Remember Me This Way-Chapter 5

Not even bothering to knock, AJ pushed Nick's bedroom doors open and slammed it shut behind him. Nick was sitting hunched over on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even flinch when AJ slammed the door, never looking up at him either.

AJ- "Nick, what the fuck is your problem?!!!!" He yelled, his voice training through the entire upstairs portion of the house. Nick raised his head slowly and faced his angry friend. AJ face dropped when he saw how red and puffy Nick's eyes were, almost like he hadn't stopped crying for a week.

AJ- "Nick, you have got to pull yourself together. If not for your sake, for Jena's, cause right now she's blaming herself for everything that has happened. You being like this is making the situation worse."

Nick- "Look AJ, I'm sorry, and I'll apologize to Jena too. I know this isn't her fault and I don't blame her. What happened was an accident. I'll talk to her later about it, but for right now I just want to be left alone." For the first time in 2 days, AJ finally acknowledged the serious amount of pain in Nick's voice. Taking a step forward he sat down on the bed next to him.

AJ- "Ok, Nick. I'm beginning to think there is more to this then Jena just losing her memory. You know this is a temporary situation but you still act like she's never gonna get better. Now, what's really going on with you?" Nick was very silent for a few moments, AJ's words making him relive a happy, yet sad, event in his mind.

Nick- "AJ, you don't understand."

AJ- "Your right I don't. And I never will unless you explain it to me." Nick felt fresh tears standing in his eyes, but he gathered his strength and held them back as turned and faced AJ.

Nick- "Ok, but promise me that you'll keep it to yourself. I don't want the other guys to know."

AJ- "I promise. Now, what is it?" There was another moment of dead silence as Nick tried to figure a way to explain this.

Nick- "Well, you know how Jena was about love. She was so restrained because she had been hurt so many times in the past. And her parents dying just added to it. When we started going out, she told me that she wanted to move slowly. And I told her that I would wait for her forever, for whatever reason."

AJ- "Well obviously she changed her mind. Every time one of us had to wake you for a rehearsal or a plane flight Jena was always in bed with you. She was your girlfriend/lover. In Jena's case, she must of really trusted you to take that kind of step so early in-."

Nick- "AJ." Nick stopped him in mid sentence.

Nick- "Jena and I didn't become lovers until very recently. Yeah we shared the same bed, I held her in my arms and we cuddled, but that was it." AJ looked at Nick completely confused.

AJ- "How recent are we talking about here." Slowly Nick shifted his gaze back down to the floor.

Nick- "The night before the accident." Dead silence filled the room. AJ sat next to him, unbelieving of what he had just said. He placed a hand on Nick's shoulder and patted it.

AJ- "Nick, I had no idea. I just assumed-."

Nick- "It's ok. I guess the reason I'm having such a hard time with this is because I thought I have a million more nights to make love to her again. We waited until she was ready. Don't get me wrong here though, I don't regret it now and I never will, but it still hurts. We waited so long to be together in every way possible. Then when we finally get at the point where we couldn't get any closer, we become strangers to each other. Like we have to start all over again.

AJ- "I'm sorry man."

Nick- "It's weird. I can remember everything, and she can remember nothing. Yet both of us are in almost the same amount of pain. Does that make sense to you?"

AJ- "After what you just told me, a lot of things make sense. And I'm sorry I got angry with you earlier. I get what your saying now." It was at that moment that AJ started to think about what had happened in Jena's room All the hugs that they had shared, even though to Jena he was still an unknown. The whole of it finally started to register in his mind, and if he was right, the outcome wasn't going to be a good one. But then again, he might be wrong about it.

Nick- "Earth to AJ, come in." Nick said as he waved his hand in front of AJ's face.

AJ- "Sorry man, I guess I just blacked out there for a second."

Nick- "It's cool."

AJ- "Listen Nick, I told Jena about you, about you being her boyfriend. So maybe that will help her to remember. You know, give her something to think about."

Nick- "I hope so. But don't tell her about anything that I just told you. That's one thing that I want her to remember on her own."

AJ- "It's a deal. Now come on, everyone's waiting downstairs with dinner."

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