Remember Me This Way Prologue

Nick- "God, why did this have to happen, to her of all people. We've only been home for two days." Nick said as he paced steadily across the hospital waiting room.

Brian- "Nick calm down. She only fell off a horse, how bad could it be?"

Nick- "Brian, she was unconscious! What if she broke her neck, what if she has a concussion, what if-."

Brian- "Nick your gonna give yourself a heart attack. Slow down, I'm sure she's fine." Nick wanted nothing more then to believe his friends, but the feeling in the pit of his stomach told him that everything was not ok.

Nick- "I can't stand this. It's been almost 2 hours, what could be taking so long if her injury isn't that serious?"

Dr. Mont- "You can stop pacing now Mr, Carter." Nick and Brian both ran up to him.

Nick- "Is she ok?"

Dr. Mont- "She's a very lucky girl. She hit her head pretty hard, but fortunately she only has a bump on the head and a minor concussion. I want to keep her over night for observation and some more tests. You can take her home tomorrow afternoon." Nick breathed a deep sigh of relief, as Brian patted his shoulder.

Brian- "Can we see her?"

Dr. Mont- "Well she's just now starting to come around, but I can take you into see her." Nick and Brian followed him down a long stretch of hallway to the last door on the left. The doctor left them there. Sleeping soundly in the bed was a young girl, about 19 years old, shoulder length brown hair consisting of giant, full, lush curls, and peach cream colored skin with a hint of rose emanating from her cheeks. Nick sat down in a chair next to her bedside and took her hand in his. All at once she began to stir and move her head back and fourth across the pillow. Nick gently stroked the side of her cheek with his knuckles.

Nick- "Jena....Jena, come on baby wake up....Come on." Slowly Jena's eyes opened. She winced in pain as her head started to throb.

Nick- "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Jena- "My head hurts." She whispered. Once her vision came fully into focus, she found herself in strange surroundings.

Jena- "Where am I?"

Brian- "Winter Park Memorial Hospital. See, we all went horseback riding today and when you went to jump over a log your horse bucked and threw you off. You hit your head on one of the stepping stones that lead to the lake."

Nick- "Do you remember any of this?" Jena weakly shook her head.

Jena- "I do have a question though."

Nick- "What is it honey?" Jena looked over at him again.

Jena- "Who are you?"

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