Remember Me This Way-Chapter 4

*1 Hour Later*

Brian, Kevin, Howie and AJ returned to Nick's house carrying 4 large pizza's and a few bottles of soda. They set everything down on the living room coffee table as Nick came inside off the pool deck.

Nick- "Hey guys."

Brian- "What's up Frack?"

AJ- "How's Jena? Where is she?" He asked in a hurried worried tone.

Nick- "Relax AJ, she's upstairs resting. I told her I'd wake her up as soon as you guys got back."

Howie- "Well, why don't you do that before the food gets cold." Nick nodded his head and made his way back upstairs. He quietly opened and closed her door, not wanting to wake her just yet. Coming up on the side of her bed, he gazed at her adoringly. He thought about how peaceful she looked, his blue eyes drinking in every ounce of beauty that she had to offer. Yet at the same time he felt the lingering hint of sadness. He realized that this had been the first time Jena had slept without him next to her. His thoughts drifted back to a time when she refused to sleep anywhere except in his arms. He remembered the feel of her soft skin as he would stroke her back, and the feel of her hair splayed across his chest as she drifted to sleep. This sinkingly empty feeling came over him, knowing the only thing that could cure it would be to here her sweet voice whisper I love you again. Pushing these thoughts aside and burring then deep inside himself, he leaned over and gently shook her until her eyes opened.

Nick- "Hey sleepyhead." Jena gave him a slight smile as she stretched her arms up over her head.

Nick- "The guys just got back with dinner if your hungry."

Jena- "Yeah, that sounds good. Just let me change and I'll be right down."

Nick- "Take your time, no hurry." Jena quickly noted the sadness in his voice, even though she could tell he was doing his best to hide it.

Jena- "Nick is something wrong? You seem sad." ‘Damn, even with amnesia she can still tell when something is on my mind' Nick thought to himself. He wanted to tell her everything that he was feeling, but he knew that it would only be another pressure for her to deal with. And he didn't want that, not for Jena.

Nick- "I'm just a little tired. Look you go ahead and get ready, I'll see you downstairs." Before she could object her left her room the door behind him.

AJ- "Nick, what's wrong?" AJ had come up to check on what was taking so long.

Nick- "Nothing. I just need a few minutes alone." He said as he brushed past AJ and went into his own room. Confused, AJ knocked on Jena's door, determined to find out what was going on.

"Come in." He voice yelled. AJ opened the door and saw Jena just coming out of her bathroom in a new outfit.

AJ- "Is everything ok? Why did Nick just run out of here?"

Jena- "I'm not sure, he looked really upset. I asked him what was wrong but he just said he was tired. Who is he? And why do I live with him. Aren't I supposed to live with my parents?" AJ looked at her for a moment, before sitting on the bed next to her.

AJ- "Your parents died 2 years ago in a car accident. You were only 17 so you still required a legal guardian. So, my mom and I flew you here to Florida and my mom became your guardian. You and I have been best friends since high school. Then I got involved with the band and that's how you met Nick. You and him became very close, so when you turned 18, you moved in with Nick. But all of us are really good friends." Jena looked down at her hands, straining to recall, or even understand, what AJ was telling her.

Jena- "Do I love him? I mean, is he supposed to be my boyfriend?" AJ looked at his friend thoughtfully, not really knowing if he should be the one to explain this to her.

Jena- "Please, if you're my best friend, then please tell me the truth." Silence came over the room for a few moments, before AJ spoke.

AJ- "Yes, he is your boyfriend and you love him very much. I think that's the reason he ran out. He loves you more then anything, and it kills that you don't remember him."

Jena- "Oh, so he blames me?" She said softly as tears formed in her eyes.

AJ- "No, not at all. He could never blame you, it's not your fault. What happened was an accident. And this is only a temporary situation." The tears spilled down her cheeks.

Jena- "I know I'm causing everyone all this pain, and I'm so sorry." AJ pulled his best friend into his arms and held her close as she began to lightly cry.

AJ- "Jena Marie Gates, stop blaming yourself. This is no ones fault. We're gonna get you through this. No matter what, I'll make sure you get better." Jena clung to him tightly, finding comfort in his embrace. AJ ran his fingers through her hair as he tried to quiet her crying. After a few moments, Jena sat up and whipped her face of stray tears.

Jena- "Thanks AJ, I can see why you and I are best friends. Your really sweet. And cute to boot." They both smiled at her comment as AJ helped her to stand up.

AJ- "Go on downstairs, the other guys are waiting with dinner. I'm gonna go have a little chat with Nick." Jena nodded and hugged him one last time, finding a strange yet wonderful feeling surge through her when he had her in his arms. AJ walked out of the room with her. He watched until she reached the bottom of the steps, and then stomped angrily towards Nick bedroom.

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