In Sickness & In Health, Pt. 7 - THE END

Brian frantically and repeatedly rang the doorbell of Nick's beach house. The conversation he'd had with Nick earlier that day had freaked him out and he'd hightailed it to Tampa the first chance he got. Finally he gave up on the doorbell and used the key Nick had given him to let himself into the house. "Nick?? Frack, where are you buddy?" he called. With a sigh of relief he spotted Nick on the beach from the back deck and hurried down the stairs to him. "Nicky!" Brian called again. He was shocked when Nick turned around, Nicks's eyes were red and his face pale. "Oh god, please tell me you're not sick again!" Brian pleaded, his heart plummeting to his feet. Wordlessly Nick shook his head and handed him the letter Laura had left. Brian looked at Nick in shock, "I don't understand..." Nick drew in a shaky breath, "She's dying Bri, that's why she left." "What??!!" Brian exclaimed, "How do you know?" "I just do," Nick responded, "I know that's the only reason that she would leave me. I have to find her--I' not letting her die alone."

A month later

Nick got out of the jeep he was driving and looked around. It had taken him a month to find her, but he had never given up. Finally he had located her at a clinic in the mountains of Washington State. He had gotten on a plane and driven hours to get there. He finally found her in the clinic's garden, sitting, staring off into space, a look of profound sadness on her face.

"You know, Laur, when I told you I loved you I meant it in sickness and in health. Did you really think that leaving me would change that?" he asked, his voice gentle. Startled, Laura turned around to face him, her thinning face paling in shock. Nick stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, "Baby, we've missed out on one month together already, let's not waste anymore time." Laura said nothing, but the tears began marking a trail down her face, falling faster than Nick could smooth them away. "Nick...I...I'm sorry," she finally spoke. "Shhhh, baby, we'll make the most of whatever time we have left, I just want to love you..." he responded, lowering his lips to hers.

Several months later

Kevin looked at Nick, "You coming Nicky?" "Yeah, I just want another minute alone..." Nick replied, kneeling in front of the headstone. Laura Sullivan Carter, beloved wife...In sickness and in health.


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