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Howie's Chat Transcripts!

KIIS FM Interview With Howie
From Feb 2003
JoJo: Special dude on the telephone, long time friend, you guys totally know him...

Howie D: Yo, yo, its Howie D. from the Bacskstreet Boys!

JoJo: I know you guys are in the process of creating your next album, give me a little news.

Howie D: Yeah, actually this whole last year, even though we had a couple of guys doing some independent stuff, which we're very proud of - Kevin is representing the group very well doing "Chicago" in New York.

JoJo: Did you actually see Kevin do it?

Howie D: I did...I saw him a week and a half ago, he was unbelievable. I was so proud of him, he's really having fun in it and its great. You know we're really very happy for each other to spread their wings out a little bit. Brian is having some time with his child, AJ is out here in L.A. as well as myself, I'm doing some foundation work and acting, and Nicky, of course, doing his solo album.

JoJo: What's the plans for the album - I guess the release date may be summer, give or take?

Howie D: We're hoping by the end of the summer, fall, somewhere around there I think would be great. I think, realistically, we've got I think about 6 songs in the can that we have demoed already that we think are pretty good, definitely album contenders. But we just really want to experiment. We're looking out there for more music, we're writing with some great, great writers and producers. We just want to let the sky be the limits. We just want this definitely to be a slam, coming back album that people will be like 'wow, we're glad to hear them back on the map again.'

JoJo: I was hanging with AJ and he put in his stereo a track called "Back In The Day"...really knocked my socks off. Have you heard that track?

Howie D: We get back together on March 18th. We're going to get back and listen to everybody's songs. We've all been demoing stuff on our own in the meantime. Actually, last time we talked you told me about that track so I've actually asked AJ to bum that track off, but I think he wants to make it a big surprise for us all to hear.

JoJo: I hope I'm not picking a song you guys are really going to hate, but I really like that song for whatever its worth.

Howie D: I'm excited about it.

JoJo: Dude, I forgot to mention, you guys did the whole Christmas show for me - you guys did a killer job on that!

Howie D: Thank you man, I was really trying to represent, I know I probably couldn't have done it as well as you.

JoJo: Christmas Day, we plugged up microphones in Jennifer Love Hewitt's house, AJ's house, Nick Carter's house, and Howie D's house. Howie D. did the last hour. We put you on the 10 o'clock dedication hour since you're kinda the smooth stud boy.

Howie D: I was trying to work it.

Howie Interview on WXXL 106.7 FM
Date: December 6, 2001
DJ: Hey I’m Chad Pitt and on the phone one of my favorite Backstreet Boys, running the torch tomorrow for the 2002 Olympics please welcome Howie D.
Howie: Hey, hey how’s it goin’?

DJ: How are ya?

H: I’m doing great man, how’s it goin’?

DJ: So tell me, tell me about the torch, how did you get the gig to run the torch?

H: (laughs) Well it’s kinda crazy, um my family we do a lot of work for the Dorough Lupus Foundation and I guess some time in the earlier part of this year Coke-a-cola had a big sweepstakes where there were asking people to call in and vote in who they thought would be a good nominee to be a torchbearer. And I think, supposedly, the foundation and my family got a call from Coke-a-cola saying there was 10,000 votes in for me across the United States and they picked this one girl out of Pennsylvania. Her letter was the most inspirational one about how much I do with the Lupus Foundation, and they just wanted to give me a call saying they would be honored to have me as a torchbearer. I was very excited myself, I didn’t know what I was entitled to do, I thought (laughs) I thought I, when I first got the call, I was actually going to Salt Lake City and I am running the torch for the whole Olympics.

DJ: Right.

H: (laughs) It was a little bit less than that. I found out later on that I was representing Florida and they’re actually putting on a little vignette which will be on after, on national television sometime between 9 and 11 with a little with a 20 second vignette with all the stuff that I do with Lupus and the Dorough Lupus Foundation and edit it together.

DJ: Are you nervous about maybe dropping it or just tripping or anything like that?

H: Well you know what it’s definitely, I’m not in my type of environment, so..

DJ: That’s right!

H: Yeah running around Lake Eola is something I haven’t done in a long time and I haven’t actually seen the torch yet. I’m trying to keep it as far away from my hair as possible, so I don’t catch my hair on fire.

DJ: I was about to say coz we might have a Michael Jackson thing goin’ on.

H: We can’t be doing that I’m not going to be wearing any gel in my hair tomorrow night or any hairspray. I just hope and pray to God that I don’t trip or anything. And I think I’m only doing two-tenths of a mile, they said. And there will be a couple of others to help me out there, so after 9 o’clock there are going to edit some of the run in with the Lupus stuff that I have done this year. Like a 20 second vignette they are going to put together for NBC and that is gonna be on during on of the commercial breaks between the shows that are on that time.

DJ: Lemme just tell you, being a Backstreet Boy you’ve made it when they want you to run with the torch. You’ve gone all over the place, all over the world and you’ve done so many things, but when they ask you to carry the torch in the freakin’ Olympics.

H: I know!

DJ: I mean come on what else is there to do?

H: It is definitely an honor, definitely! Like I said I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. They sent me the whole suit in the mail, I got it right here the Olympic suit and everything they actually even sent like gloves and a hat and everything. I think they forgot that I was living in Florida.

DJ: Yeah, we’re Florida, it’s hot we don’t need that.

H: (laughs) But it’s gonna be very cool, I’m looking forward to it, I’m very excited about it.

DJ: That’s cool, and congratulations on that and what else is happening with the Backstreet Boys?

H: Well we’re doing a little break right now. We just got done with finishing up our tour in Japan and we retired the Black and Blue Tour now. And we’re having a little time off for the holidays, each of us is doing our own different thing. I’m getting ready to do a Lupus Cruise coming next week, we partnered up with Carnival Cruise. And I am takin’ off out of Ft. Lauderdale to Cosmo, to Jamaica and Grand Camion Islands.

DJ: Cool

H: A 7-day cruise, and then I’m gonna stay in town with my family to celebrate the holidays, and we’re all gonna get back together around earlier February, and start recording for about 5 months for the next album.

DJ: So lemme ask you this question, you don’t have to answer this question if you don’t want to but it was brought to my attention two days ago, I didn’t know anything about it, but do you know anything about this whole AJ being in the Hustler magazine?

H: AJ in the Hustler magazine?

DJ: Yeah.

H: (laughs) No!!!

DJ: Apparently …

H: (laughs) Maybe you can tell me.

DJ: Apparently there are some pictures of AJ and his ex-girlfriend in this month’s issue of Hustler. I haven’t seen it.


DJ: AJ and his ex-girlfriend were in Hustler, and apparently she’s not wearing too much.

H: Oh my goodness! You know what I’ve been away from the guys for about a week…

DJ: See what happens when your away from the guys, they’re out of control!

H: I have to come back home, and hear from my local radio station stuff about the guys. That is too funny. Honestly, I don’t know, I swear to God that’s the first time I heard about that, and I think I’ll have to give AJ a call, to see first of all which girlfriend it was (laughs) and second of all why would he dumb-butt to let a picture get out there.

DJ: Sorry I didn’t mean to break the news to you…

H: That’s ok, that’s ok. I honestly thank God that AJ got help and everything.

DJ: I heard he’s doing a lot better.

H: He’s doing awesome, we’re very proud of him. He made us all very proud, he’s just done well. The tour went off amazing he’s so healthy spiritually, mentally, everything. He’s really getting into writing new music for the next album and everything, he’s just a great person. I’m glad to see him being healthy.

DJ: That’s cool. Well I don’t know what you are doing Saturday but I’m inviting you to our Jingle Ball 2001 that’s gonna be Saturday night at downtown Disney’s Pleasure Island.

H: Oh, awesome!

DJ: We got Michelle Branch, Jessica Simpson, we got Willa Ford and Natural, they are gonna be there and it’s gonna be an amazing show.

H: Good, congratulations, I’ll try and see. I’m here in town with my family and they got me wondering all over the place with Lupus and everything else going on, but if I can try and swing by, I’ll do that!

DJ: Absolutely, and you know what if you wanna mention something to Nick I know Willa’s gonna be there and I’ll keep the two away.

H: Oh, I’ll definitely mention something …

DJ: Keep ‘em far, far away from each other.

H: (laughs) No they’re cool with each other.

DJ: Well thanks for calling and good luck tomorrow night with the torch thing.

H: Anytime, anytime!

DJ: It’s an honor.

H: Well thank you, thank you very much. And hi to the family, especially Pollyanna.

DJ: Take care, take care.

H: Take care bud, bye bye!

Interview on KISS FM Los Angeles
Monday September 25, 2000

JoJo: Okay Howie, are you ready for my in depth interview, dude?

Howie: Yeah as long as your feet aren't stinkin' man, and your toes don't got some fetish goin''s all good, alright?

JoJo: All right, well I'll just jump into it then. You guys are shooting a video today, uh actually the last couple days. How'd that little thing go?

Howie: This has been an awesome shoot out here. We're shooting over at the Orpheum Theatre downtown LA here, and we decided to go with the first single Shape of My Heart. We got together with Matthew, our director and kind of came up with this concept....Matthew Ralston. And uh, kind of came up with the concept about shooting in a theatre causethe lyrics are, in the chorus, um "I played my part, kept you in the dark, now let me show you the shape of my heart." Um, so it's almost like, you know, playing these different roles, you know, sometimes people would even think of, you know, even us, you know, playing like, you know, the entertainment thing playing the role and stuff like that, you know, and not being able to have the true love, like you know, sometimes it's easy to have as a normal person, so it's like you know, now telling the girl I want to show you the real shape of my heart, who I really am. So it's been a great shoot out here. We've been out here two days now. We're just about ready to wrap up today and uh....a lot of great funny stuff. Actually it's really simple, it's uh...we stripped it down. Kind of very similar like Quit Playing Games. There's not much of like a big set around us, or explosions, or any, you know, graphics or anything going's just, you know, straight up on the stage, and just singing our hearts out. We had some funny moments in where AJ and I are actually doing some acting mime scenes, and we're jumping around and doing these like yoga exercises, and uh, you know, just hanging out. It's fun though. It's been a great shoot.

JoJo: Now obviously I haven't heard the rest of the album, but what made you choose this song over the other ones as your first single?

Howie: Well after finishing up 15 songs on the album, which we're still right now in the process of making the final decisions of which ones are going to go on the album, uh...we really felt strong with Shape of My Heart as being the first single. It's kind of very similar to the same concept we were going with the last album, with Millenium, how we had I Want It That Way, a mid-tempo, as a cross between the last album before that, Back...and Millenium. This is the same kind of concept, you''s a's definitely a bridge between the two albums, and uh....we didn't want to come off with anything hard right off the front, because this is, you know, we feel really is our signature sound, is mostly our mid-tempos, and people can really relate to, you know, I think relate to this song here especially. You know, the words aren't that far out there to, you know, that nobody can't really relate to. So we just felt this was a good start off, you know, for the album, and then youknow, we're just gonna keep on climbing with these singles.

JOJO: Now you guys are calling the album Black and Blue, is that right?

Howie: Yes, we decided to title the album Black and Blue.

JOJO: Now what's the meaning behind that?

Howie: Um...Well, the title Black and Blue is for several different reasons. Um....actually we came up with the concept, um....when we were doing the last photo shoot for the album and uh....we were constantly thinking of, you know, possibly going with a color, you know like how the Beatles went with the White album. And there was, you know, several groups out there. And uh, Brian actually....we were...we were shooting in a black outfit, and there was a uh, blue backdrop behind it, and Brian just said, "What about Black and Blue?" And we were like, "Well what exactly do you mean?" you know, and the colors looked really good, you know, the photo shoot and the shot looked really good. I'm like cool, maybe it could be a good color for the album, but we didn't really know exactly if the title would be good. And then Brian's like, "You know what? There's a lot of, you know, the critics out there that constantly, you know, try to throw, you know daggers at us and everything, you know, and every once in a while get beaten down, here we are, but, but we're still staying around." That's what, you know, he thought about Black and Blue. And we're like, you know, that's kind of cool. And also it was GREAT since we found out the Rolling Stones had it, an album titled Black and Blue 25 years ago. So if we have any kind of success like they did, you know, they're definitely, you know, idols we look up to in the music industry.

JOJO: Okay hang one second Howie. I'm gonna play a little snippet of your song and then we'll take a quick break, we'll come back and we'll chat more with the man, Howie D.

Howie: Sounds good, sounds good.

(Plays snippet of Shape of My Heart, and then goes into IWITW)

JOJO: Are you ready for some more questions, dude?

Howie: Yes.

JOJO: All right, jumping into the Black and Blue album, the new album coming out, how do you think you guys have grown since Milleniuminto...into the new one.

Howie: Uh....I definitely think it's a growth between Millenium and this album. We a group I think have first of all grown a lot know, together even tighter than ever, and uh we actually have wrote a lot of stuff for this album. Uh, out of the 15 songs, we're not exactly sure which ones are going to go on the album, but I'd say out of the 15 songs, the group wrote, uh...about 6 or 7 of them ourselves. Uh...individually and group-wise as well. And there's 2 of the songs that all 5 of us actually participated in, and a couple other ones that I wrote, and AJ wrote and then we all worked with Max and everybody, so we actually had a lot more of a hands-on creative uh...input for this album and uh, you know, I think the sound has definitely matured a little bit. I think, you know, the up-tempos are really slamming, and then we have some really really great stuff we got from Sweden, and the ballads are very very good, and the mid-tempos are normally the mid-tempos for Backstreet kind of sound.

JOJO: Now what about a tour? Everybody wants to know if you guys are gonna be doing some shows here?

Howie: Yeah. We're actually talking about possibly touring um...after the first of the year in January sometime. Probably the end of January....maybe a possibility of hitting, you know...we're talking about like hitting America first, and then like Southeast Asia, Europe, and then back to America and possibly South America after that. But everything's all up in the air right's all God willing, you know, with our schedules, you know, things change from day to day, but that's just, right now we're kinda talking about that.

JOJO: Now I assume you guys had a little time off between the last tour and album....or did you have time off?

Howie: Yeah.

JOJO: What'd you do?

Howie: Well, since Brian got married and had a little honeymoon, (laughing) it gave us all a little time off. (laughing) So uh....I actually really got in depth working with my sister's...uh... Pollyanna's stuff, for her demo. And her and I actually went on a little tour down to Puerto Rico and Buenos Aires, Argentina, for my Lupus Foundation, the Dorough Lupus Foundation that my family started. We did a little mini show, that I did a bunch of cover tunes from everybody from Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Marc Anthony, Santana, and uh...I even did a little Backstreet Medley as a encore salsied (?)...and all had a little Spanish feel and I did that on my off time as well as writing music. And we all caught up with each other here and there, you know in town, and we all went to Brian's wedding. It was good, it we're all rejuvenated and ready to hit it hard now.

JOJO: In Brian's wedding, were you the best man or anything like that?

Howie: No I was one of the warmers in Brian's wedding.

JOJO: Did you try to catch the garter belt when he threw it up?

Howie: (Laughing) No....that was the last thing I was trying to catch right now...I was definitely not trying to catch that garter....I'm running out the door.....not yet....not for me!

JOJO: Dude!!! Okay, so let me run over this real quick....the album comes out the 21st...the 21st of November...

Howie: The 21st...yep.

JOJO: And dude, when you get some free time, brother, we gotta have you in the studio, man. That would be killer.

Howie: Awesome!

JOJO: That pretty much covers it as far as music you did some acting on the tv show Roswell...any more uh....any more episodes of that you gonna be in?

Howie: Well, I actually was the cliff hanger for the last episode of Roswell last season, and I'm talking with management and everything right now, trying to figure out during our off time if it's possible to do another episode or two...especially since I supposedly introduced this new alien life form on the last episode, so uh....

JOJO: Dude, that would be cool!

Howie: It might be very interesting to see me back on that show again so I'm looking forward to it.

JOJO: So is it safe to say we'll see you on Roswell and maybe some other tv shows as well?

Howie: Definitely, definitely. I'm actually taking some meetings out here in LA, and uh, checking with some different casting directors and producers, and you know, just fill in that off-time, you know.

JOJO: Yeah, like you got tons of off-time.

Howie: (laughs)

JOJO: Well, Howie brother, best of luck on the album, and I can't wait to premiere the single tomorrow night, and uh...maybe I'll bump into you later on tonight, and we'll run around and start all kinds of drama, dude.

Howie: Alright

Interview with AJ and Howard in Koln, Germany.
With VJ Tooske, from TMF (The Netherlands)
By Chrissy

Tooske: AJ and Howie welcome. Thanks for being on our show today.
Howard and AJ: Thank you!
Tooske: Where are the rest of the guys?
AJ: They are in my pocket.....I have Nick in my are actually at home.....uhmmmmm......a couple of guys had...uhmmmm......some personal things to take care of...and they are also still writing and producing stuff...they are gonna meet up with us in the following week in the UK and were gonna finish writing some more stuff for the new album.
Tooske: Are they preparing for their weddings?
Howard: Uhmmmm, yeah a couple of them are.....
Tooske: A couple of them are????
AJ: There is only two of them.....
Tooske: Exactly.....Those two are.....Which one of you is going to be the next to be married????
AJ: JOHN!!!!!
Tooske: John????
Howard: You mean Johnny No Name????
AJ: No, no, not Johhny No, no....I don't know....we are not looking to even get married any time soon.
Howard: No, nope.
AJ: We have a whole new album to work on....and we got things to do.
Tooske: What do you think the influence of their marriages might be on the future of the Backstreet you think they wanna be home more?
AJ: No
Howard: They might be......
AJ: No, they have their wives out with them....wherever the go.....they have their fiancees now...they have them whereever they go pretty much.
Howard: Yeah....I think it's gonna be the's not that they just met those girls....
Tooske: They just added the ring
Howard: Yeah, they got the ring
Tooske: The last time we talked was right for the major tour.....right for the introduction
actually of the Millennium do you look back at that?
AJ: I can't remember.....I can't remember that far back
Tooske: Picture Amsterdam, June 5th......
AJ: Oh, now you are getting specific....
Tooske: In the ArenA
AJ: Oh yes...
Howard: Remember with the haringfish and all that stuff???
Tooske: And you loved it, didn't you?
AJ: Not at all!!!!
Howard: I didn't
Tooske: Raw fish....
AJ: It was an experience...defenitely.....I mean the crowd....ESPECIALLY in Holland was just insane!!!
Howard: Yeah, that was our biggest European concert.
AJ: 65,000 or 70,000 was SICK!!!
Tooske: I was amazed that....uhhmmmm....every time Nick tried to....I was there....somewhere way way in the back....every time Nick started singing....the crowd would be louder than Nick.
Howard: OH really???
Tooske: Did you notice???
Howard and AJ: NO!......we had earmonitors so we didn't really know......
Tooske: Oh sorry.
AJ: We didn't even hear Nick, cause we don't even wanna hear Nick
Howard: Exactly!....we don't wanna hear the fans screaming for him.
Tooske: But how did the tour go? The early days of the tour in The Netherlands, and then you had a whole way to go.
AJ: The tour went splendid, it went really well....I mean it was long...the last week was the longest actually...and we ended the actual tour ended in the second week of March??? Remember????
Howard: Yeah.
AJ: Somewhere in March.....yeah...and it was just....a lot of fun, it was just a long tour.
Howard: Yeah!!! It was one leg in Europe and two legs in Amerika.
Tooske: What is a leg?
Howard: A leg???
AJ: Right here, you got this (pointing at his leg...LMAO)
Tooske: I know that leg......I think he is talking about a different leg.
Howard: A leg is like a certain timespan.....2 months a month
AJ: 2 months 3 months....a certain area...we did Europe for like 3 months...we did the US for 3 months and then we came back to the US again and did it for 2 months.
Tooske: Is it something....I don't know, cause I've never done a it that at....when it starts you think oh this is gonna be incredible and at the end oh I want this to be over???
Howard: You know actually for me....when I start it it seems like wow it's gonna be a long time...but then it starts to go kind of quickly then and at the middle it starts dragging a bit....
AJ: YEAH!!! (with a deep voice)
Howard: And at the very end it's WOW were did it all go?
Tooske: Uhuh.
AJ: The first month is like....???.....making sure everything is right....the middle is like dragging ass...and by the time you get to the starts to pick up speed but then like I said the last week of the tour felt like a year.....just cause, we were all waiting to get to the end of the tour, to have some time off, take a breather from it, you know, but.....we're gonna put together a true worldtour for this next album, which means....
Tooske: You already planned the next one, huh?
Howard: Yup.
AJ: Ones we finished the album and we figured out what this team will be and what the title of the album will be know Millennium was more that futuristic type of vibes.....and find a theme for this album and then....
Tooske: And when do you think this one will be ready?
Howard: We'll probably be done in a quarter here
AJ: Probably 2001 or 2002.
Howard: Maybe...
AJ:, we'll hope fully be done soon.
Howard: Probably the end of August hopefully.
AJ: Yeah.
Tooske: Who are you making it with?
Howard: Actually the five of us went down to the Bahama's.....and did some writing...
Tooske: You just had to go down to the Bahama's to write, huh
Howard and AJ: That's right.
Tooske: You didn't pick Iceland you picked the Bahama's.
Howard: It's in our contracts.
AJ: We had to go, where it's sunny and beachy and beautful women.....that's where we had to go.
Tooske: It's good for inspiration?
AJ and Howard: YES!!!
Howard: It's good to concentrate.
Tooske: So we'll get a whole album about beautiful women in the sunshine....that's why we have this setting here too.
Howard: Everything now around us is in the Bahama keeps us
AJ: Pom pom pom
Tooske: Is it gonna be Max Martin and his people again?
Howard: Yeah, we're actually gonna go to Sweden....
AJ: 2 weeks.
Howard: in 2 weeks
Tooske: Are you at all worried that...his sound is such a big thing now...there are sooo many artists that use him to create a sound for them....and you might sound like a whole bunch of other people?
Howard: Everybody sounds like us.
Tooske: But even if that's true a lot of people sound the same way.
Howard: Us were the first and that's all that is.
AJ: It's defenitely all good......I mean I think....whenever we work with Max we always seem to... some of the songs are very I WANT IT THAT WAY was the second coming of QUIT PLAYING GAMES....AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME and SHOW ME THE MEANING and all these songs...all these accoustic songs or what not....and then you have DON'T WANT YOU BACK kind of trew a wrench at everything it was kinda know.....
Tooske: Yeah
AJ: And LARGER THAN LIFE had the rock....DON'T WANT YOU BACK was more like the hiphop.....we had the Latin song SPANISH EYES....we kinda trew a couple songs in on the album that kinda changed our sound...just a little bit....but not drastic.
Tooske: That haven't been singles...YET.
AJ: I know...which really SUCKED, cause I wanted DON'T WANT YOU BACK to be the last single...
Tooske: Me too, me it going to be a single?
Howard: Nope....
Tooske: What's gonna be the next single?
Howard and AJ: I'LL BE THE ONE.
Tooske: I'LL BE THE ONE....why?
AJ: It was actually...I have been saying that it was a group idea, but actually it was my idea....
Tooske: So modest, huh.
Howard: Hey, hey now, common....give a little credit to the rest of us alright?
Tooske: Yeah alright.
AJ: I brought......since, no....well, actually it was me and Howie's....since the rest of the guys are not here.....I brought a suggestion up to the guys a while back when we were up on the US tour...and I thought it would be kinda cool if you would let our friends pick the next single.....all of us sat and brainstormed.....and we picked 3 songs...and then we were gonna....Brian was like why don't we shoot 3 videos......and show the fans and let them pick....and we were......we don't have time to do 3 videos we chose DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU KNOW, DON'T WNAT YOU BACK and THE ONE....and DON'T WANT YOU BACK lost by one point.
Tooske: So you wanted that single, but didn't have it?
AJ: would have been a good song.
Howard: See you messed yourself over....see with this brilliant idea it all backfired on you....
AJ: It was Nick's wasn't my fault.
Tooske: It was nobodies fault, butbutbutbut...we wanna know about the it done?
Howard: Yes, it's done.
Tooske: What does it look like?
Howard: It's actually a compilation of the whole last year...all of our actually see some touring from Europe.
Tooske: Ohhhhhhh, N'sync has a video with that.
AJ and Howard: We just heard that, yeah.
Howard; But that's ok.....
AJ: Ours is better...and it was our idea.
Tooske: Is it that style?
AJ: Yeah, but I mean, we.....we also do a lot of the behind the scene stuff....just us messin around......doing stupid stuff.....riding the bus...playing basketball.....uhmmm.....meeting some of the sick children that we have on our shows from MAKE A WISH some of the kids that have cancer...or whatever.
Howard: We have shots like the Rolling Stone photo-shoot....
AJ: With our pants on the floor.
Howard: And MTV.
Tooske: Oh really?
AJ: We dropped our pants for the cover
Howard: Did you see that?
Tooske: Yeah, I saw when can we expect you back in The Netherlands?
AJ: As soon as we finished the new album.
Tooske: Because you guys.....we missed you at this years TMF Awards.
Howard: I know...we were, uhhhhh...
(she is getting their award)
AJ: Ahhhh, does it still light up?
Tooske: No, it doesn't.....
AJ: Ahhhh man(this was a disappointing ahhhh)
Tooske: It doesn't need to.
AJ: I know...
Tooske: We missed you a lot and you were nominated for BEST LIVE ACT...cause everybody was crazy about your concert in you won
Howard: Oh, thank you....we wanted to come here, but it was at the exact same time that one of our personal secretaries was getting
Tooske: Alright, so a whole country suffered for one wedding?
Howard: Yeah, y'all should be very mad with her.
AJ: Yeah, you should be very mad with Nicole not us.
Howard: Give her number.
Tooske: So you promiss at least try to be there whenever there might be another.....cause if you never show up people might stop giving it to you.
AJ: Yeah.
Howard and AJ: we don't want that.
Tooske: Who wants it?
AJ: Me!!!!
Howard: I'll take it.
AJ: No, no.
Tooske: Don't drop it, don't break it....alright let me say goodbye.

Transcript of Howie on OHP - June 16 2000
Source: Z95.7, San Francisco, June 16, 2000 (Open House Party)

DJ: Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys, how are ya?
Howie: Alright, How you doing buddy?
DJ: I'm doing great..where are you?
Howie: I'm actually back home..orlando..i have a couple of days off
DJ: they're lettin you outta the cage!
Howie: haha..i know..
DJ: so whats the first thing you did
Howie: uhhm I went to my parents house and slept for a good couple of days and uh rejuvenated myself and actually I'm getting back into it back in the swing of things uh writin music and everything and uh gettin ready to a trip out to LA to do some writing with believe it or face
DJ: that's unbelievable!
Howie: yeah so I'm very excited about that
DJ: how'd you hook that up?
Howie: i've been doing a lot of writing here in the last couple years we've been trying to connect for the longest time with baby face and just you know schedule conflicts we've been on tour a little bit here and there and he's kinda been busy himself and it just finally worked out here just recently to be able to put our schedules together and work something out
DJ: well the next album is not gunna be one of these all ballad albums like madonna did is it?
Howie: don't think so! I heard some of the tunes already from uh the Cheiron team over in Sweden and they are just toally kick butt uptempo sounds really good
DJ: is it gonna be as good as millennium?
Howie: I think so.
DJ: well I gotta tell you the one uh quickly emerged as our number one song on open house party the most requested
Howie: awesome! cool!
DJ: so tell me what the other guys are all doing on their vacation
Howie: I think their pretty much uh just relaxing right now. I think aj's just kinda hanging out right now and then uh couple of the other guys are taking care of some personal stuff. got a couple weddings coming up
DJ: yeah kevin and brian uh?
Howie: yeah they got their hands full haha
DJ: yeah they sure are! wait till after their marriage
Howie: haha...i know..but it's cool
DJ: HAHAHHAHA! we'll have some backstreet little boys and girls!
Howie: nah..not for a while! to them they want it to still stay the same they just ya know they've just found a love in their lives right now they just wanna experience that part of life as well
DJ: and I imagine nick is locked up in a room somewhere playing the sims
Howie: haha yeah he's playing nintendo haha
DJ: hahahahaha and basketball!
Howie: right exactly!
DJ: has he gotten any taller since the last time I saw you guys last fall?
Howie: everytime I see him I think he's gotten taller
DJ: well he was 6'2" the last time we were together when we were out in uh san jose
Howie: yup exactly
DJ: and he was like almost as tall as me!
Howie: yeah well he's definately giving kevin a run for his money there
DJ: how tall is kevin? 6'4"?
Howie: yeah kevin's around 6'4"
DJ: yeah everybody relates kevin to lionel richie one time we were all standing around we were all tall it was great!
Howie: hahaha
DJ: you can't imagine though what its like to be tall and have to look down on people you really feel like inconspicous
Howie: haha...i know cept with my mom...she's a little bit shorter than me
DJ: oh I was gonna ask you..she's 6'4" too?
Howie: haha..noo
DJ: hahaha
Howie: she's the only person that makes me kinda feel tall
DJ: so when do you go to the studio and start cutting the new album?
Howie: well, I think most likely the plan is gonna probably be like around..uh come the beginning of july
DJ: how many songs ya think your gonna hafta choose from
Howie: I think amongst all of us we got a good proabaly 2 or 3 albums worth of material that we've written ya know collectively and individually here lately
DJ: you actually record a lot of the songs to see how the come out before you decide what gets in there?
Howie: umm sometimes we do that I mean on our first album that's what happened we recorded over 30 songs for the first album and uhh as time went on and sounds kinda change and ya know the style of the group kinda changed a little bit um we kinda sephered through all the stuff that we had recorded
DJ: I look forward to the new album because when Millennium came out I played it over and over and I just said how can they make all these songs so good?
Howie: haha..i know we got really lucky on that one we had a lot of great ya know songs come to the table and um we were very fortunate to be able to start collaborating on that album as well
DJ: well let's play one of those songs right now heres the one! the number one request tonight Howie Dorough with the Backstreet Boys hope you had great time talking with us on open house party
Howie: thank you I appreciate it, thank you very much!
DJ: look forward to seeing you real soon
Howie: definitely
DJ: alright? over and out?
Howie: over and out!
[plays The One]

Here's Howie's chat transcript that he did at Yahoo in the summer of 1998! Thanks to Yahoo for the transcript!

Go to Howie's Yahoo Chat