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All About Me!

Here's a page all about me, the page creator! I'm VERY flattered that you would even come to this page to find out about me! There are a few people I wish to thank for being my friends here right now....Linda, for being one of my VERY best friend in the whole wide world, Michelle, for being an AWESOME BSB bud (Brian's yours forever!) and for asking me to work on her site with her, Neesh & Cris for listening to me talk abuot Howie 24/7, Amy for being my BEST friend (and I DO mean it!),Paula for being a great friend, Sheila for being an AWESOME friend & for loving Howie as much as I do, ALL of my friends at for being my BEST Howie sisters, my sisters for being my BEST friends, and my friend from a BSB Chatroom, Ebony for listening to me babble endlessly about how much I love Howie! *L* This site's for all of you!

Click here to listen to me sing Genie In A Bottle By Christina Aguilera!

Click here to listen to me sing I Wanna Love You Forever By Jessica Simpson!

Click here to listen to me sing Sometimes by Britney Spears!

Click here to listen to me sing Get Over Yourself By Eden's Crush!

Click here to listen to me sing I Turn To You By Christina Aguilera!

Click here to listen to me sing More Than That By Backstreet Boys!

Click here to listen to me sing He Loves You Not By Dream!

Click here to listen to me sing Supergirl by Krystal!

Click here to listen to me sing Falling by Alicia Keys!

Click here to listen to me sing I'm Like A Bird by Nelly Furtado!

Click here to listen to me sing Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman by Britney Spears!
