Let The Games Begin- Part 4

Kim and Nick watched as the two of them left the room. She sat up and looked at Nick, who was turning around to face her.

"What was that all about?"

Kimberly smiled evilly. "If I know her, the kitchen."

Brian followed Calista down the stairs and into the kitchen. He hopped up onto the counter and watched as she opened the door to the fridge and stuck her head inside. She pulled out a basket of strawberries and a tub of cool whip and placed them on the counter next to Brian as she kicked the fridge door shut.

"Hungry?" she asked as she looked up at Brian.

" Yeah, but not for food" he smirked.

Calista raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Ooh Brian! Sex talk is good. But don't you want to eat with me?" She held up a strawberry and then bit a piece off, chewing it slowly and swallowing it. She held up the rest of it to Brian, who took it in his mouth and ate it whole. Then, he jumped off the counter and picked her up and put her on it. She watched him as he picked up a fat strawberry and dipped it into some cool whip. He held it up to her mouth and watched as she seductively took a bite out of it and then licked up some of the cool whip. Brian put the remainder of it into his mouth and chewed on it. When he swallowed, he looked up to see Callie looking at him intently. He dipped his index finger in the cool whip and brought it up to her mouth. Calista kept her eyes locked with his as she opened her mouth and let Brian slowly enter it into her mouth. She closed her lips around it, taking all of the cool whip with her. She took a strawberry and dipped it, then held it up to his mouth. She only allowed him to take part of it. Then she bent down and put her mouth on the other half of the berry sticking out of his mouth. She closed her lips and took her portion. After swallowing it, she leaned in and kissed him, passionately mixing her tongue with his. Brian rested his hands on her hips and picked her up, bringing her back down to a standing position in front of him, never once breaking the kiss.

"God Brian, I've wanted you for so long."

"I know."

"And how do you know?"

"Because, I want you too."

"But not now. Wait."

"I'll wait, but I'm not promising to keep my hands off of you."


"Come here you." He said as he pulled Calista to him and took possesion of her lips once more. Calista responded to the kiss, deepening it so that there tongues played against each other. Brian used one hand to push Calista back toward the kitchen table and the other to grab the tub of cool whip on the counter. He pushed her until they were standing next to a chair at the kitchen table. Brian released her lips and sat doen in the chair. Calista stood in front of him just staring.

"Sit with me." He said as he gripped her waist and pulled her close. She sat down on him so the she was straddleing his hips. Brian smoothed his hands up the sides of her body, forcing her to raise her arms over her head. once she did Brian removed her shirt and ran his hands down from her fonger tips to her breasts. He spqueezed themonly once before undoing the clasp and throwing the garment to the floor. Brian could do nothing more then gaze at her for a moment, his eyes drinking in all of her beauty.

"God your are beautiful." He breathed as he rubbed his cheeks against her bare flesh. Calista smiled and held his head down on her breasts, loving the feeling of his hot breath against her. Brian finally looked up at her and smiled. He placed his hands behind her, grabbing her ass and pulling her tighter against him.

"You know, I think you need to cool off a little."

"OH really." She purred as he took a some whip cream in his hands and started smearing it all over her chest. He was especially ginger with her nipples, not wanting to make them hard just yet. Calista ran he fingers through the mess of cream and tasted it for herself. Brian finished his master piece and started licking the it off her little by little. Calista felt herself become extremly wet as Brian's tongue flicked acoss her nipples and devour ever once of cream on them. Calista held Brian's head closer, telling him in every gesture not to stop. Just then Nick and Kimberly, now fully clothed, came down the stairs.

"Hey guys.....Oh sorry, didn't know." They turned to go back upstairs, until Calista voice stopped them.

"No, it's ok, come on in. We're having desert. Want to join us?"

"Absolutely!" chimed Kimberly as she hopped up onto the counter and straddled her legs around Brian's head. She dug a strawberry deep into the cool whip and ate it. She licked the cream from her fingers and smiled happily. "Life is good."

Kimberly looked down at Callie's exposed chest and smiled. "Stand up for a sec Cal." Calista stood up, still straddling Brian and looked up towards her friend. Kim leaned into her and licked up some cool whip. "Brian had missed a spot."

"Liar, you just like touching me" Calista smirked.

Kimberly laughed and shrugged. "Okay, both."

"It's okay. I rather enjoy it" she stated. She looked down at Brian put her hands on his cheeks. "Do me a favor Brian."

"Depends on what it is" he said.

Calista sat back down on his lap and got as close to him as she possibly could. "Can you please get up?"

"And what's in it for me?"

Calista smiled and thrusted her hips into his lap. "Anything you want."


She bucked her hips again and when she did, felt his growing errection. "Brian, we really need to do something about your penis. You get arroused so easily it's scary."

"Okay, the next time I'm straddling you while I'm half naked we'll see just how turned on you get."

"Ooh, if that's a threat then I hope you fulfill it."

"Of course." He slipped out from underneath her and walked over to Nick.

"Hey Nick?"

"Yeah Bri?" Brian pulled Nick's face to his and kissed him. "What was that for?" asked Nick when they parted.

"You just looked so cute standing there. I don't know, I just had to kiss you."

"Well then, you may do that anytime you wish."

"But if I did that, then I'd be all over you 24/7."

"Fine by me." Nick smiled and then kissed Brian. They separated when they heard Kimberly clearing her throat. They both looked at her curiously.

"If you guys are going to do that then I'd really like to go upstairs so that I'd have a better view."

Nick rolled his eyes playfully. "Same thing goes for you two. What exactly is Calista doing to you?" Everyone looked down to see Calista's head in between Kimberly's legs.

"Calista, ummm, kinda lost a strawberry and she's trying to find it" Kimberly said almost sheepishly. Suddenly, Calista emerged with a strawberry sticking out of her mouth. Nick rushed up to her and took the other half in his mouth. They both closed their lips around it at the same time and pulled away, looking into each other's eyes. Calista stepped back and looked from Nick, to Brian and back again. Then she sighed. "I can't decide."

"You can't decide what?" asked Nick.

"Which one of you I want more."

"Come on kiddies," Kimberly interrupted. "Let's go back up to the bed. There are still plenty more things to be done." With a nod of approval, the four of them headed back upstairs and into Calista's bedroom. Closing the door, they all resumed sitting on the floor in a circle. Kimberly noticed some whip cream still on Calista neck.

"I think you missed more then one spot on her Brian." Brian looked over at Calista and then back at Kimberly.

"Kimberly, truth or dare?"

"What do you think?"

"Ok. On the way up here I had a thought. Right now I want Callie pretty bad, but I think she needs a little warming up first. I dare you you take care of that for me, with Nick's assistance of course." Kimberly looked over at Nick. He smiled at her, more then willing to go another round with the both of them.

"Well, I think Nick's all for it, but Callie seems to have traded me for you." She said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Oh I could never do that. I'm good to go hear with the two of ya."

"Then why are you still sitting there?" Brian asked as he stared at her adoringly.

"Sorry hun." She got up and sat between Kimberly and Nick.

"Stand up Callie." Kimberly commanded. She did as she was told. Kimberly looked back at Nick.

"Nick, stand with your back against the wall." Nick walked backwards until her was flatbacked against the wall. Kimberly put her hands on Callie'a shoulders and pushed her back until her back was against Nick. He slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulders evr so lightly. Kimberly pushed a stray lock of hair away from her friends face and engulfed her lips in a deep kiss. Callie responded as she felt Kimberly's hands grab the hems of her shirt and pull it up. Releasing her lips Kimberly took Callie's shirt and bra off and threw them on the bed. Then she did the same with her own. Her hands grazed over Callies breasts before taking one of her nipples into her mouth. Nick put his hand on the back of Kimberly's head, tangeling his fingers in her hair. Calista breathed a deep sige of pleasure as Kimberly's lips traveled to her other breast and closed over it. Kimberly didn't waist much time in getting her's and Calista's shorts and panties off. Nick cupped both of Calista's breast in his hands as Kimberly put a hand under Calista's knee, bringing her leg up so that it wrapped around her waist.

"Your ready for this honey?" Nick whispered as he kissed her ear lobe. Calista breathed in deep, aching for this to go on and never stop.

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