Let The Games Begin- Part 1

Calista and Kimberly have been best friends ever since they were seven. Now, at nineteen, the girls had been through practically everything together. But tonight, they were about to experience something new.

"Hey girl, it's me."

"Hey, wassup Callie?"

"Nothing. How fast can you get here?"

"Five minutes and forty-three seconds. Why? What's going down?"

"You'll see. Be here," and with a click, hung up. Kimberly grabbed her coat, car keys and headed out.

Arriving at Callies house, Kimberly ran up the long driveway, noting the green durango that she parked next to. Callie opened the door before Kimberly even got a chance to ring the bell.

"Girl, it's about time!"

"Hey, I got here as fast as I could. What's so important that I had to be here in such a hurry?" As she spoke she saw a figure emerge from the kitchen and make it's way over to where they were standing.

"Hey Kimberly, what's up?"

"Hey Nick, long time no see. When did you get back?"

"Just this morning. I couldn't wait to see you and Callie again so I asked her to get you over here."

"Cool, so what's the game plan for tonight?"

Callie smiled evilly. "Fine choice of words. A game is exactly what we're gonna play."

Kimberly looked from Callie, to Nick and then back again. "Okay." They all went into the kitchen and grabbed some drinks before following Callie up the stairs and into her large, spacious bedroom adorned in white and silver. Still following her lead, they sat on the floor and looked at her expectantly.

"Truth or dare time."

"Oh come on Callie!" exclaimed Kimberly. "We haven't played this game since your sweet 16 party."

"Yeah, but this is a different version."

"What's so different about it?" questioned Nick. Calista smiled and arched an eyebrow. "Let's just say that it's more…physical." She glanced at Kimberly and saw that she had a sly grin on her face.

"Let the games begin" Kimberly stated.

"Ok, Nick your going first. Truth or Dare?" Calista said with a wicked smile. Nick gave it a moment of thought before answering.

"Truth." Calista looked over at Kimberly, who gave her a wink of approval.

"Ok, how many times a day do you actually jack off?" Nick's eyes opened wide with shock and question. His face was turning a slight shade of pink as he answered the question.

"I'd say...Once in the morning, maybe 2 or 3 times at night or in the shower." Kimberly looked at Calista, both girls thinking the same thing. Nick chimed in and broke the silence.

"Ok, Calista. Truth or Dare?"

"I'm pretty brave, I'll take dare."

Nick looked down for a moment and when he looked up, smiled wickedly. "Okay Callie. You always told me that you wondered what it was like to kiss a girl, now it's your turn to find out. I dare you to kiss Kimberly for thirty seconds. And not some kiss you'd give to your mom. Kiss her like you'd kiss me" he smirked.

"Hey, that was fun Nickers" she warned, remembering at her sweet sixteen when she had to make out with Nick in front of everyone. Kiss Kimberly.

Calista turned to Kimberly and wiggled her eyebrows in the air, which made them both laugh. Callie leaned her face in closer to Kimberly's and then turned it to Nick. "Kiss her like I'd kiss you?" Nick nodded his head, licked his lips and watched intently. Calista turned her head back around and smiled at Kim before she brought her lips down to meet Kim's. She started off slow at first, then began to outline Kimberly's lips with her tongue. Going along with it, Kimberly opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to intertwine with Callie's in a passionate kiss. After the thirty seconds was up, both girls pulled away with sly grins on their faces. Callie winked at Nick and then licked her own lips.

"Truth or dare Nick?" asked Kimberly.


Kimberly and Callie exchanged glances. "Well first, just for my own reference, have you jacked off today?" When Nick shook his head no, the smile on Kim's face widened. "Go for it." At first the look on Nick's face was asking if she was kidding. But both Kimberly and Calista gave him a serious yet sly stare.

"I need to be motivated to do that."

"What? Callie and I having to kiss isn't good enough motivation?"

"Sort of, but I need another push." Kimberly gave Callie a questioning look, before taking off her over shirt, revealing a lot of cleavage against her tank top, and leaned toward Nick.

"I'll give ya a head start, but you have to finish up." Before nick could answer, her lips were pressed against his. While her tongue explored the inside of his mouth, she busied her hands with unbuttoning his jeans just enough so she could slide her hands under them and grab his swollen cock. Using her free hand, she intertwined her fingers with his and placed his hand over the one she had on his cock. She started him off by pumping slowly, while still deepening the kiss they shared. Keeping up with her rhythm on him, she broke the kiss and turned to Callie.

"Come here girl." Callie came over to the two, sitting behind Nick. Kimberly looked at Callie, then back at Nick.

"Lean back against her." Nick did as he was told. Callie put her arms around his shoulders, leaned down and kissed him. Kimberly released her grip on his cock and watched as he continued pleasuring himself. Calista released his lips and zeroed her gaze in on the activity going down. Sweat was beading on Nick's forehead, signifying that his release was getting closer. Kimberly kneeled down between his legs and looked up at Calista with a stare of approval.

Callie nodded her head and watched as Kimberly moved her head over the tip of Nick's cock, slowly sliding the tip of her tongue over his head in circular motions. A moan escaped from Nick's mouth as he closed his eyes and arched his back. She continued to circle around the tip, taking pleasure in making Nick moan. With one final look up at Calista, Kimberly deep throated him, taking his entire member in her mouth and sucking greedily on it. Nick screamed in delight as her teeth raked up and down his shaft, sending warm pulses throughout his pelvic area. As he felt himself getting ready to come, he reached his hands down to her head, pushing it further on him, urging her to continue.

When Nick arched his back again onto Calista, she grabbed his face with her hands and kissed him hard, tongue fucking him as he moaned into her mouth She slid one of her hands down to her shorts and began to rub the outside of her inner thighs. Just as he was reaching his climax, Nick thrusted his hips into her moaning in delight. With one final thrust, he came in Kimberly's mouth. Kimberly swallowed it all, savoring his sweet juices. When he heard Nick still moaning, she looked up to see Calista and him engaged in an erotic battle with their tongues. Kimberly licked up the last of Nick's juices and then took the liberty to remove her tank, revealing a black satin bra with lace outlining. As Calista and Nick continued with their tonsil hockey, Kimberly slipped her hands up Nick's shirt and started kissing ever square inch of his chest. Once she couldn't go any further, she looked up at her two friends. Straddleing Nicks waist line she reached behind him and put her hand over the one Calista had been messaging her thigh with. Pushing it away, she found the button on her shorts, and undid it along with the zipper. Calista's broke from Nick's lips and snapped her head backwards as she felt Kimberly's fingers slowly rubbing her clit. As she did so, Kimberly bent down and started kissing Nick with a deep brusing passion. Nicks hands roamed over Kimberly's body, eventually coming to where her bra fastened in place. in one swift movement, he unsnapped it and threw it to the floor. Nick took her breast in his hands, enjoying both her and Calista's moans of pleasure. Calista ran her fingers through Nick's silky blonde hair as she felt one of Kimberly's fingers enter her. Nick mean while busied himself by running his fingers over Kim's nipples instantly bringing them to hard peaks. Kimberly breathed hard against his lips, Nick making her so turned on the she let another finger enter her best friend. Kimberly felt Calista's walls starting to contract. She released Nicks lips and inched up closer. Nick took one of her breast in his mouth as Kimberly tilted Calista's head foreward again, wanting to look at her face when she came. She lightly brushed her lips across Calista as her walls closed in on her two fingers and she cried out in a frenzy of passion.

Calista grabbed the back of Kimberly's head and thrust her tongue in her mouth, still tasting Nick's release on her tongue. As Kimberly got closer, she got up on her knees, moved to the side and leaned forward into Calista. Calista got on her knees to meet with Kimberly and when she did, they both fell back, Kimberly landing on top of Calista. Nick sat back and watched as the girls took on their own erotic battle, Kimberly pulling Calista's shirt off hastily to reveal a white satin bra. Kimberly placed an arm on each side of Calista's head, moaning at the pleasure of her tongue with another woman's tongue. Slowly, Calista and Kimberly got back to a kneeling position on their knees. Nick crawled to the two of them and separated them with his hands, getting in between the both of them.

"If you keep on doing that you are going to make me come. God, just watching you two is pushing me over the edge." The two girls smiled at each other and sat back down in their original formation. Calista sat in her bra and unzipped shorts and watched as Kimberly tugged her tank top back on. The two stared at each other, growing passion and lust in their eyes. Nick cleared his throat and smiled when both girls looked at him.

"Kimberly, it's your turn. Truth or dare?" asked Nick.

"This dare stuff is pretty cool, so I'll take that." Nick smiled at her, before leaning over and whispering something to Calista. His words must of intigued her cause in seconds she was smiling in the most evil way.

"Ok, I dare you to let me tongue fuck you, with Calista's assistance. Basically I get free reign over your entire body until you scream out my name in pleasure."

"Well, how can a girl refuse that?" Nick smiled again as he came up close to her.

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