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I Find You There

"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee,
O God.
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God:
when shall I come and appear before God?"

[Psalm 42:1-2, the Bible]

As a river runs to meet the sea,
I run to You.
Lord, your grace is all I ever need;
Your love is true.
Your abundant mercy flows to me;
I know You care,
For as the river runs to meet the sea,
I run and find you there.

Glory to Your Name;
With joy my soul proclaims
That You are all-sufficient, Lord;
Your mercy's still the same.
Glory all to You;
Praise for all You do.
By grace alone, I live each day;
My soul is born anew!

As a forest longs for gentle rain,
I long for You.
For Your gentle shower of love and grace
Makes all things new.
Your abundant mercy flows to me;
I know You care,
For as the forest waits the coming rain,
I wait and find You there.

Glory to Your Name;
With joy my soul proclaims
That You are all-sufficient, Lord;
Your mercy falls like rain.
Glory all to You;
Praise for all You do.
By grace alone, I live each day:
My soul is born anew!

And forever, Lord, I see
That in You my soul is free;
And to You Lord, may I run to find
My every need,
As a river runs to meet the sea!

Song  "As The River Runs"
(Copyright 1998 by Elton Smith and Larry Holder)

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Song  "As the River Runs"
by Elton Smith and Larry Holder