Remember Me This Way

Chapter 11

*5 days later*

Even though Brian, AJ, Kevin, and Howie knew that something had to be done about their friend, there seemed to be no hope. Every time one of them approached him with counseled words, he just told them to stop and ran off. His health had become a constant issue and his performance during rehearsals and practices was seriously lacking. It was as if all the passion that he had once had for life had vanished, and now he was doomed to walk around with an empty heart, desperately trying to find the missing piece.

Jena, however, was doing quite well. She and AJ had become very close friends and they spent a lot of nights staying up and talking. AJ continued to fill her in on her past, trying to get her to recollect anything. It was this night though, that Jena was alone for the first time during the night. AJ had gone out with Howie to some club. Jena occupied her time by watching a movie and having pizza. When that was done, she made her way upstairs and laid down in her bed. She finally fell into a deep sleep about an hour later, and immediately began to have a dream.

*The Dream*

It was a dark night in the house and AJ had just come home from the studio. From AJ's room, Jena heard him close the front door and make his way up the stairs. Jena propped herself up against the bed headboard and waited. Finally the bedroom door opened, and AJ walked in. He threw his bag in the corner and flipped the light switch. Turning around and pulling at his shirt at the same time, he finally saw Jena. The sight of her made his heart skip several beats. She was lying on his bed, dressed in a sheer white satin nightgown, her hair falling so perfectly around her shoulders, and he lips covered in gloss that made them shiny and tempting.

AJ- "Jena, what are you doing in here?" He said as he quickly pulled his shirt down.

Jena- "Waiting on you, I thought you'd never get here." She said seductively as she got up and walked up in front of him. AJ's body tensed and heated up at the same time as she came to stop directly in front of him. Jena lightly ran her finger nails up his chest, then stopped at his throat so she could use her lips to kiss the base. AJ breathed out a deep sigh, at the same time he started cursing his body for reacting to his friends girlfriends touch. Jena noticed the tension in his limbs, and looked up at him.

Jena- "AJ loosen up a little. Or would you like me to take care of that problem for you." She smiled at him wickedly before her hands started grazing over his sides and making their way to his back.

Jena- "You know, when you walked in you were getting ready to take this off." She said as she pushed her hands up underneath it and then took the hem between her fingers.

AJ- "Jena, please-." But before he could finish, she had pulled the clothing up over his head and was kissing his chest. Somehow, AJ's hands tangled themselves in her soft hair and pushed her backwards to the bed. Laying her down slowly, he took a moment to look over her body. She looked so unbelievably sexy in the garment that she wore. He let the tips of his fingers run down the length of her body, making her quiver under his touch. Jena held up her arms, wanting to be as close to him as she could possibly get. AJ gently laid his weight down on her, and started feathering kisses down her neck. Jena moaned in pleasure and urged him to continue, he need for him becoming more then she could handle. With one swift movement, her gown was removed and thrown to the floor. She closed her eyes and ravished in the feeling of hot breath seeping through the skin on her stomach. When she finally noted the unexpected tenderness in his hands running over her body, she grabbed either side of his face and whispered.

Jena- "I love you, Nick" The figure that had been AJ was no more. In his place was Nick's baby blue eyes staring at her in the most loving way. Running his fingers through her hair, he bent his head so that his lips were only millimeters away from her's.

Nick- "I love you too, Jena."

*End Dream*

Jena bolted up in bed like a shot. He face was dripping in cold sweat, almost like she had had a nightmare. She wrapped her arms around herself and thought back to what had just transpired in her brain. The feeling of Nick's hands all over her was still there, and the gentleness he had showed her still lingered in her mind. But then she reverted back to AJ. Her feelings for him had not changed despite what had just happened. But now, she had even more questions that needed to be answered about her and Nick. There had to be an explanation as to why she was first dreaming about AJ, the one she wanted. Then, it was Nick's face in his place. She knew that she could never tell AJ about this, he hadn't even kissed her yet more or less thought about her in a sexual way. So, she made a decision to go straight to the source of her worries. Changing clothes quickly, she grabbed the keys to AJ's Exabition and drove off down the road.

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