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Hey! Say What you Want in your Resume 'Objective'!"

from America's non-profit Nursing Recruiting and Services Agency
The Career Institute -- Employment by Nurses for Nurses!

A National Magazine for Nursing Management, Staff Nurses, Pracitoners & Hospital Dept. Heads
Publishers: Nursing JobScout Non-Profit Recruiters and
Community Resource Foundation, Inc.

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When the Opening of
your resume may
actually be the
of your Hopes!

  What Is Your Objective? Give us a Clue...!

You go to college or nursing school. You study hard. You attend labs, write papers, pass finals, write a thesis, dissertation, graduate.

You get a job. You work hard, probably with long hours and dreadfully inconvenient shifts, weekends, holidays . Over the years, you learn new skills from the quality colleagues you chance to meet. And, you endure ... and somehow survive ... the less-than-competent, or less-than- genteel people that fate schedules you to work with.

You have ever-increasing levels of responsibility. You get into supervision, and are blessed (by hard work and luck) with several years of progressive management.

And, now it's time to "show your stuff" and to move to an even higher professional level.

So, you create a resume, send it out, and wait. And wait. And wait.

What's wrong?! You are a great candidate with wonderful credentials, marvelous portfolio of experience, and excellent references.

But, none of the hospital recipients of your resume call....

The Resume must Start with an OBJECTIVE --
Spell It Out!

In subsequent articles, we'll tell you some important points about healthcare resume-writing, things you may not read in other essays written by "experts."

But, first, before you even start the resume, you need to write a concise paragraph stating the OBJECTIVE OF YOUR JOB SEARCH.

"Oh, that's easy!" you may exclaim, and then sit at the keyboard and bang out the following:

"Objective -- to locate an administrative position consistent with my academic preparation and professional expertise in a progressive institution that will appreciate the assets I bring to the organization within a stable and nurturing corporate environment while providing me an opportunity to learn new skills and grow."

Ah! If we had a five dollar bill for every resume that comes through our office with an Objective written like THAT!

Imagine that you are the Human Resource person confronted by that paragraph. You read it. Ooops. Your boss, The Human Resources Director, pops into your doorway and asks you to summarize what this candidate is looking for professionally.




"I'm not sure, really...."

That's all, folks. Now, on to the NEXT resume. One that isn't yours!

Leave NOTHING to the Imagination -- NOTHING!

Please, please, say what you are looking for, clearly, preferably in fifty words or less.

Try this:

"Seeking V.P. of Nursing or Chief Nursing Officer position. I'm a masters-prepared RN with seven years of progressve Critical Care management and have served three years as Assistant Director of Patient Care Services. Special strengths include: program start-up, department consolidation, and JCAHO compliance."

Now, the H.R. person (and the busy CEO who will need to review candidate resumes for this pivotal, high-level nursing position) knows exactly who you are professionally.

No guess work.

And, YOUR resume is likely to be the only one they'll see all day that spells it out for them!

Score one for you.

A BIG one!

--Written by Melody Oie, MS, RN, CNAA

  • Melody is a former Chief Nursing Officer who now serves as CEO of the human resources recruiting and consulting firm, Southern Healthcare & Nursing Recruiters, Nursing and Medical Jobs Search Consultants.

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All material on this Internet Site copyright 1999 by Nursing Jobs Magazine and its publisher, The Community Resource Foundation, Inc., Melody A. Oie, CEO. All rights reserved.