Remember Me This Way-Chapter 3

*Nick's House*

Brian- "Ok man, we'll go pick up dinner while you get Jena situated here. We should be back in about an hour."

Nick- "Ok, remember pizza with pepperoni and sausage is her favorite."

Brian- "Don't worry we won't forget. We'll be back in a while."

Nick- "Later guys." Brian and the other's pulled out of the driveway as Nick turned his attention back at Jena. She was looking over the green dodge Durango that was parked on the other side of the driveway. Nick walked up next to her.

Nick- "What are ya lookin' at?"

Jena- "This is a really cool car. Who's is it?"

Nick- "It's mine, but you have driven it before. Even though a majority of the time you drive the Mercedes that's parked in the garage." Jena looked past him toward the house.

Jena- "Do I live here?"

Nick- "Yeah, come on, I'll show you around."

Jena followed him up the walkway. Even though she was very hesitant she went in the front door and started to look around.

Nick- "Go ahead and look around. See if anything seems familiar." Jena walked out of the foyer and into the living room. She closely examined everything she saw, from the double set of sofa's to the large entertainment unit. After a few moments her gaze fell on the far wall of the room. It was covered in gold records, awards, pictures and certificates. She looked closely at one of the enlarged pictures and turned back toward Nick.

Jena- "Is that you?" She asked pointing to a younger shot of the group.

Nick- "Yeah, that's me and the rest of the guys. We're in a music group called the Backstreet Boys. These are all the awards we've won. You know, you helped to hang all this up when you first moved in with me."

Jena- "Do I have my own room?"

Nick- "It's upstairs. Come on, I'll show ya." Nick lead her up the stair case and to her bedroom. Just as they walked in the phone started to ring.

Nick- "I'll be right back." He said as he walked down the hall to his room.

Jena walked around this unfamiliar place, running her fingers over everything, desperately trying to recall even one memory. The clothes in the closet, the white satin comforter on the bed, and finally the collection of pictures on the dresser. She looked over them carefully until she caught sight of one inperticular. It was her and Nick dressed up in some very formal clothing. Nick was dressed all in black with rhinestones on the collar of his blazer. She was wearing a dress with rhinestone spaghetti straps, while the rest of the dress was made of green skin tight velvet. In the background, she saw a few people with camera's and others posing for pictures. She started to wonder when and where this photo had been taken. Still holding the framed memory in her hands she walked over to a shelf that had a stereo system and cd collection on it. She picked up the nearest tape and put it in the tape deck. A beautiful slow song came out over the speakers.

Nick- "How do you feel?" Jena had been so dissolved in thought she hadn't noticed Nick come back into the room and come up beside her. She looked sadly at the picture and then back up into Nick's blue eyes.

Jena- "Lost." The hurt that Nick saw in her face cut through his heart. At that point he wanted nothing more then to take her in his arms and shield her from anymore pain.

Jena- "These are supposed to be my memories, the things that make my life happy and complete." She said holding up the picture.

Jena- "They've all been stolen. And I'm doomed to walk the streets, a stranger looking for her lost heart and soul." Nick took the picture form her and looked at it.

Nick- "This was taken at the MTV Video Music Awards. We won for best dance video that night. Afterwards, all of us went back to the penthouse suit at the hotel for the after party. It was on the roof, under a sky full of stars. We danced, talked and mingled until 3 o'clock in the morning." Jena turned her attention back to the music that was playing. Nick smiled and decided to answer her question before she even asked.

Nick- "This is your favorite song off our new album. It's called "Back To Your Heart" We made this tape at the recording studio before the album was even released. You liked it so much that we let you keep it." Nick looked down at her. She was staring at the floor with her hands about her head.

Nick- "Hey." Nick could feel pain surge through him when Jena looked up with tears cascading down her cheeks.

Jena- "I'm so scared. What if I never remember who I am?"

Nick- "I'm not gonna let that happen. EVER. Me and the rest of the guys are gonna do everything we can to help you. I'm never gonna let you go a minute alone in this." Even though Jena was still very unsure and apprehensive about everything, she leaned herself against him, desperately needing a warm body to cry on. Nick closed his eyes as his arms encircled her ever so lightly. He could feel how badly she was shaking, and knew that the fear inside her was of a strength that he couldn't touch at this moment. He ran his hands up and down her back as she cried against his chest. After a few more minutes, Nick pushed her away. He was afraid of losing control of himself cause his need for her right now was so intense.

Nick- "You've had a long day. Why don't you lay down, and when the guys get ack with dinner, I'll come up and get you." Jena whipped the tears off her face and tried to regain her composure.

Jena- "I am a little tired."

Nick- "Come on." He put his arm around her and helped he lay down on the bed.

Nick- "If you need anything, we'll be downstairs." Jena nodded her head and closed her eyes. Nick stared at her for a moment, thinking how much he wanted to lay down with her and watch as she slept in his embrace. As he left the room he silently wondered if that would ever happen again.

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