View from my hotel window at night in Madrid
The Fort In Toledo
Brittney, Cal, and Anne
The Square in Toledo
View from my window in Madrid during the day
Me pimpin the
Nicole bursting in the door
Danielle looks off into the distance while Aimee does something in the background
The group waits in the airport in Paris
One of the famous rose windows in Notre Dame de Paris
This is the stadium where we saw the bullfight
This is the first part of the bullfight called the Paseillo
This is a look down the Gran Via in Madrid from the hotel
This is the Museo del Prado in Madrid. It was too big to fit in one picture so I split it up. The top is the left, the middle is the front, and the bottom is the right.
Danielle, Nicole, Brittney, and Brittney at the breakfast table
Anne at the breakfast table
Toledo outside of the train station
A picture of the countryside of Spain on the way to Paris
Kara, Sabrina, and Anne
A view from the main altar in Notre Dame
A statue of Joan of Arc
These are some of the candles that people lit at Notre Dame
The River Seine in the middle of Paris
The Eiffel Tower on a gloomy day
The city of Paris
Brittney gives me an evil eye or two
This is Stephanie. She is from Virginia and she was on the train with us going to Paris.