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Chapter 10

Paige woke Katalina up the next morning.
	“ Wake up honey; you’re late.”
	Katalin awoke slowly. She was still in her clothes from the day before. The book sat open face  
down on her chest. She stretched. “ I don’t feel good,” she said rolling over moving the book. “ Stay there; I’ll talk to your father.” After Paige left, Katalina picked up her book. She was on chapter 5. Belinda had just arrived at
Jeremy’ house. She picked a piece of light blue ribbon from the bedside table. She marked the page
with it and put it on the table. She had just curled back under the covers when Paige came back. “ You father said to just stay in bed.” “ Alright,” she rolled over and went back to sleep. Rainquest met Dru and Michael for lunch. “ Good afternoon,” Rainquest greeted Michael as they sat. “ How is everything?” “ Fine.” “ Tell him about Katalina,” Dru urged. “ What?” Michael asked anxiously. “ I have a question.” “ Shoot.” “ What did your parents do when they found out your sister was having sex?” “ Well, it was two months after her sixteenth birthday. He grounded her and told her she couldn’t
have sex while she lived in our house.” “ Did she stop?” “ Yes, but she also had a scare that she was pregnant.” “ Hmmm,” Rainquest said thinking. “ Why do you ask?’ “ Because I found out Katy was having sex.” Michael went white. “ How?” “ There was a condom wrapper in her pile of clothes.” “ Oh. Do you know whom with?’ Rainquest shook his head. “ Should I find out?” It was Michael’s turn to shrug. “ I don’t know.” “ Maybe I will.” Michael gulped. “ Don’t worry about it,” Dru said. “ You know what they say. If they really want to do it, they
will.” “ He’s right you know,” Michael agreed. “ I think I know how to handle this. “ Are you sure?” Dru asked. “ Yes.” “ Just be fair,” Michael warned. “ Katy?” her father called to her when he arrived home. “ Yes?” she entered the room. Her eyes were puffy and red. She seemed tired. “ Are you alright?” She shook her head. “ Katy, I’ve come up with a new rule. In order to follow our Christian values and morals, you are
not allowed to have sex while you live in this house.” Katalina’s eyes blared. “ Yes father.”