Remember Me This Way- Chapter 14

*The Next Day, AJ's House, 4:30pm*

AJ- "Jena would you hurry up, this place won't hold our reservations forever!" He yelled as he paced the floor, all dressed up in an Armani suit, and of course his trade mark sunglasses. Jena came down the stairs, fixing her earing's and trying not to drop her hand bag.

AJ- "Wow." Was the only word that AJ could get out when he saw her. She was beyond radiant, dressed in a crushed black velvet dress with thin straps, and rhinestones alining the top of the dress. Her short hair was tied up on top of her head with a few tendrils hanging around her face, and matching shoes. She got to the bottom of the stair case and smiled at her date for the evening.

AJ- "Jena, you look beautiful."

Jena- "Thank you. Sorry I took so long but if you just would of told me where we're going yesterday I could of had my wardrobe planned out."

AJ- "Oh come on, I want this to be a surprise."

Jena- "Come on, it's my birthday so grant me a wish. Tell me where your taking me."

AJ- "Sorry, no can do. You'll have to wait and see for yourself."

*Ballroom, the Grand Floridian Hotel*

The preparations were nearly complete, the food and sound system had arrived on time and now the staff was setting everything in it's place. Nick, Kevin, Howie and Brian stood out in the lobby greeting the guests as they arrived.

Brian- "Yo Nick, you doing ok?"

Nick- "Yeah I'm good, I'm just a little bummed but I'll get over it." Brian didn't even have to question it, he already knew what was up with his friend. Ever since they had started planning this party for Jena all Nick talked about was how much he was looking forward to being her escort for the evening, and then spending the night with her in his arms in the most luxurious suit the hotel had to offer. And now, all that was just history. Brian patted Nick's shoulder and smiled.

Brian- "Don't get depressed now man, tonight is gonna be fun, you just wait and see. Birthdays are always good times to remember, it's the start of a whole new year for the person who is celebrating it and the people around her. Who knows what tonight may bring."

Nick- "I know, I'll be cool."

*AJ House*

Jena- "Fine don't tell me, but you still owe me birthday wish."

AJ- "Deal, when you decide what you want then let me know and I'll grant it."

Jena- "Promise?"

AJ- "I promise. Now come on, we're gonna be late." He started to make his way out the door, but he was stopped by Jena grabbing his arm.

Jena- "Wait, I already have chosen my wish."

AJ- "Geez, that was quick....Ok, what's it gonna be Birthday girl."

Jena- "I want you to kiss me." AJ froze, unable to move any part of his body. He had totally set himself up for that. Now that he'd made a promise he knew there was no way she would let him out of it. Jena saw the blank look on his face, it scared her at first and then her fear turned to anguish.

Jena- "What is wrong with you? Is it so bad to think about kissing me?"

AJ- "Jena, do we have to talk about this now?"

Jena- "Yeah, I think we do. I don't understand you Nick, you and I loved kissing each other every second of the day, and now you barely even look at me anymore."

AJ- "Jena, you just called me Nick." Jena thought back to what she had just said. She shook her head in frustration and looked back to AJ.

Jena- "Sorry, I meant to say AJ. But don't change the subject, you know what I'm talking about."

AJ- "Not anymore I don't. You just said we used to kiss all the time, that was never true for you and me. Now you and Nick, that's a different story. There were times when you came to the studio with us and we would practically have to drag Nick into the sound booth cause you and him were so into it. Everywhere we went you two would have no problems getting started in front of all of us."

Jena- "AJ, just stop it. Your avoiding the point. Now are you going to do what I asked or are you gonna break your promise to me."

AJ- "What do you really want Jena." He stepped up to her and clutched her upper arms in his hands.

AJ- "Is it really me you want to grant that wish, or is it Nick?" Jena couldn't answer him by looking into his eyes. She shifted her gaze to the floor as AJ clamped his hands tighter on her arms.

AJ- "Look me in the eyes and tell me that it's really me that you want to kiss you." Jena's inner persons were having the worst blood bath in the world, each trying to kill the other in order to stay. Her eyes filled with tears, but she forced her old self away, desperate to hold onto the only life that she knew and could remember. Looking up at AJ, she took a step closer..

Jena- "I want you, not Nick. What we had is history. You're my future." AJ felt a giant lump in his throat. How was he going to explain this to Nick, and tonight of all nights. Jena was cursing at herself, regretting the fact that she had just embellished the truth a great deal about her feelings for Nick. But she was so determined to hold onto something that she knew instead of spending the rest of her life searching for memories that weren't meant to come back to her. AJ looked down at his childhood friend, knowing full right well that it was too late to turn back now. With a heavy weight growing in his chest he leaned down and pressed his lips against her's.

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