Remember Me This Way-Chapter 6

*3 days later- Nick's house*

Ring, ring, ring. Nick emerged slowly from his private studio, into the living room and picked up the ringing receiver.

Nick- "Hello. Hey AJ, what's up?....No, she's sleeping....She's doing about the same, no change really....Well, we talk but, mostly I just answer questions for her....Yeah, actually she's asked a lot about you....Sure, I'll tell her that you called."

Jena- "Tell him I'll call him back in a few minutes." At the sound of her voice Nick turned around and saw her coming down the staircase.

Nick- "AJ, she says she'll call you back in a few minutes....Yeah, later bro." He hung up the phone and walked towards the stairs.

Nick- "Hey, I thought you were sleeping."

Jena- "I was but I had this really strange dream that woke me up. I wanted to talk to you about it if your not too busy."

Nick- "Sure, come on over here and sit down." He lead her into the living room and the two of them sat down on the couch.

Nick- "So, what's up?"

Jena- "Well, it started with just me and I was walking through some kind of park or playground. It was night time and the place was deserted. It was really quiet and then you came into the picture. You were dressed in jeans and an off white long sleeve shirt. You came up to me and said ‘I'll push you' I looked at you really weird and then you took my arm and started walking with me somewhere. That's where it ended." Nick felt his heart get weak at her words and his eyes filled with realization. He knew what she was talking about.

Jena- "Ok, why are you looking at me like that? Your scaring me."

Nick- "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Jena- "Well, do you know what it means?" Nick opened his mouth to speak, but then a better thought came to him. He stood up and grabbed his car keys.

Nick- "Come on, lets go."

Jena- "Where are we going?"

Nick- "It's a surprise, just trust me." Jena nodded her head and followed him outside.

*At the park*

Jena walked onto the property with wide eyes. She recognized this place from her dream.

Jena- "Oh my god, this was the exact same park that I dreamt about. How did you know that this was it."

Nick- "Just come with me and I'll tell you about it." Jena followed him across the park, taking in everything around her and making sure she missed nothing. Nick lead her over to a large swing set, with only two swings hanging from the top bar. Jena stopped as Nick went behind one swing and took a hold of the chains.

Nick- "Come here, I'll push you." Jena caught his words immediately and sat down on the swing. Nick gave her a light push to get started and as her speed increased he pushed harder. After about half an hour of this and some occasional laughs, Nick slowed her down and sat in the swing next to her.

Jena- "So, are you gonna tell me or what." Nick smiled at her as this memory came back to him, so clearly that it was frightening.

*The Memory*

Nick- "Jena, why did you have me bring you here?"

Jena- "No reason, I just love the park. Especially on nights like this." She said as she pointed up to the sky. It was filled with stars and there was a giant full moon out, which was the only light that shone on the grounds. Nick looked down at Jena and smiled at her. Never in his life had he known such beauty could exist in just one girl. Her eyes were bright even in the darkness and her smile shammed the moon. She and Nick walked hand in hand in absolute silence for a few moments, until they came to a swing set on the other side of the park.

Jena- "Come on, lets ride the swings." She didn't even wait for him to answer, she pulled him behind her and say down on one of the swings.

Jena- "Come on, sit on the other one."

Nick- "No that's ok. But I'll push you." Jena smiled at him as he came around behind her and started pushing her.

Jena- "Come on Nick, go higher." Nick laughed and started pushing her harder. She laughed with enjoyment as her ride picked up speed. Nick continued to push her, eventually slowing down. Once she was at a slow steady level, Nick grabbed her around the waist and held her before she swung forward again. Jena turned and looked at him.

Jena- "Hey, why did you-." But before she could finished Nick pressed his lips against her's for an instant. Jena was about to respond, but he released her lips and his hold on her. She swung forward as Nick ran off across the park in a teasing gesture. Jena quickly jumped off the swing and ran after him, but she soon discovered that he was no longer in sight.

Jena- "Nick, wherever you are, I just want you to know that was so not fair." Nick watched her as she turned in circles, trying to figure out where he might be hiding. He waited until her back was toward him before running up and grabbing her around the waist. Jena screamed out as Nick hugged her tighter. When he finally put her down she turned around and hit him playfully on the arm.

Jena- "God, you scared the living daylights out of me!" Nick laughed as she continued her attempt at beating him up. Finally he ceased her hands in his and put them behind her back, his arms now around her waist.

Nick- "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that much." Jena face softened when she heard the warmth and sincerity in his voice.

Jena- "So tell me, just how sorry are you?" Nick smiled at her while moving her arms so they were around his neck. He pulled her small form tightly against him and kissed her ever so gently. Jena took pleasure in this, savoring how sweet and tender this kiss was, and how good it felt to have his hands running up and down her back. After a few more minutes, Nick broke their kiss and placed his forehead against her's.

Nick- "Now you tell me something."

Jena- "What?"

Nick- "How would you rate tonight. I mean, this was our first date. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Jena- "Of course I did, and I hope that you and I can have many more evenings like this."

Nick- "More evening like what?" Nick teased as he took her perfect face in his hands.

Jena- "Unforgettable evenings."

*Memory ends- Back to the present day*

Jena- "So, you and I had our first date here?"

Nick- "Sure did, we had a really great time that night."

Jena- "Sounds like it." She said as she looked down at the ground. Tears started welling up in her eyes, and her sobs soon had Nick out of his seat and down in front of her.

Nick- "Hey, don't cry. It's gonna take some time, but you are gonna retain memory of this someday."

Jena- "And if I don't" Nick gave a deep sigh as he hugged her and patted her back.

Nick- "We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it."

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