Remember Me This Way-Chapter 1

*Dr. Mont's Office*

Nick- "Amnesia!"

Dr. Mont- "Yes, it's not entirely uncommon. I'm sure it's just a temporary situation."

Nick- "How temporary is it. " Nick said as he walked around the doctors desk, not being able to hold still even for a moment.

Dr. Mont- "There's no way to tell. It could be as little as a few days, or as much as a couple of months."

Nick- "So, she will recover?"

Dr. Mont- "Judging by her injury, she has a 99% chance of recovery. But there is always that 1% that can make all the difference."

Brian- "So, what's the best thing we an do for her?"

Dr. Mont- "Right now the best thing to do is to surround her with familiar things and familiar people. It will help to trigger her memory."

Nick- "So, there's nothing more anyone can do for her?" He asked, his anger starting to get the better of him.

Dr. Mont- "At the moment, no. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, for now it's all there is. Your gonna have to be very patient and understanding with her, Nick. And this attitude that your displaying right now is not gonna do you or Jena any good."

Nick- "What you want me to do! She's my world, my life. She means everything to me and yet to her I'm a stranger now. How do you want me to react." Nick flopped down in a chair with his head in his hands. Brian looked down at his friend, knowing that the next few weeks were definitely going to be the hardest of Nick and Jena's lives.

Brian- "Thank you doctor." He extended his hand and shook with the doctor.

Dr. Mont- "I'll be in touch. And I'll be here tomorrow when you come to pick her up." Brian nodded as he turned his attention back to Nick. He was now hunched over in the chair, looking as though he was gonna fall out of it. Brian took his arms and guided him out the door and down the hall to Jena's room.

Brian- "Go on in. I'll go call the other's and fill them in on what's going on. A.J. is gonna have a field day when he hears." Nick heard Brian's words, but didn't register them in his brain. His face had turned a ghastly shade of white and tear drops stood in his eyes.

Brian- "Frack buddy, she's gonna get better. We're all gonna be there to help her. And you." Nick nodded his head.

Nick- "Thanks B, you're the best." He gave his friend a hug and entered Jena's room. Brian went out to the lobby, pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed his cousin Kevin's number.

Kevin- "Hello."

Brian- "Hey cuz."

Kevin- "Brian, where the hell are you guys. You, Nick and Jena left about 7 hours ago. We all thought you guys would of been back by now."

Brian- "Kev, I have some bad news about Jena. Are the other's there?"

Kevin- "Yeah, everyone's here. What's goin' on man?" Brian spent the next half hour filling Kevin in on all the details. Once A.J. got wind of it, he was out of the house like a shot, in his car and heading toward the hospital.

Kevin- "I should of known A.J. would do that. He and Jena have been friends ever since high school. He loves her like a sister."

Brian- "Don't worry, we're all a little worried right now I think."

Kevin- "The big question here is, how is Nick taking it?"

Brian- "Not too good man, he's not gonna be himself again until Jena gets her memory back."

Kevin- "Ok, the rest of us are on our way. We should be there in about an hour."

Brian- "Ok, I'll wait for you in the lobby." They hung up. Brian took a seat and waited.

*Jena's room*

Jena had fallen asleep again. Even though Nick wanted to start talking to her immediately, she looked so peaceful, he couldn't find it in his heart to wake her. Very lightly he traced the contours of her face with his index finger, all the while thinking that after almost 2 years of being together, she was still the most gorgeous creature he'd ever laid eyes on. While she slept, he busied himself by recalling all the wonderful memories she and him had made, so he could tell her about them later.

Nick- "I know your in there, Jena. I want you to come back. I need you to come back."

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