Remember Me This Way-Chapter 2

*The next morning- Nick's house*

Brian- "Come guys, hurry up!" He yelled across the house. In a matter of seconds Nick, Howie and Kevin came barreling down the stairs, ready to go pick Jena up from the hospital.

Kevin- "Nick, did you get a change of clothes for her?"

Nick- "Yeah, I have them right here in this bag."

Howie- "Wait a minute, has anyone seen AJ?" The guys all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

Kevin- "I haven't seen his face since we got home from the hospital yesterday." The guys spread out all over the house, calling his name and searching every room. But it was Nick who soon realized where he was. Without saying anything to the others, he went back upstairs, down the hall and into Jena's room. Sure enough there was AJ, standing at her dresser, looking at the mess of framed pictures that adorned it.

Nick- "Thought I'd find you in here." AJ acknowledged Nick's presence in the room, but didn't turn to face him. Tear drops stood in his eyes as he picked up one of the pictures. Nick closed the door behind him and walked up next to his friend. He examined the photo in AJ hands with a slight smile.

Nick- "Remember when that was taken?" AJ snickered as the memory started to come back to him.

AJ- "Yeah, it was the first week Jena was here. We took her to Disney World and got drenched on Splash Mountain. The three of us looked so ridiculous that Rok had to snap this picture."

Nick- "Exactly....I remember the next ride we went on was the Haunted Mansion. Jena and I weren't going out yet but we went on that ride together. It was so cold inside. Through the whole ride I had Jena wrapped in my arms, trying to warm her up. At one point she looked up at me and asked if I would protect her from the ghosts. I laughed and said that I would protect her from anything for the rest of her life. I knew at that point the Jena was to be the love of my life....We started dating 3 days later."

AJ- "I remember that. When I first found out about you two, I wasn't happy at all. But when she got home that first night, her face was just glowing with joy. I couldn't help but be happy for both of you at that point. Ever since then you've treated her like a queen, and you give her all the respect and love that she ever needed."

Nick- "And now she's gone." AJ looked up at Nick as he set the picture back down.

AJ- "She's not gone Nick. She's just temporarily lost for now. We have to help her find her way back."

Nick- "I know. AJ, I just realized something."

AJ- "What's that?"

Nick- "For the last two days, I've been really selfish. All I was thinking about was how I'd lost her and how that was gonna impact my life. I barely thought about what this is like for her."

AJ- "She's like a stranger now. She doesn't remember anything about us, about this house or her past. She's gonna be walking around with an empty head. But you can't beat yourself up about that. I don't think any of us are thinking clearly yet." AJ patted him on the shoulder as they heard Brian yelling from the downstairs.

AJ- "Guess we'd better go before he starts beating us up."

Nick- "Yeah lets go, Jena's waiting on us."

*At the Hospital*

Jena sat at the window in her hospital room, staring outside into the court yard. She knew she was getting out today. Five guys had come to visit her yesterday and said they would be taking her home. The confusion she was feeling overwhelmed her, and she longed to remember just one thing about her past, or about who she was.

The guys arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later. Brian had dropped Nick and AJ off at the front doors while he waited in the car with Kevin and Howie. Nick and AJ went up to the front desk to speak with the duty nurse.

Nurse- "Can I help you sir?"

Nick- "Yeah, my name is Nick Carter, I'm here to pick up my girlfriend Jena Gates." The nurse pulled out a clipboard and handed it to Nick.

Nurse- "Sign this release form please and she's waiting in her room." Nick put his signature on the dotted line, handed it back to the nurse and headed for Jena's room with AJ right behind him.

They found her sitting on her window ledge, still in a hospital gown and looking extremely lost.

Nick- "Hey Jena." Jena whipped around and looked at the two of them.

AJ- "Hi guys. Please come in." The guys walked into her room as she stood up and walked to them. Nick held up the bag he was carrying and handed it to her.

Nick- "I brought you a change of clothes. If you want to go ahead and get dressed, we'll get you out of here." Jena smiled and took the bag from him.

Jena- "Thanks um..... I'm sorry what's your name again." Nick turned to AJ for a brief second. AJ could see the hurt in his eyes as he turned his attention back to Jena.

Nick- "I'm Nick."

AJ- "And I'm AJ."

Jena- "Oh right, now I remember. Thanks guys." With that she turned and went into the bathroom. Nick turned at AJ as a tears started running down his cheeks. AJ went up to him and hugged his little bro close.

AJ- "Come on Nicky, hold it together. We'll get through this, I promise." Nick nodded his head against AJ's shoulder, shortly afterward pulling away. Jena emerged from the bathroom, dressed and ready to go in a white tank top, jean shorts, and sneakers.

Jena- "Ok, I'm ready to go."

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