Let The Games Begin- Part 5

The feeling of Kimberly's naked body against her own exposed flesh made her moan in ecstasy. Kimberly smiled and kissed her, caressing Callies sides at the same time. Calista wrapped her arms around Kims neck and pulled her close, wanting as much of her as she could get.

Nick reached his hand around and inserted a finger inside of Calista, softly messaging her clit while he kissed the back of her neck and shoulders.

"Oh shit!" cried out Callie as she felt another finger enter her. She leaned her head back onto Nick as she felt him kissing her back and Kimberly kissing her breasts. She leaned her head to the side and looked at Brian, who was watching them. Nick inserted yet another finger into Calista, making her head snap back against his chest and a moan escape from her lips. Kimberly took one of her taught nipples into her mouth as she reached down and rubbed Calista clit with her index finger.

"Oh god!!" Calista whispered. The leg that was around Kimberly's waist tightend, pulling her closer to Calista's body as her release neared. Brian meanwhile had never been so turned on in his life, so much that he had to begin rubbing himself to relieve some of the tention he was feeling.

"Kim, she's gonna give any second." Nick said as he pushed the 3 fingers he had inside her further down. Kimberly cupped Calista's face in her hands and locked her lips to her's. Calista quickly broke away as she felt her walls contract around Nick's fingers. She screamed out in complete ecstacy as her leg dropped back to her side, as her now limp body fell forward into Kimberly's arms.

"Nick, take her for a second." Nick took Calista into his arms and held her close as Kimberly raised Callie's face to her's.

"Don't even think this is over yet." She quickly brushed her lips across Calista's before turning around. Nick turned Callie's body around so that she was facing him. Keeping her close, he kissed her parted lips deeply, exploring the inside of her mouth with his tongue.

"How do you feel honey?" Nick whispered against her lips.

"Like I want to get the life fucked out of me and fast."

"Oh don't worry, you will." Kimberly said as she motioned for Brian to sit down on the floor on the side of the bed.

"Brian, your gonna get full view of everything." Brian sat down as Kimberly put a pillow from the bed in his lap. Afterwards, Kimberly laid flat backed on the floor with her head in Brians lap on the pillow.

"Nick, bring her to me." Kim said. Nick turned Callie around and walked over to his two friends with her. Callie leaned down over Kimberly until her body was lying against her's . Kimberly wrapped Callie in her arms and rubbed her hands up and down her back. Brian took a moment to run his fingers through Callie's soft hair. Kimberly and Calista engaged in a deep abiding kiss, pressing their bodies together as closely as possible. As Calista rubbed her cheeks against Kimberly's neck, Kimberly motioned for Nick that it was time.

"Callie, get up on your hands and knee's." Calista did as she was told, while Nick kneeled down behind her. Nick rubbed his hands down Callie's back a few times, loving how soft her skin felt beneath his palms. Kimberly reached up and took Callie's breasts in her hands as Nick grabbed her hips and pushed his erection against her. Callie was ready to cry out when Kimberly kissed her again. Very slowly, Nick eased his cock into her, filling her completely in one powerful thrust.

"How does that feel Callie." Calista's breathing was ragged as she bent down and kissed her friend again. Brian leaned over Kimberly's head and locked lips with his beautiful Calista. But their kiss was broken as Nick took his first thrust into her body. Calista yelled out as he started a slow rythm at first and then sped up. Kimberly kept a firm hold on Calista's breast as he body heaved back and forth with each of Nick's powerful thrusts. Sweat started running down Callie and Nick's faces as both of them neared an incredible orgasm. Kimberly brought Calista down on her elbows and kissed her deeply.

"You having fun girl?" Kimberly said as she brushed the damp hair away from Callie's face.

"Hell yeah." She said as she looked up at Brian. Kimberly could feel under her head how turned on Brian was, how much he was aching to fuck Calista to death.

"Oh god!!! Nick!!!" She screamed out as he spilled his hot fluid into her and her silky walls clenched around his length. Calista fell on top of Kimberly, her breathing labor. Kimberly kissed Calista's forhead as Nick came up to her side and rubbed Callie's back. Brian leaned down and slowly tilted Calista's face towards him.

"That's gonna be me inside you very soon baby."

Calista looked him in his eye intensely as her chest heaved up and down, trying to catch her breath. "I bet you're already hard, aren't you?" she asked as she crawled further up Kimberly's body to get closer to Brian.

"After watching this, yes."

"And you're just aching to be fucked now, aren't you?"

"In the worst possible way."

She leaned her head into his, her lips just millimeters away from his. "You want me so bad you can taste it." She slowly ran her tongue over his lips. When Brian tried to capture her tongue with his mouth, she pulled away a little. She looked him in his baby blues and smiled cunningly. "But I want you to have something else first."

"And what's that?" he whispered in a hoarse voice.

"I want you to watch me please you. And I want Nick to do it with me."

Calista got off of Kimberly and got Brian to his feet. She pushed him down on the bed and pinned down his arms. "Nick, come here." Nick got up from the floor and got up on the bed next to her.

"Hold down his arm with one of your hands. I'll hold him down with one of mine." Nick did as he was instructed and looked down at Brian with a smile. Then he leaned down and licked Brian's ear. "Trust me B, you're in for a real treat" he whispered. Brian leaned his head towards Nick and kissed him with a bruising passion, thrusting his tongue deep inside his mouth. Calista busied herself by lying feather like kisses down Brians neck and chest, making him moan out against Nick's lips as she closed her mouth over one of his nipples. Calista separated the two of them and started kissing Nick herself. They teased and sucked on each other's tongues until Nick reached over and took one of her breasts in his hands. Callie urged him forward as she laid across Brian's chest, back down, giving Nick full access to her uppper body. Nick released her breast and slipped his hand to wear the waist band of Brians shorts laid, kissing Callie as he undid the button and zipper. With her free hand, she followed Nick's lead and eased her hand toward Brians swollen cock. Nick took Callies hand in his and the two of them wrapped around Brian's length and started pumping him up and down. Slowly at first and then faster and faster. Brian bucked his hips, meating every pull that they gave him, while watching Calista, who was still lying across his chest, kissing Nick. Brian wanted to run his hand over her firm body so bad, but every time he tried to break away, Nick and Callie would increase their hold on his hands. Brian felt himself ready to give as he raised his head and looked st Nick and Callie who were still locked together.

"Calista I'm telling you, you rreally gonna get it when I come down from this high." Calista broke her kiss with Nick and looked up at Brian. Finally after one final pump, Brians release spilled out all over Nick and Callie's hands. Calista licked away the tasteful fluid and looked at Brian devilishly.

"I'm counting on it."

Nick leaned in and kissed Brian with a satisfied feeling. When he pulled away, he looked at Calista, smiling like a little kid.

"Okay, let his hands go." As soon as they both released their grip from his arms, Brian bolted from his spot, tackled Calista on the bed and lay on top of her, devouring her mouth in a kiss of urgency and utter lust.

"How dare you tease me like that" he growled as his hands roamed her body.

"Tease? Me? Never!"

"Uh huh, sure. Then what would you call all of that?"

Calista forcefully flipped him over and pinned him down to the bed. "Getting you hard. And as I can tell, it worked, in spades." She grinned like the Cheshire cat as she looked down at the sight of Brian's erection through his pants. She slowly inched her way down and kissed his member through his pants. Brian moaned loudly as she continued to do this, pressing harder and longer with each kiss. When he tried to hold her head against him with his hands, Calista got up from the bed and took a step back.

"Come on Calista! I can't stand all of this constant teasing" he groaned in a deep and sexy voice.

"Yeah, you're even turning me on" said Kimberly as she took a seat on the edge of the bed next to Brian.

Calista arched an eyebrow and licked her lips. "Really now? Want me to tease you too?" she offered, looking intently at her friend.

"Not now. I'm sweating bullets after all of this. I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick. Entertain yourselves while I'm gone." She got up from the bed and pecked Calista on the cheek as she stalked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"So Nick," Calista began as she turned to look at the two boys, who were sitting side by side on the bed. "How was I?"

Nick groaned sexually and laughed. "I haven't had enough of you yet to decide."

"Is that a compliment?"


"Good. I'll keep that in mind. But just for Brian's reference, how was it?"

Nick looked at Brian and smiled evilly. "All I'm saying is that you are in for something Bri. If she spent all that time building you up then I can only imagine how it's all gonna explode, hopefully not literally of course" Nick laughed.

Brian looked up at Calista and shook his head while smiling. "When I get my hands on you…"

"Ah!" she interrupted. She put a finger on Brian's lips and looked him in the eyes. "There is still one thing left to do."

"And what would that be?" asked Nick. Callie turned her head and looked at Nick.

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