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Nursing Shortage Update: Staff Nurses looking for new jobs being wooed with bigger and better incentives!"

from America's non-profit Nursing Recruiting and Services Agency
The Career Institute -- Employment by Nurses for Nurses!

A National Magazine for Nursing Management, Staff Nurses, Pracitoners & Hospital Dept. Heads
Publishers: Nursing JobScout Non-Profit Recruiters and
Community Resource Foundation, Inc.

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Nursing Shortage Update:
Job-Hunting Staff Nurses lured with huge incentives!

  It's a cyclic thing: Nursing Shortage / Nursing Glut.

Several years ago, we had 'way too many nurses. Highly-qualified hospital nurses were begging for jobs, working in doctor's offices for seven bucks an hour, trying to get by on per diem jobs, and so forth. The word got out: "nursing is no longer a career that guarantees you a good job," and nursing schools around the country began to close.

So, we made fewer nurses.

Then, a funny thing happened: nurses who had jobs began to retire, change vocations, take time off to raise families, some inevitably died. But, we weren't graduating very many nurses any more.... Whoops!

So, America's hospitals started paying top dollar for RNs, forked over sign-on bonuses, relocation funds, tuition reimbursement, etc. And, the schools "tooled up" and started turning out tons of new nurses again.

About the same time, managed care and the HCFA Funding Cut (Medicare funds slashed to the bone and beyond!) forced hundreds of Long Term Care programs to close down. Ah, here we go again: thousands of "extra" nurses out there flooding the market and, once again, the incentives began to dry up. Who needed to pay extra for nurses when there was always a long line of them down in HR begging for work.

And, the wheel continued to turn....

Anyway, here we are again in the midst of another shortage of registered nurses. And, here come the incentives again! Let me tell you some of the new developments:

  • Until recently, new grads often ended up working at K-Mart days and hoping that they could land at least some per diem night work. Now, hospitals are starting to salivate over new grads....
  • We're starting to see staff nurses being offered relocation monies, something until recently reserved for nursing unit directors and nursing administration.
  • We're starting to see more and more hospitals offering tuition credits and reimbursement.
  • And, as one might expect, we're starting to see more hospital willingness to place non-degree staff nurses. A year or so ago, it was very difficult for a certificate nurse or someone with an ADN to land a good position since there were still ample numbers of BSNs and even MSNs available for staffing. Today, however, though, if you have "RN" after your name, you have an excellent shot at a good job, often with unusually good benefits!

An example of how far hospitals will go to get good nurses:

An affiliate office of ours has a hospital in Ohio that has exhausted the local supply of staff nurses and, because of rapid expansion, needs to hire a fairly large number of them. Check out some of the things they're offering:

  • Sign-on bonus
  • Relocation funds (rare for staff nurses)
  • Good salaries
  • Housing Subsidy (!) This particular hospital will pay half your rent for a year, up to $500 a month!
  • Two-years' tuition reimbursement for either BSN completion, or to enter an MSN program
  • And, another of our client hospitals is offering daycare assistance...or...if you don't have daycare-aged children, they're working on ways to give you extra money for some "lifestyle" item such as a new computer!

(For more information on this particular hospital...
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