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P/T Sounds By Episode

DOHWelcome to my .wav files page! Everything on here is P/T, or at least P/T related. I've seperated them by episode. Right now I have only a few, but more are definitely on the way!DOH

Blood Fever

Push- "Don't push me away.."

Careful- "Be careful what you wish for, Lieutenant"

Klingon- "I saw your Klingon side.."

Gun- "This is not about the gun.."

Quiet- "Tom, be quiet.."

Impossible- "Are you saying I'm impossible to resist?"

Want to- "Oh, but you wish you could.."

Before and After

Died- "When B'Elanna died, I felt like I.."

Worst Case Scenario

Steam- "We could add a steamy love scene between.."

Real Life

Romance- "B'Elanna, is this a romance novel.."

Scientific Method

Caught- "I must be really paranoid.."

Alter Ego

Smashing- "Lieutenant, you look.."

Day of Honor

Love- "I love you.."

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