Runaway Bride
Official Paramount Site

Starring: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack, Hector Elizondo,
Rita Wilson, Paul Dooley, Christopher Meloni, Jane Morris, Laurie Metcalf
Category: Romantic-Comedy
Rating: PG

This is the greatest date movie - and perhaps the safest bet! - of the summer. Julia Roberts is again paired with Richard Gere, and the in-between years have added depth to their natural, albeit uncanny, chemistry. They are so much better here than in that other movie they did together...Pretty Woman.

Julia Roberts & Richard Gere

Roberts shines as Maggie Carpenter, a small Maryland town, country girl with a trio of almost-weddings to her credit - or shame. She just can't get the "I do" part. But there's nothing wrong with Maggie, really! She's just got the same commitment phobias that most single women have today. Y'know, the ones that men used to have?

Julia Roberts

Richard Gere's the perfect romantic leading man. His hair is just beautiful - not to take anything away from his amusement-filled portrayal of newspaper columnist Ike Graham. Graham's got a weird handle on Maggie, considering his own failed-through-neglect marriage.

Julia Roberts & Richard Gere

Joan Cusack plays Maggie's best friend Peggie, who runs the local beauty parlor - convenient for an ever-the-bride gal. Rita Wilson plays Ike's ex-wife and current boss, Ellie. Her husband Fisher is played by Hector Elizondo (who has appeared in all of director Garry Marshall's 11 films). Paul Dooley plays Maggie's father, Walter Carpenter. Christopher Meloni plays Maggie's fourth intended, Coach Bob. Jane Morrie is Mrs. Pressman - who must surely own stock in Hairnet Spray - and also appeared in Pretty Woman. Laurie Metcalf (best known as Jackie on Roseanne) plays the nit-picking Mrs. Trout. There's also a very quick Hitchcock-like cameo made by director Garry Marshall at the baseball game!

This is a must-see for hopeless romantics. But Garry Marshall described the movie best: "This film has a lot of laughs, both verbal and physical, and a lot of romance. I hope audiences will come away with the feeling that you don't have to put on an act to find love, but to be true to yourself. Everybody deserves to be loved for the unique person they are."

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