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Chapter 11

	Rainquest came into the house several days later. 
 	“ Katy?” 
	There was no answer.
	“ Katy?”
He walked up into the living room. She wasn’t there. He up the stairs.
	“ Katy?” he knocked on her bedroom door.. He pushed it open. The room seemed empty. The 
room was clean and the bed made. “ Paige?” he called going back down the stairs. “ Yes sir?” “ Where’s my daughter?” “ She said she was going to Devra’s about four-thirty.” “ Did she say when she would be back?” “ No.” He looked back in his mind. The BMW hadn’t been in the driveway. There was nothing in her
room. Her personal possession were gone. “ Did she take her things?” “ She had a duffel bag when she told me. I figured she was going to spend the night.” “ Thank you Paige.” Rainquest picked up the phone. “ May I please speak to Devra? Thank you….Devra, it’s Mr. Verret…Fine. How are you?…Listen
Devra, is Katy there?…No. Alright…Thank you Devra,” he hung up the phone with a sigh. “ Where could she be?” Katalina sat in her BMW outside Michael’s apartment building. She didn’t have the courage to get
out of the car. Suddenly she felt as if she was being watched. She looked up. Michael gazed down at
her from his window. He disappeared and in no time he was beside her car. She sighed but didn’t get
out. “ Kal? Are you alright?” he said through the open window. “ No.” “ You look like you’ve been crying.” She nodded. “ What happened?” he looked concerned. Then his eyes went wide in realization. “ He told you
couldn’t have sex while you lived in the house, didn’t he?” She nodded and began crying again. He touched her cheek. “ Stay with me,” he said. “ Really?” she wiped her eyes. “ Yes. You and me, we can make it work.” On the radio an older song came on. “ She’s just sixteen years old, leave her alone, they say…” Devra watched out her front window. She was praying Katalina would come to her. Her father had
called half an hour ago and she still hadn’t shown up. She had called Desree but she wasn’t there
either. “ Come on, Kat,” she said to herself. “ Come to me. I’ll help you.” Nothing happened for ten minutes. Devra watched knowing she wasn’t coming. She jumped when
the phone rang. “Kat?” she said picking up the phone. “ It’s me.” “ You’re father called. He sounded upset.” “ Really?” “ Yes. Where are you? He thought you were here.” “ That’s what I told Paige.” “ Why? What happened? Where are you?” “ I’m at Michael’s.” “ Oh. You sound upset.” “I am.” “ What happened?” “ Dad said I couldn’t have sex while I lived there.” “ So you moved out?” “ Yes.” “ You’re not going to live at Michael’s are you?” “ Yes.” “ No, Kat. Live with me. Mom will let you, I promise.” “ Devra-” “ Stay with me. Don’t live with him. Please Katalina.” “ I’m fine here.” “ But what do I tell your father?” “ You tell him nothing! It’s his own fault!” “ Kat-” “ Good bye, Devra.” Katalina hung up the phone. Michael watched her. Then he sat down at his desk. “ Michael?” “ Yes?” he turned in his chair to face her. Then the phone rang. Katalina picked it up and handed it to him. “ Hello, this is Michael…yeah…this evening?…alright…I’ll see you there…Bye.” He put the cordless phone down. “ That was your uncle. Rainquest has a problem. I’m suppose to meet them for dinner.” “ Don’t tell him!” “ I know; I won’t. He’ll take you away from me.” He hugged her tight. “ I love you,” he whispered so softly that she could not hear him. Michael sat down at the table beside Dru. “ What’s going on?” “ He’s got a crisis with Katalina.” “ What happened?” “ I don’t know.” Just then Rainquest reached the table. “ You!” he cried out. “ It’s all your fault!”