Remember Me This Way

Chapter 10

*1 week later- Nick's House*

Brian- "Nick, would you get a move on it! We're gonna be late for this interview!" Brian yelled as he paced the floor by the front door.

Nick- "I'm coming Brian, just hold on a sec."

Brian- "You said that 5 minutes ago, now let's move it!" He yelled again. A few seconds later Nick came down the stairs, dressed in baggy jeans and a polo shirt, with a white hat turned backwards. Brian stared wide eyed at his friend. The clothes that he wore were nice, but his physical appearance was awful.

Brian- "Nick, are you sick?"

Nick- "No, why?"

Brian- "Why? For god's sake, look at yourself. There is no color to your face, you look like you haven't slept in weeks and you look like you have lost an incredible amount of weight."

Nick- "I don't know what your talking about. Can we just get to this interview and get it over with." He said harshly as he grabbed his care keys.

Brian- "This is about Jena isn't it?"

Nick- "No, there is nothing wrong. She's with AJ now, and I hope that they are happy together."

Brian- "Nick, AJ hasn't done anything with her you know. As far as I can tell he hasn't even kissed her yet and-."

Nick- "Brian, you don't have to defend AJ to me. I said I wasn't mad at him and I meant that. This is no one's fault. Now, can we please drop this and get out of here." He blew passed Brian and out the door. Maybe Nick could fool himself into believing that this wasn't eating him away inside, but he couldn't fool Brian. Brian knew what this was doing to his best bud emotionally and now physically. Something had to give, and it had to happen quick before Nick destroyed himself.

*AJ's House*

AJ- "Jena, I'm leaving for the interview! I'll be back later tonight." Jena heard him yell and came to the top of the staircase.

Jena- "Ok, why don't we do Chinese for dinner tonight."

AJ- "Sounds good, I'll call you on my way home." AJ turned toward the door and opened it.

Jena- "AJ." He turned back around and looked at her.

Jena- "Say hi to Nick for me. Tell him to stop being such a stranger."

AJ- "I will." With that, he left the house and made his way to the car.

*The Radio Station*

DJ- "Hey guys, welcome." The boys all shook hands with him and were seated in a large studio with a head set on each of them.

AJ- "What up Nicky?"

Nick- "Not much Bone, and how many times have I told you not to call me Nicky?" He said as he punched him in the arm.

AJ- "Keep that up and you and I will be having our own interview out in the parking lot, using these headphones as weapons."

Nick- "Ohh, I'm scared." The two both laughed, AJ breathing a sigh of relief that Nick wasn't angry with him.

AJ- "Listen Nick, about Jena. I want you to know that she and I haven't done anything and that I'm taking really good care of her and-."

Nick- "AJ, I know. It's cool." AJ narrowed his eyes, knowing that what he was saying wasn't entirely true. He wasn't very good as pretending like he was ok with all of this. The thought of Jena being with anyone but him was getting to be too much for him to handle, and AJ could see this in his eyes.

DJ- "Hello Florida, and welcome to XL106.7's interview with non other then the Backstreet Boys. We are broadcasting live today, sitting here with Kevin, Brian, AJ, Howie and Nick. How you guys doing today?"

All- "Pretty good, fine, what up Florida"

DJ- "You guys are getting ready to start a new world tour again, are you nervous."

Brian- "A little, but we're excited too. We can't wait to get back out on stage and see all our fans again."

DJ- "And when does this tour kick off?"

Kevin- "June 2nd, in Belgium. We're touring Europe this summer and then the U.S. in the fall."

DJ- "Ok, now you guys have been touring for the last 6 years. When your out there, do you still get homesick?"

Howie- "Sure we do. But sometimes we fly family members in to where we are, and we call back home to talk to our friends."

DJ- "Now while we're on the issue of friends, I have a question for Nick about one friend in particular. Rumor has it that you are now a single man again, that you and your old girlfriend have now broken up." Dead silence took over the studio, Brian looking at the DJ in pure discuss.

Nick- "No, that rumor is not true. I am still with my girlfriend, and I love her very much, more then I could ever explain." The guys all looked at him, each one trying to understand his situation.

The interview ended an hour later and the guys made their way out to the parking lot.

Brian- "Frack man, are you ok. That question that he asked you in there was totally uncalled for."

Nick- "I'm fine, now could everyone please stop asking me that!" He yelled. The guys stared at him in shock as he got in his car and drove off.

Brian- "AJ, has Jena said anything to you about Nick this last week?"

AJ- "She told me this morning to tell him hi and to stop being such a stranger. Other then that, not really."

Brian- "We have to do something. Did you see the way he looked and how thin he's gotten in just a weeks time. This is tearing him up, and he's doing his best to ignore it."

Kevin- "I know what he's doing. He's trying to forget about her, and since he can't it's making him exhausted and sick from tying too hard. Sooner or later he's gonna shut down completely."

Howie- "But what can we do? How do you help someone that isn't willing to help themselves? Or better yet, how do you save someone from their feelings?"

Brian- "I'm gonna go find him."

Kevin- "Don't, he'll just push you away again. Give him some space then we'll see how he's doing in the morning."

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