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Howie Sounds!

Here are some Howie Sounds for all of you Howie Lovers out there! Thanks to Trista at the Howie's House web site for letting me use them (her link is on my links page)!! If you want to borrow these for your site, e-mail Trista at to ask her if you can use them! Thanks! These clips require RealPlayer....if you have RealPlayer but can't hear the songs, save them first and THEN listen to them! If any of these links don't work for any reason, PLEASE e-mail me ASAP at to let me know! And now, for your listening pleasure....Howie D!

The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Describing His Dream Girl
Interview With Sonia Benezra
Howie's Morning Call
My Heart Stays With You
Howie Introducing Himself Live NEW!!
A Preview Of Treat Me Right (With Foxy Brown) NEW!!
Howie & Brian Singing "2 Become 1"