal position, his wrists and ankles rubbed raw. "Get up!" the man said. Nick slowly obeyed, wondering what else could happen to him. The man pushed him towards a door in the room and Nick opened it to find a windowless bathroom. The man pushed him in, "I'll be right outside, don't try anything."

Nick showered gratefully, wincing at the stinging sensation of the water on his wounds. He leanedhis head against the tiled wall of the shower and let the water beat down on him, relishing the small taste of freedom. When he finished in the shower and dried off he walked out into the bedroom to find a pair of silk pajamas on the bed, which had been made up. Nick dressed himself and was about to try the door to the outside when it opened and the man came in again, this time bearing a tray of food. He set it on the table and then turned to Nick, "Give me your arm" he commanded. Nick swallowed and obeyed, watching as the man clasped a metal band around his sore wrist. "This will monitor you wherever you are. Do not even think of trying to escape..." the man stated, before turning to leave the room.

Nick sat down at the table and began to eat, trying hard not to think toO much about what lay ahead for him. He shivered in the breeze that came through the window, his hair still damp from the shower.

*In another room*

Lis watched his every move on the television screen in her room, drinking in his beauty, "I've dreamt of this for so long Nickolas" she said aloud, "You belong to me now..." She smiled and closed her eyes, thinking about what she wanted to do to him, "I will teach you how to please me Nickolas...I'll teach you how to fuck me until the house echoes with the sound of my voice screaming your name..." she whispered to the television screen.


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