Nick paced restlessly around his room like a caged tiger, desperate to get outside. He felt considerably better having eaten, and now his mind shifted to trying to think of a way to escape. He thought back to the events of the other night, when he had been separated from his friends and brought to the house. He wondered if his friends and family were going crazy trying to figure out what happened to him, just as he knew he would go crazy trying to make his way back to them.

He thought about Lisa, the woman who held him captive, her long, red hair and green/hazel eyes mesmerizing. Shaking his head he went over to the window and looked outside, wondering what she had planned for him. He didn't have long to wonder. The door to his room opened and she walked in, her auburn hair shining in the sunlight that streamed into the room. "Nickolas..." she breathed his name as she entered the room, loving how sexy he looked in the dark green silk pajamas she had purchased for him.

Nick turned to look at her, the expression on his face wary, "What do you want from me Lisa?" She smiled seductively, "I want you....mind, body, and soul...I want to possess you and to be possessed by you...I want to be your first thought in the morning and your last thought at night. And when you die, for even you will die my love, I want you to die with my name on your lips." Nick's blue eyes widened as he recognized her words, "You're the one who sent those letters???" Lisa laughed, "Yes my darling...I wanted you to know how much I wanted you..."

Nick stepped back in fear, his mind flashing back to the letters and how disturbing they'd been, "Lisa, please let me don't need to do this..." Lisa's eyes blazed as she recognized the fear in his eyes, "I can see that you are afraid of me...that will change Nickolas...someday soon you will willingly be here by my side...I promise you that."

Nick swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry, "No Lisa...I don't want you and I don't want to be here." She smirked and moved forward, backing Nick up against the wall, "You're lying my dearest...I can see how much you want me..." and she reached for his cock again. Nick groaned, feeling his body respond to her, "No, I won't do this.." "You act as if you have choices Nickolas, you do not...don't forget that...I was hoping not to have to restrain you again but I will...until you are ready to come to me willingly..." Before Nick could respond to her words she pressed a hidden button near the window and two men came in, each one taking hold of Nick, despite his struggles, and binding his hands and feet to previously hidden fixtures on the wall of the room as Lisa watched in satisfaction.

The men left the room and Lisa stood before Nick. She slid out of her gown again, revealing her naked body. As Nick tried to turn his head aside she kissed him, her mouth moving over Nick's face and to his neck, where she sucked on him until he moaned in pleasure, even as inside he hated himself.

Lisa pulled away and ripped the pajama top from him, stroking his arms, shoulders, and chest with her hands, using her fingernails to rake his skin as he closed his eyes and his breathing grew ragged.

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