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Howie News!

Here's where you'll find out the latest news on Howie!

April 22, 2001

Chelsea's Diary Entry
Tuesday April 3rd, I drove to Orlando to go pick up Howie to go to the Studio with me. I, as well as Howie wanted him to be there while I recorded to help me out if I needed it. You know, to give me a second ear. Unfortunately Howie was really sick with the stomach flu, but he still wanted to be there. He was such a trooper. He stayed with me in the studio for five hours while he was feeling really bad. After the five hours of recording in the studio, Howie finally decided he could go no further. So he went home, I felt so bad for him. I stayed for another 2 hours to finish one more song. I was able to record 3 songs. They were the songs that I performed this past Saturday at the Orlando Easter Parade. The rest of the week was left to rest my voice and work on the last two songs for my demo. Friday, April 6th, I was invited to watch MTV Cribs at Howie's house. That was a really cool experience. Be on the look out for it! Love y'all, Chelsea

September 28, 2001

Dear Supporters of The Dorough Lupus Foundation,

It is with great pride and joy that the Dorough Lupus Foundation and I are happy to annouce that Howie has been awarded the honour of becoming a Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Torch Relay Carrier.

I wanted to thank each and everyone of you once for your support of this campaign. It is very much appriciated. Together we accomplished this wonderful feat. The Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Torch Relay Committee received over 10,000 e-mailed votes from the general public for Howie to be given this outstanding recognition.

Look for the Olympic Torch Relay Committee to offically announce the winners at the end of this month. In February of 2002, Howie will be carrying the Olympic Flame with another great humanitarian, Lance Armstrong and other worthy recipients. The publicity this distinction will bring to our Organization is priceless. Thank you.

Please feel free to post this wonderful news on all BSB sites and any related pages. On behalf of the Dorough Lupus Foundation and the Dorough Family I would like to say thank you once again for your continued support of our fine organization.

Elizabeth Fields
Volunteer, Director of Fundraising

Howie D. Visits Child Patients
BOSTON (AP) - Howie D of the Backstreet Boys spent some time with patients at Children's Hospital to help raise awareness of the disease lupus.

Howie D joined patients and doctors on Sunday to promote a newly formed alliance that will make it easier for patients to participate in medical research. The singer founded the Dorough Lupus Foundation after his sister, Caroline, died from the disease.

The foundation has teamed up with Veritas Medicine, an online resource providing information on clinical trials and treatment for lupus and more than 50 other diseases.

The singer signed autographs and talked to patients, some of whom were overwhelmed with emotion.

"It just brings a good feeling to my heart to come back out here and visit these sometimes-sick patients and bring a little happiness to their lives," he said.

Lupus is a disease that causes the immune system to attack the body's own tissue. It mostly affects women between the ages of 15 and 44.

Backstreet Boy Howie D. Allies with Veritas Medicine to Speak Out on Lupus and Raise Awareness of Clinical Research

September 2001 (Newstream) -- Veritas Medicine, a comprehensive and confidential online clinical trials and treatment resource for more than 50 chronic medical conditions, today announced a partnership with Howie D. of the Backstreet Boys that will broaden access to cutting-edge research on investigational treatments for lupus at

Dorough lost his sister, Caroline, to lupus in 1998. At that time, Caroline's doctor approached Howie with the idea that he could help lead the charge in fighting this mysterious yet debilitating and often deadly disease. In collaboration with his family, Howie founded the non-profit Dorough Lupus Foundation, whose mission is to raise money for lupus research, education and for financial assistance for those who cannot afford treatment.

As part of the new alliance with Veritas Medicine, reciprocal web site links have been established between and

"We are pleased to announce that the Dorough Lupus Foundation will join forces with Veritas Medicine to further our common goals of building awareness for Lupus and educating the public about this disease," said Dorough. "Establishing Web links between Veritas Medicine and the Dorough Lupus Foundation will create a better source of information on what kinds of clinical trials and treatments are available."

There is no cure for lupus, a disease that causes the immune system to attack the body's own tissue. Lupus most commonly affects women between the ages of 15 and 44, and resultant kidney disease is a leading cause of sickness and death. Kidney complications occur in up to 75 percent of patients with lupus, resulting in loss of kidney function, kidney failure and the need for chronic dialysis and aggressive drug treatment.

The new link will make it easy for visitors to the Dorough Lupus Foundation Web site to learn more about lupus, current treatment options and cutting-edge clinical research now underway to fight the disease. Through Veritas Medicine's secure and confidential matching technology, users can pre-qualify for specific lupus clinical trials taking place nationwide or in their area.

Users may opt to receive additional information about clinical trials, assistance with initiating enrollment through the Veritas Medicine Patient Support Center and the bi-weekly Veritas Medicine Viewpoint email newsletter for updates on new research and clinical trials in the field of lupus.

"Though lupus affects an estimated 1.4 million people in the U.S. and millions more of their loved ones, national awareness and useful information about this condition is still lacking," said John Yee, M.D., chief medical officer at Veritas Medicine. The need for clinical research is profound, as there has not been a new treatment introduced for Lupus in 30 years. "By linking to, Veritas Medicine is able help bridge this information gap and assist patients with enrollment in important new research."

About Veritas Medicine

Based in Cambridge, Mass., Veritas Medicine is the first comprehensive online medical resource developed to address the needs of patients, physicians and other healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical sponsors through a centralized and highly secure online resource that provides expert, reliable and up-to-date information about clinical trials and innovative treatments. Veritas Medicine adheres to the strictest standards protecting the confidentiality of its users. It is a member of Hi-Ethics (Health Internet Ethics) and subscribes to the principles of the Health On The Net Foundation (HONcode). These are two of the leading organizations for ensuring privacy, security, credibility and reliability of medical and health information on the Internet. The company is backed by Burrill & Company, BioAsia Investments, Cambridge Innovations, Seaflower Ventures and MDS Capital. Veritas Medicine is located on the Web at

Backstreet Boy Cruises For Charity

MIAMI, FL - Howie D of the Backstreet Boys will cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line's (NCL) newest ship. The Norwegian Sun will host Howie D's second annual cruise for the Dorough Lupus Foundation December 15, 2001 for a 7 night Deep Western Caribbean Cruise. Howie D will perform a private one-hour concert during the cruise. Other events include a one-hour celebrity auction. Last years cruise event raised over $36,000 for the Dorough Lupus Foundation. Angie Herring, Executive Director-Dorough Lupus Foundation) hopes to double the donation this year.

The Norwegian Sun will make its debut in November 2001. She will be one of many cruise ships of the NCL fleet who will offer a new Freestyle Cruising environment where guests can choose from 9 restaurants and dine anytime. The Norwegian Sun will cruise from Miami to Grand Cayman, Honduras, Belize, and Mexico. This itinerary is great for snorkeling and scuba diving.

Miami-based Norwegian Cruise Line is an international cruise company and industry innovator that currently operates a fleet of eight ships sailing to more than 200 ports around the world. NCL is currently building three new ships: Norwegian Sun, a 1,960-passenger sister ship to the Norwegian Sky (for delivery September 2001); Norwegian Star, a 2,200-passenger ship that will be NCL's largest (for delivery in November 2001); and Norwegian Dawn, a 2,200-passenger sister ship to Norwegian Star (for delivery in December 2002).

Travel plans can be booked with Dream Cruises & Tours special website at or by calling (904) 332-0890.

For further information on NCL, contact Dream Cruises & Tours (904) 332-0890 or NCL in the U.S. and Canada at (800) 327-7030; in Miami-Dade County, Florida, (305) 436-0866; or on AOL at keyword: NCL.


The first payment installment date is fast approaching:
1st deposit $100 per person ($200 single occupancy) due 8/20/01
2nd deposit $500 per person due 9/10/01
Final payment due 10/10/01.

November 1, 2001

Backstreet Boy Dorough a hit with lupus sufferers
Date: October 31, 2001
Source: USA Today

By John Morgan, Spotlight Health
With medical adviser Stephen A. Shoop, M.D.

By Bill Perry, USA TODAY

The Backstreet Boys are back. With the release today of The Hits: Chapter One, the boy band is once again expected to race up the pop charts. But for band member Howie Dorough the fast lane and platinum records are no longer the main focus of his life.

"A little over three years ago my sister Caroline died of lupus," says Dorough. "After the funeral, the band was supposed to do a big concert in South America. Everyone was telling me I should go, that Caroline would have wanted me to go because she loved our music and was so proud that I was doing what I loved."

So three hours after burying his sister, Dorough was on a flight to South America.

"And that's when it hit me — how fragile life is and I just lost it," he says. "I realized that we get so caught up in our jobs and forget about the important things. The Backstreet Boys don't matter at all if you don't have your health. Your health and your family are everything."

The long flight left Dorough with plenty of time to reflect on his sister's life and the pain he felt over her passing.

"There are five kids in my family. I'm the baby. My sister Caroline was 12 years older than me, so she was always my babysitter — we were very close," recalls Dorough. "Then Caroline came to us and told us she had lupus. Caroline just thought of it like diabetes, that it was something she had to deal with, but nothing was going to hold her back."

But after her first child was born the lupus got worse.

Despite the setback, Caroline still wanted to have another child. Two miscarriages followed. Her second child was born four months premature with cerebral palsy. And her lupus worsened.

The Call

Caroline's doctor had recommended more aggressive therapy, but she said she didn't want any drugs — she wanted a quality of life.

"Her choice is really hard for me because I know if she took the drugs she probably would have been around a lot longer. It's selfish, I guess, because you can't know how good her life would have been. And she loved life."

Dorough says his long flight to South America was made all the more difficult because he was unable to say goodbye to Caroline before she died.

"I've struggled with that a lot," admits Dorough. "It happened so fast. It was September of 1998. We were celebrating winning our first MTV award and my dad called my brother John to let him know Caroline was in the hospital. He told my brother not to tell me but I could tell something was wrong and I dragged it out of him."

Dorough told his tour manager that he was going to have to miss the next show and left immediately to be by Caroline's side.

"But I missed my flight by 10 minutes," says Dorough. "By the time I got to the hospital the doctor was trying to resuscitate her, but we lost her. I felt so terrible that I hadn't been able to say goodbye to her. I just couldn't stop thinking about missing that first flight."

In Caroline's honor, Dorough and his family started the Dorough Lupus Foundation to support lupus research and treatment throughout the world.

"We do fundraisers for local lupus organizations after a lot of our shows," says Dorough. "And for the second year I'm doing a charity cruise on Dec. 15. We do karaoke night where you get to sing with me. I get to interact a lot with everybody, and it raises money for a great cause."

Today, Dorough is passionate about eradicating the disease that claimed his sister's life. Last March, Dorough presented lupus expert Dr. Bevra Hahn of UCLA with over $130,000 to continue her work toward better treatments and an eventual cure.

Larger than life

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the internal organs, blood, joints, and skin. The body's immune system incorrectly identifies its own cells as antigens and attacks them, causing pain, inflammation, and even death.

As many as 2 million Americans may be afflicted with lupus. Contrary to popular belief, nearly 90% can expect to live a normal lifespan. Women are 10-15 times more likely to develop lupus than men. African-American females are the most at risk and Caucasian women the least.

Researchers still do not know exactly what causes lupus, but several consortiums are working to identify the genes responsible.

"The research that appears most promising involves gene therapy that manipulates cytokines — proteins that either promote or protect the body from inflammation," reports Hahn, a professor of medicine at UCLA and its Chief of Rheumatology.

"The hope is that we will pinpoint the genes involved and be able to identify those at risk," says Dr. Daniel J. Wallace, clinical professor of medicine at UCLA and author of The Lupus Book.

But while lupus sufferers wait and hope for a cure, new treatments to improve their quality of life are finally emerging.

"There are essentially two forms of lupus — mild or severe," explains Wallace. "As patients with lupus are living longer, many are succumbing to the complications of the therapy, not the disease itself."

Experts say these complications are often caused by long-term use of high doses of corticosteroids like prednisone and chemotherapy to control the more severe form of the disease.

Last June the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) angered many lupus experts by denying approval for one of the more effective lupus treatments to emerge in recent years — dehydroepianderosterone (DHEA).

"DHEA clearly works for mild lupus," says Wallace. "It's primarily an androgenic (male) hormone and improves energy, cognitive function, inflammation, and is steroid sparing. The approval was halted by statisticians, and I just hope none of their kids have lupus."

"I think the high dose of 200 milligrams is helpful with mild to moderate lupus," agrees Hahn. "People need less corticosteroids and have fewer flares. There's less disease activity. But there's a caveat: Some people respond and some don't."

Ironically, despite the FDA's action, DHEA is a common item at health food stores across the USA. But Hahn and Wallace caution that lupus patients should take only DHEA prepared by a pharmacy, since consumer brands are considered a food supplement and are not regulated for purity and dosage.

Climbing the charts

New therapies for lupus hold great promise, including:

Biologics — A targeted therapy that kills the bad cells but leaves the good ones alone, LJP394, made by La Jolla Pharmaceuticals is currently in final testing. "I'm very enthusiastic about this treatment," says Hahn. "The preliminary data looked excellent and we're still enrolling patients in trials."

Immunoablative therapy — Patients who have severe lupus are given 10 times the normal dose of chemotherapy over four days, obliterating their bone marrow. They are then given back their stem cells to create a new immune system. Because this arduous process takes nearly two years, people must remain on a copious regimen of medications to prevent infection. But data indicates that those who respond have remained in remission for 2-3 years.

Whatever therapies emerge, Dorough says he intends to help fund a cure for lupus.

"This is definitely a personal mission — I am trying to educate myself and others about lupus so we can better understand this terrible disease. I would never want this to happen again to another family."

As Dorough arrives at his hotel, he suddenly stops talking. "I'm staring at the address — it's 1111 Caroline Street. Can you believe that? It makes sense — she always was my guardian angel and she still is."

November 22, 2001

Apparently, back when the Boys made a recent appearance on The View, Howie was eating backstage. He bagan choking, and according to AJ, "Howie began wheezing, and we turned and looked at Howie, and his face & eyes were blood red. Kevin almost had to give him the Heimlich."
Word of advice, Howie....CHEW YOUR FOOD! We love you and don't want this to happen again!

April 2, 2003

Thanks for making "Breakfast At Jillian's" a resounding success. The combined totals for these fundraisers was an astounding $40,000 and as usual we couldn't have done it without you. Special thanks to the staff at Jillian's NY & LA and all the celebrity guests for all their help and support with these events. More details coming soon!

Lupus Cruise Fan Review
Written by Charity Ross

Hello everyone, my name is Charity and I attended the Lupus 2002 Cruise this past December. This is my review. I hope you enjoy it.

"Welcome Reception for photos with Howie D and Sport Olympics sign up in Adriatic Lounge" 5:30 pm - 8 pm.

The first night of the cruise we had our first event. The meet and greet we off very well. I was so nervous that it was making me a little seasick, so I had to dash back up to my room and put on my motion sickness bracelets, that my friend, Cathy, graciously brought for me. (She knew I had never been on a cruise before and she wanted to be prepared for the worse.) As Cathy and sat at our table, we were joined by 4 more ladies. Two adults who had their adorable young daughters with them. All 4 of them were Howie-D fans.

Angie and Pollyanna were sitting at a table where they'd be taking our money for our meet and greet photos and for the excursion that was planned. The photo could be taken with Howie-D only, or you could have your photo with him and Pollyanna. I had mine taken with both of them. The excursion cost $40 and this was a trip to a private area of a beach in St. Maartin, accompanied by Howie, Pollyanna and their aunt. I spoke to Pollyanna as I passed by her not realizing at first that it was her. She looked like she was either a little sick or maybe tired. But, she stated that she was exhausted and she smiled generously and made some quick conversation with me. She made a nice impression on me right off.

We hadn't sat there long at all until I looked up and I saw Howie coming down the stairs and into the then inside. He first joined his Mother, Father, Aunt and his brother. After we all began to get in line to pay for our photos and the excursion, Howie and Pollyanna made their way to the back of the room where they were set up for photos.

When I first approached them to have my picture made I was surprised to be greeting with conversation right off from Howie. Also they both greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We chit-chatted as before taking the picture and afterwards. Also, Pollyanna said to me, "We'll talk more later." And gave me another hug and Howie also gave me another hug with a kiss on the cheek. They both gave this same treatment to everyone, not just me. I must add that it wasn't only them, their entire family was just as nice and they all made a point to get out and mingle with everyone.

After the pictures we were all offered some free eats and drinks. I tried the Rum Punch. It was okay, but I don't drink much so I just sipped it.

After this event was over, we had enough time to dash up to our Penthouse Suite and get ready, quickly, for our 8:30 dinner.

10:30 pm; DLF Celebrity Auction in the Adriatic Lounge.

The auction was interesting, to say the least. Adam (Chelsea's boyfriend of two years) and Howie made quite the team as they worked together on stage. Both, very funny guys. Adam is one of the funniest people that I've ever met. He has a wonderful and friendly personality.

There were items that were donated by other artist such as Krystal, LFO, NSYNC and lots more but I can't remember them all. The most exciting items were the Backstreet Boys concert items. One of my favorite items donated was the pink suit that Howie were during the "All I have to Give" song. He couldn't decide if he wanted to let it go or not and seemed to honestly have a hard time deciding. But, he finally did.

During the auction they also called off the numbers to raffle tickets for certain things such as winners to "lunch with Howie and Pollyanna" and a chance to play board games with Howie. I won Lunch with them, set for the following Saturday.

Monday, Dec. 16th.

The DLF Hospitality Desk was set up on the Lido Deck everyday from 9AM to 11AM for anyone who wanted to pick up some Information concerning the disease, Lupus. You would usually find Angie and her husband Tom there offering any assistance and information.

2PM: Board games with Howie. I believe they started off by playing the board game "Survivor". We gathered around to watch. Howie was winning, of course, I mean, who'd want to vote him off? lol not me! But, he did tell everyone near the end, "You guys have to vote me off! I don't want to win an item autographed by ME!" This night was the Captain's Formal Night. At 8PM the captain offered free drinks in the Adriatic Lounge where he greeted all the guest upon arrival. There was a nice jazz band playing. We looked but didn't see Howie or any of his family there. They could have been there, but we didn't see them. We all dressed in our very best so there were a lot of beautifully dressed people out that night. We set out for a very nice dinner at 8:30PM. I had lobster. Well, I didn't only have lobster, I actually ate way too much and it was all delicious!

10PM: Disco Night with guest DJ Howie-D at club Artic.

We all arrived early to be sure and get a good table so that we could watch Howie at work. We did get the table right across from the DJ booth. Soon after ordering, Howie came in surrounded by security and waving to us to say "hi again". He played a lot of remix BSB songs and everyone crowded on the dance floor. Howie, being the funny guy that he is, at one point jumped out of the backside of the DJ booth and up on a ledge began pretending to do a strip show. lol He took off his tie and was twirling it around and holding it behind him while he was twisting his butt on it. After many shouts of "TAKE IT OFF!" and my 'wolf whistles', he laughed and returned to the booth where he continued to spin some dance tunes. After he finished there, he, his family and staff gathered in a taped off, reserved section of tables in the corner where they invited some waitresses in, who had to work so it would be their only chance to get to meet him and his family. They did spend plenty of time on the dance floor dancing with everyone though. His family was all, very nice and they would stop by to talk with us as they passed by.

I decided to go back to the room and get some rest around 1AM. I ran into Pollyanna and some friend on the elevator. She invited me to hang out with them and when I told her that I didn't want to intrude, she said to me, "Oh Charity, what are you going to do, go back to your room and hang out alone? I insist, you're coming with me." Very sweet lady! I told her that I appreciated the invitation but I'd feel like I was intruding and she understood.

Tuesday: Dec. 17.

12 noon; Lunch with Howie-D and Pollyanna for the raffle winners.

2PM: more board games with Howie.

5PM we arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

8:30: Dinner. I have to add that Howie and his family were across from our table. I think there were two tables between us. It was nice to be able to look over and get another glimpse of him.

10PM: Night out in San Juan. Howie and his family went to visit some family. Howie's Penthouse was right next door to my and my roommates so we spoke to him before we left and on our way out to check out the mall, we ran into Pollyanna as she was going to meet up with Howie and John in Howie's room. She gave a Spanish lesson to one of our friends and told her what to say to Howie, in Spanish so that she could let him know that she thinks he's a wonderful person. She also explained how she and her family were really looking forward to getting to visit with some cousin's and their uncle while there.

Midnight: Depart San Juan.

Wednesday Dec 18:

8AM Breakfast, which I never attended. I just had coffee on my balcony.

10:45 DLF Excursion Day in St. Maarten; includes bus transportation, BBQ lunch (Mahi Mahi chicken or ribs), welcome rum punch, soft drinks, and reserved beach chairs / umbrellas - $40 per person.

The DLF group all gathered together for our excursion to the beach. We met and all left together to board one of two buses they had waiting for us. We made the trip to the beach were we had our own private area just for us. We had chairs and umbrellas sat up awaiting our arrival. As I sat and read the book I had brought with me, I watched as Howie, Adam, Johnny and some more guys played football on the beach. After they had finished, I watched as Howie picked a spot in the water where he could go in to cool off. It was really funny to watch because there was a bunch in the water swimming as he went in and there was no one in the area where he entered. But, as he went in, I saw all the heads move . getting closer and closer to him, until they were all surrounding him. lol Being the Sweetheart that he is, he didn't seem to mind. He stayed in the water a good long while and talked with everyone.

We were offered a very tasty dinner that was of course included in the price of the excursion. I had Mahi Mahi chicken and it was very good.

We left to head back to the ship at 4PM.

Howie, Johnny and some others road our bus back to the ship. As Howie walked passed us, he was looking for a seat in the back of the bus and he chanted some elementary chant that had something to do with "let's all move to the back of the bus." lol sorry but I can't remember what it was that he said.

7PM Depart St. Maartin.

8:30PM; Dinner

Thursday Dec 19:

8AM arrived in St. Thomas.

Day of leisure in St. Thomas / St. John. My friends all decided to go to the beach today. I decided to stay on the ship. I wasn't feeling up to going to the beach and thought I'd just enjoy some time alone, laying in the sun on the balcony and checking out the ship.

Howie D Auctioned Excursion - Sailing to the Virgins to Buck Island . auctioned off to a couple that won this for their 3 children.

I went up to the Lido deck and hung out some with Angie (Howie's sister), Tom and Adam. I have to be honest; I think that Angie was the nicest person that I met during this trip. She is a very nice person and also a very caring person who misses her sister more than anyone could imagine.

After talking with Angie she told me that although she and some others do go on the Internet sometimes and they do read some feedback from fans, she told me that Howie does NOT go online. He is so busy and intimidated with the computer system that, although he can do a very few things on it, he does not know enough about it as to go online. She said that he doesn't chat with anyone online and he doesn't email with anyone online. If you are one of the people who think you are chatting with him or emailing with him, let me tell you .. IT'S A POSER, IT IS NOT HIM.

She also expressed concerns with some of the rumors that are going around online about Howie and Leigh. And I'm going to clear those up now. First I want you to know that the rumors .. all of them, not just the ones about Howie and Leigh, does not make any of them mad, it really hurts their feelings. They give a lot to their fans; more than allot bands do, and to read some of the rumors that are out there, is really hurtful.

Now, on to Howie and Leigh; They are no longer dating. Yes, he did take her to Marc Anthony's wedding. But, they went as friends only. He isn't dating anyone, so since she had expressed to him that she would love to go, he took her. Although the loving relationship has ended, they are still very close friends and do hang out sometimes. But, there is no romance involved. One of the rumors that Angie had read online was something to the affect that Leigh is so hung up on Howie that she just won't let go. This isn't true. Angie said that Leigh is a friend to Howie. From my experience, Howie's a very nice guy and I can see why Leigh would want to cherish their friendship.

6PM Depart St. Thomas; St. John.

8:30 Dinner.

Later: Some friends caught up with Howie in the Casino. I'm not sure if he was winning or not, but I'm sure he was having some fun relax time.

Friday Dec. 20.

12 Noon, lunch with Howie D & Pollyanna, for raffle ticket winners.

4:PM - 5:30PM; Pop Up Video with Howie D for raffle ticket winners. It was pretty funny to watch this. Howie needs to study up on his music trivia! lol

8:30PM Formal Dinner. Again we all dressed in our . other best. and headed down for a really nice dinner. Again . I ate way too much!

11PM - 1AM: DLF Christmas Karaoke with Howie D and family in the Black & Red Seas Lounge. I have to say, this was a fun event. There were a lot of brave people in our group who got up and sang. All of them did a very nice job! I was impressed. Howie sang with Pollyanna once and another time he got up and sang alone. The funniest part of the evening was when Hoke (his father, of course), Johnny and some of their staff got up to sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth." After they got up and began singing, we all noticed that Hoke and Johnny had their front two teeth colored in with an eyeliner pencil! They were so funny. I could never describe here how they were acting while singing and have you get the whole affect! But, let me put it this way, at one point, Howie latched onto Johnny's shirtsleeve to try to get him to "Johnny Stop!" We were all glad that Johnny didn't listen and he & Hoke kept right on going!!! There was so much laughter in the room that I noticed people stopping outside the closed doors and looking inside to see what all the commotion was about. Angie, her assistant, Alisa and Pollyanna' s assistant, Laura got up to sing, "Santa Baby". They did VERY well! Ladies, if you read this, I want to say, you all have very nice voices and you were great!

We all talked some before leaving the lounge, so I had a friend take a picture of Howie and I with her camera. In return, I took one of her with him. I also had her to take one of Angie and I . And Angie, I promise I haven't forgotten to send you a copy! I will do that soon, I promise!

We all hated to see the evening with Karaoke end, but it had to end sometime. After Karaoke we all went back to the Club Artic, where Howie-D had decided to be guest DJ again. I went back to the reserved section where it was taped off for Howie, family and staff and was going to chat some with Angie, but Hoke told me she had already left to go to bed. So, my friends and I sat and had a few laughs. One of the ladies in our group had not been brave enough (she's very shy) to stop Howie for a picture with her, so we stopped him and asked him if he'd be so kind as to pose for a picture with her. And, of course, he did.

Howie and Johnny had lots more fun on the dance floor after he resigned from the DJ booth. I stayed until it was almost closing time. I only had one drink. On my way back to the room I had one of the ship employee's. not sure exactly what he did, but he told me he was second in command to the Captain. yeah right. try to pick-up on me. But . I shook him off pretty quick. But, not until after he invited himself to escort me back to my room. Don't worry though, he didn't get inside! I said thank you and goodnight outside the door and then closed it.

Saturday Dec21:

I got up at 9AM for some coffee on the balcony and to get ready for my lunch with Howie D and Pollyanna at 12 noon. We had two tables reserved. Pollyanna would set at one table and Howie the other and halfway through lunch, would switch tables.

Pollyanna wasn't feeling her best. Her throat was a little scratchy and she was a little hoarse. She was worried about her voice not being its best for the special show that she and Howie would put on for us that night. She sat in the chair right beside me and we talked.

Soon, Howie exchanged chairs with her and there he was sitting so close that the chair arms of our chairs touched. I had thought that I'd be nervous about this lunch. But, I had already talked to him and his family so many times that it really was no big deal. I do have to say this . up close he is such a beautiful man. His face flawless . just as his personality. We didn't really talk about anything having to do with the Backstreet Boys, except for him mentioning that they would be working on the new album after AJ returns home from his honeymoon. Rather just talked about normal stuff that anyone would talk about while sitting around the table. The lunch lasted a few hours, so it really made the trip more special than it already was.

When leaving the restaurant I stopped to talk with Pollyanna. I asked her if she would mind, if later on, I got a picture with her. I didn't carry my camera around with me and hadn't gotten one except for the one taken during the meet and greet. She told me that I could take as many as I wanted. and then asked if I wanted to get one now. A friend of mine, who also attended the lunch, had her camera and was nice enough to volunteer to take the picture for me, and then send it to me. When Polly and I stood at Momma-D's sides to pose for the picture, Momma-D asked in a surprised voice, "You want a picture with me too?" As if she was surprised that I wanted her in the picture also. I told her, "Oh, of course I do." She is so meek and sweet, she reminded me a lot of my mother.

4PM - 5:30PM, Howie-D board games for raffle ticket winners. Of course since this was the last day of the cruise, we all gathered again to watch! (And take lots of pictures and videos)

8:30PM Dinner. Our last dinner. Our headwaiter was given lots of appreciations from us. He was a very nice and sweet guy, not to mention very funny. Oh, and I forgot to mention that every night just before desert was brought, the entire staff in the restaurant got up to put on a show. I think it was the first or second night that when 4 of the waiters and waitresses got up on some tables to dance for us, Kathy, the coordinator for DLF got up to put a dollar in the belt of a waiter who was pretending to strip. It was so funny! The DLF staff is full of fun and funny people who kept us entertained, as well as, kept us all at ease.

10:30PM: Broadway Meets Backstreet with Howie D and Pollyanna in the Adriatic Lounge.

Howie and Pollyanna practiced all day to prepare a very special show for us this night. Most every time we stepped out on our balcony or outside our door, we could hear them in Howie's room singing. All of Pollyanna's worry over her voice was in vain, because; let me tell you . this lady can sing!!! If you've heard her on her website, you've heard nothing! I never expected such a great voice to come from this lady! She should be doing some Broadway shows!!! She has the perfect voice for it! If you do not have her CD yet, you need to get it because you are in for a very nice surprise!

They started out singing and acting out some Broadway tunes. Some together and some solo. We all loved it when they sang, "I can do everything better than you" (I think that's the name of it)

As they moved on to the Backstreet part of the show where Howie sang for us, "What makes you different". I don't think there was anyone at all talking for every mouth, may have been open, but no sound was coming out, unless it was gasps of excitement and adoration! Every eye was locked on him as he brought down the house with his solo version of this great song. While he was singing, I noticed that Johnny was standing behind me video taping. I turned to him and said, "smile" and he did. I decided later to take another one of him, just in case that picture didn't turn out (because I was usually my digital and it was sort-of dark in the room) but he saw me right off and he gave me a look as if I was bothering him, he quickly turned so that I couldn't take the picture and he went to the other side of the room. I know, you're thinking, "Well, maybe he didn't want to be bothered. But, I have to say in my defense that during the entire cruise, I never took my camera with me.. Only this one time, so I did not at anytime, except this one night, take any pictures . So, I doubt that I bothered him too much.

The last song of the evening, Howie and Pollyanna preformed "Fly to Heaven" which was written for and dedicated to Carolina. There were no dry eyes in the place as we watched as Pollyanna lost control and began to cry. Howie noticed as we all did . kept singing but he moved over closer to his sister, put his arm around her and pulled her close to comfort her. She did pull herself together and managed to keep going. Even through her tears, she was absolutely amazing. I was balling! But .. I noticed around me that I wasn't the only one. This was truly a night that we did not want to end.

Since we were all asked to pack and put our luggage outside our doors before dinner, and Howie and Pollyanna were busy rehearsing, they hadn't gotten the chance to pack yet. So, as soon as the show was over, they were rushed out to go get their luggage set out.

The rest of the family stayed behind to say their goodbyes to everyone. I had a very nice last chat with Momma-D. We hugged and kissed (on the cheek, of course) and talked for a few minutes. She expressed how pleased she was with the show and how since she knew her very loving daughter was in a much better place now (and she pointed toward Heaven) she knew she was there and she saw the show . and was happy. She also told me that Caroline hadn't told the family how bad her illness was. She wanted to save them the worry and grief of knowing. She said, "That was just the kind of person she was."

Afterwards I said my goodbyes to some of the staff; Kathy, Laura and Alisa we all exchanged hugs and expressed what fun we all had getting to know each other. These people are unbelievably nice. They were always hanging out and mixing with us. Adam also was making his rounds and wishing everyone his best. He gave out lots of hugs and smiles also. I made my way over to say goodbye to Angie before heading back up to my room. I have to say again what a nice and sweet lady she is. You can tell that it's genuine too. She had given me her email address when I talked with her on the Lido Deck and I told her that I'd send her some pictures and keep in touch.

All in all, I had a wonderful time and a very relaxing time. I want to tell you all that Howie is a very down to earth person who anyone can just walk up to and talk to and he always seems happy that you did. He always had a smile on his face. His family was the same way.

There were, I think, 92 members of our group who went on this cruise and we raised over $30,000.00!!! GO US! I want you all to know that not only is the Dorough Lupus Foundation, who is not affiliated with the Lupus Foundation of America, raising money for Lupus research, but they also raise money to help victims of this terrible disease who are low income and can't afford to buy their medication! You would be helping so many people receive their medication that is so badly needed, if you would only make donations. Just think, if you were to send in like $5 a week or even a month, or have $5 or $10 taken out of your paydays and sent to the Dorough Lupus Foundation, it would not seem like a lot of money . but when it is added to the other donations that is sent in, all of those small donations add up and make a huge difference to those who are in need of it. I leave you with this . PLEASE see it in your hearts to help out. This disease is a painful disease and some people have no one else to turn to but you.

June 4, 2003


Move over Justin, J.C., Nick and every other boy bander who stepped out on his own it's Howie Dorough's turn now. Howie told Billboard that during the Backstreet Boys' current break, he has decided to put out a solo album. The CD will showcase his songwriting in both English and Spanish, but he assures it will have an international flavour. "I never want to neglect the fans in Japan, Europe, Canada or America," said Dorough. There is currently no word on a release date. Late last year, The Backstreet Boys filed a $75 million dollar lawsuit against Zomba, claiming their label held up the release of the band's fourth album to delay paying the group a $5 million advance.

June 28, 2003

Review Of Lupus 2003
By Dawn J. Elmer

Howie's meet & greet was to be from 11:00-12:30 the day of the concert but you know how it is because when it's on Howie time it always starts late. About 11:30 they finally started so everyone was getting excited. I was about 2/3 way back in line so had to wait a little until it was my turn. There was only around 52 of us so it didn't take real long & it was nice as he got to spend a minute or 2 longer with everyone. Finally it was my turn. He said "Hi! I remember you from all the other DLF events". He then gave me a wonderful hug which felt so good. Then I gave him the gift I made for him. it was like a certificate that I made on the computer. I put butterflires on it with a little border & then wrote a message to Howie & his family on it about his foundation. He read it & thanked me for it & then I got my picutre with him. It was cute as he held up the thing I made for the picture but it's too bad as when I got my pictures done you can't see it since I had my zoom out too far. Also during the picture he was rubbing my back so that was cool. I will never forget that. I almost left after my picutre with him but Howie said wait as he had to sign the DLF event flyers which he gave to everyone. He also saw my t-shirt I had made of him & I from the LA Breakfast & tol me he liked it. Once I was done I stood around & took a few pictures. Then they drew the 10 names of who won the dinner with him. Unfortunately I didn't get picked but oh well. I didn't win the birthday phone call either which was a bummer. While Howie was doing the dinner with the winners at the NBA All Star Cafe my friends & I had something there to eat. Wish we could have seen what was going on with Howie & the winners but there was a big TV screen in the way where we sat.

As to the concert they were very strict about cameras this year. They were checking everyone's bags. Someone asked one of the security if we could take the battery out of our camera & put it in our pocket because if was too far to take them back to the hotel. He said that was ok as long as we didn't use our cameras. I went thur the gate & had my camera out & security told me no cameras. I had said to them that this other guys said it was ok that I took my battery out as long as I promised not to use it. I thought they would check my purse too as I had 2 disposables also but because of the discussion with my good camera they never did check my purse. Picked up my signed DLF bear & went to my seat. It was funny because I had the exact same seat as last year front row center. The show pretty much started on time & ran smoothly this year & was over a decent time too. Howie came out & then introduced his family. As it turned out everyone else was taking pictures so I got my good camera out & put my battery back in. I was careful using it though as I didn't want to get caught as they did catch some & told them to put it away. I just took pictures of Howie & no one else as I stuck it away when I wasn't using it. First to perform was Shiloh a new country group which was good. I loved them esp. since I love that kind of music. Then was Pollyanna who sang "Fly To Heaven" with Howie which was beautiful as always & then she sang a couple songs alone. Tito Puente Jr., Alfonso Blackwell, Dream & Debelah Morgan were good also & got the crowd going. Tito Nieves ended the show. He was having trouble singing later on so had Howie come out & sing with him. He got the ball rolling esp. with his salsa dancing which was awesome. They ended the show by all coming out to sing & doing the train as they left the stage. Also Howie did his wardrobe change between each act again. Looked awesome as usual & good in each outfit esp. the sleeveless one. He wore that shirt 2 years ago at Lupus 2001 during his solo concert the 2nd night as I was there & have pictures of that also.

After the show went to Tabu. It was nice as it wasn't too crowded. We have VIP table so we were up near where Howie was at. Howie came a little later & it was cool as he was stopping at the VIP tables & talking to everyone without no bodyguards around. We were at the last table but he didn't quite make it to ours but he looked over to our table & he recognized me & gave me a cute wave which I saved back. Then he headed to the other VIP area where his family was. Went to Tabu the next night too. Had VIP table for that night also. It was a little more crowded thsi night but not bad. Howie came later & talked to a few poeple but not long this time as his bodyguard was with this time so he was kind of hurried through. He was able to get a couple pictures with fans but that was it.

It was good to meet some of the other fans there like Hiedi, Jan, Kim, Sami, Cathy & Jen. I enjoyed meeting you all for the first time & some again that I have met before.

Well, that's it about my Lupus 2003 experience. It was a lot of fun.