My piranha is a little different you'll see at the bottom of the page some of the parts I used. Instead of that cheapo LPC I used a bob long spyder compact LPC adapter, which you'll see is a replacement vertical adapter.
Instead of the reg they used I used the bob long reg which has a lot better qualifications.
If you are a piranha owner and wishing to convert to the wonderful world of Low pressure as I did you will also need a turbo valve , available at CO paintball for the piranha, and a venturi bolt also at CO paintball.(note I am not an advertiser these are just preferences and guidance.)These things and an aftermarket barrel will set you into low pressure. Also make sure the barrel has at least 6-8" of stock in it.
Another thing you may find that a piranha may perform much better in Low pressure than a spyder do to the advancements of the internals.
This is the bob long spyder compact LPC
This is the bob long regulator
Note:I do not advertise or guarantee ANY products and cannot be held responsible. These are only preferences.