Lisa reached into a drawer and pulled out a green bamboo switch, "I don't want to do this Nickolas but you leave me no choice...this is going to be painful for you but it will not leave any permanent scars on that perfect body." She took the switch and, holding her breath, she whipped it across his torso. Nick sucked in his breath in shock as an angry red welt appeared across his chest. Lisa hit him again and again, finding herself incredibly aroused by the sight of him, sweat pouring off his body, his breathing erratic, his head hanging as he tried to deal with the pain she was inflicting on him. She hit him 20 times before she put the switch down and knelt in front of him, "I'm sorry my love...but you needed to be taught a lesson. I'll leave you now to think about what you've done..."

Nick moaned softly after she left the room, his chest feeling like it was on fire. Hot tears ran down his cheeks and dripped onto the floor as he cried in pain and humiliation. He strained against the wall, wanting desperately to lay down on the bed. As before, Lisa watched from her own room, still angered by Nick's behavior yet wanting so much to go to him. She sent her men in to release Nick from the restraints and they dragged him over to the bed so he could rest. Nick curled up in a ball, trying to ignore the pain, and cried himself to sleep as Lisa watched.

It was several hours later when Nick awoke, his chest still aching from the pain Lisa had inflicted on him. Nick wearily got off the bed and looked for some clothes besides the silk pajamas he was wearing. Too his relief he found the clothes he was wearing when he was abducted hanging in his closet and he quickly dressed, wincing in pain as the clothes touched his sore skin. Nick tried the door to his room and was unsurprised to find it unlocked. There was no reason to lock him in his room now that he wore the security bracelet that monitored his whereabouts. He walked out into the hallway outside his room, unaware of the security cameras that followed his every move. Nick wasn't even thinking of making his escape. All he wanted was to get outside and, if he was lucky, to find water. He craved being near the water, never more so than when he was hurt or upset. Nick got outside and blinked in the sunlight looking around in confusion. He had no idea where he was, but he sensed that he was near what he needed and he began to run, ignoring the pain he felt, everything in him telling him to keep going. When Nick finally reached the water's edge he collapsed in pain and exhaustion, sinking into blessed unconsciousness.

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